B-Linciglrr Fanning. Saturday. October 4. Agri-lutinou Leader Soyt Half-Truths In Pollution Rumors An agri-business leader extend' ed a broad plea for u peo corned into the‘Pioneer family Bollinger, R 2 Denver. 5, Eugene nle " he added “are willing to by Robeit J Woods, President. Bollinger; clover later cutting jump to conclusions based on as- and Floyd Collins, Director of —1, Charles Gable: 2, Thomas sumptions, without seeking the Sales Bolhngei facts ’ Wheeler chaiged the countv extension agents with lesponsi bihtv to intei pi et for then local oublic the scientific repoxts and other matenal on pollution in le- to agriculture In the final <-nal>sis he noted, the pioblem of undei standing agncultui e’s role m pollution control is not j tne lack of infonnation, - ‘but an extieme void ot objective intei- 1 p etation ’ in i elation to the; pioolem Home Gardeners Manv home gaideneis with green tomatoes on the vines at irost time aie intei ested in pick ■'ig these tomatoes and storing them until thev npen Our veg etable experts inform us this is possible if handled pi opei ly The tomatoes should be picked be foie they are fiosted and only tiose that aie fiee from any t isease 01 mechanical defect the tomatoes will ripen best in a c’aik 100 m at a tempeiatuie of 60 to 70 degiees It is possible to have gaiden tomatoes upemng for weeks aftei a killing frost if When you need BIG MILK COOLERS ___n Gallon 850 1000 Gallon These man-sized coolers are built for heavy cooling requirements. Each cooler meets Sunset’s rigid stand ards that have made Sunset the world’s most widely used bulk milk cooler . . . «nd they are priced right! C. B. HOOBER &SON Intercourse. Penna. Piorfe 768-8231 1 Loco! Mon Attend Training Ssminor John Denlinger. Robert Groff. Wilmor Nlssley nnd Elam Stauf fer attended a 2-day sales train ing seminar sponsoicd by the Pioneer Corn Company. Inc at their home office in Tipton, In diana last week Over 80 newly appointed salesmen were in at tendance fiom Michigan. In diana. Ohio. Pennsylvania. New Yoik. Delawaie. Maiyland, Vn gmia and Connecticut Dining the sales seminal, new salesmen weie schooled in the new Pioneer hybnds avail able for then home aien They w . weie also familialized with the • Gable Win modem pioduction and hand- (Contained Horn Page 1) ling of hjbiid seed coin at the , D T . V( . n „ v Tipton Pioduction Plant Other ' r . , rnhlp t highlights of the .seminal in- «° lla » d *: ® a n b , le ’ eluded actual m-the field bi.el- R Ann Jost R 2 Nano.. later cut L Da\icl Watch ’em go for...PURINA! Horses really go for Purina. Now you can choose from two great Purina horse feeds—new Purina Horse Chow Checkers with built-in hay or Purina Omolene, a favorite of horsemen for almost 50 years. Purina Horse Chow Checkers are a revolutionary idea in feeding horses. The hay. is built in, eliminating the fuss and muss of hay. For those who prefer to feed hay there’s the horsemen’s standby—Purina Omolene. We offer both of these re search-developed Purina horse feeds in handy 50-lb. bags at our store with the Checkerboard Sign. West Willow Farmers Assn., Inc. Ph 464 3431 West Willow John J. Hess, 11, Ph 442-4632 Paradise Ira. B. Landis Ph 394-7912 1912 Cieek Hill Rd , Lane '• ,Form Xol«n4/Br r r (Continued from Page 1) Symposium. Farm and Home Center. 630 p m —4-H Lender’s Ban quct, Form and Home Ccn ter. Wednesday, October * 8 • Id— Mnnheim Fair (see schedule on this page) 8 00 p m —Lancaster County Soil and Water Diicctors meet. F.um and Homo Cen tei Thursday October 9 10 a m New Holland Sales Stables Open Fat Steel Show New Holland Sales Stables Wenger's Feed Mill Inc. Ph 367 1195 Rheems John B. Kurtz Ph 354-9251 S D 3, Ephiata Inc. James High & Sons Ph 354-0301 Gordomille Monbeim Fair Schedule Wednesday. October 8 3 30 p m —Sheep and Swine Show 6.30 p m —4-H and FFA Baby Beef Show 7 00 pin —Community Farm Show Parade (Rain date Oct 9) Thursdaj, October 9 6-30 p m —Dai.y Show Frldaj. October 10 1 00 p m Tractoi Di ivmg Contest 8 00 pm— Maikot Hog Sale a 45 p m —Awarding of Faim Show Trophies In 1969 there aie an estimat ed 49 million families in the United States, totaling 180 mil lion people In addition, theio aie 22 million people that live alone oi in homes of othcis AVAILABLE NOW FOR FALL SEEDING • Cert. Cayuga Alfalfa • C c^^ nns(xit Red • Cert. Saranac Alfalfa . ft Cert. Ladino Cloier • Cert. Vernal Alfalfa • Cert. DuPuits Alfalfa _ , , w 0 Pennmead Orchard Grass • Cert, Buffalo Alfalfa • Cert. Iroquois Alfalfa YES - WE WILL HAVE CERTIFIED ORDER YOUR FALL SEED GRAIN NOW • Balbo R>e • Cert. Xorline Winter Oats • Celt. Redcoat Wheat P. L ROHRER & BRO„ INC.{ Smoketown gipf mmm' H R. D. 3, Lrtitz, Pa. 350 Sfrasburg Pike, Lancaster fa-, lake. 397-5179 ~ -Jr (Continued front Pujc 1) Jeff was also named the chan pion fitter of the show. Linford Martin, East Earl Rl, started off the show by winning the top Angus ribbon His breed champion black steer sold for 39 cents a pound to Willow Val ley Motel. The reserve cham pion Angus was shown by Lany High. Lcola. The sale averaged 35 5 cents per pound and brought a total of 87,192 Twenty-two steers d# Heiefoidsand 12 Aiuusweie ia the show. Placings aie as follows: ANGUS, Linford Mai tin. Lar iy High Lucinda Yoier, Galen Yoder Mike Martin HEREFORD, Ken Groff: Jeff Mai tin Scott Steff' Richnd Giolf. Timothy Hooier Si\U pei cent of popula tion of the United S' tes is eli gible to \ote • Cert. Climax Timothy • Pastute Mixtures BLUE BOY WHEAT • Cert. Pennrad Bailey Ph. Lane. 397-3539- I you can add more cows when you I ... MECHANIZE WORK I ... MODERNIZE HOUSING with A STARLINE BARN CLEANER Fully automatic endless chain ]r models or the economical Roll-o-way. STARLINE BARN EQUIPMENT • VENTILATORS • WINDOWS X • FANS • STALLS A * WATER BOWLS