Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 04, 1969, Image 7

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    ■Jh*-. . pu .g ... y' ... The set iw
(lively country air, so delectable for summer serving. The peasant*
wiyle design is done in counted-thread embroidery, using even
nrfave linen and six-strand floss. Free instructions are available byi
tending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the Needlework j
jpditor of this newspaper along with your request for Leaflet
EE 2328.
Start here. New, improved Red Rose Milk
'Replacer gives calves more vitamins and
minerals than their dams’ milk That gives you
more milk to sell for profit
And grow. Then in the 3rd or 4th week
introduce your calves to Red Rose Calf
Starter (While they’re still being nourished
With Red Rose Milk Replacer)
And grow. In the 12th to 20th week begin
mixing in a little Red Rose Calf Grower with
■the Starter so that at approximately 16 weeks
'of age your calves will be on Calf Grower
And grow. After 20 weeks gradually change
|lo Red Rose Fitting Ration to assure continued
Rigorous growth a"nd development
And grow. Top-dress or mix in Red Rose
JRummator for the absolute maximum in
(Vitamins, energy and feeding efficiency.
Walter Binkley & Son
Brown & Rea, (nc.
EBverson SuppSy Co.
Henry E, Garber
R. D. 1, Elizabethtown, Pa,
L. T. Geib Estate . r
Manheimj-r r j -l l -
J. ~ & *
1 I. B. Groybill & Son
Etefton , .. , Strasburg
Start here and grow.
E. Musser Heisey & Son
R D y 2, Mt Joy, Pa,
Heistond Bros.
Red Rose Form
Service, Inc.
N Church St, Quarryville
David B. Hurst
Mortal's Fepd Mill, Inc.
, |B 9 3, Ephrata, Pa.
Mountville Feed Service
Put them all together and you have over 127
years of feed knowledge from one of the
most advanced dairy herd management
centers in the country —Lancaster County,
Pa , the home of Eshelman and the location
of one of Eshelman’s leading mills.
Red Rose
Take A Look At Your Woodlot
Take a good look at your wood
lot this autumn. Do matuie trees
dominate certain areas, hinder
ing the growth of saplings be
neath? Can more desirable tree
species be planted in some
According to a Pennsylvania
State University correspondence
course on farm forestry, well
managed woodlands have trees
clpse enough together to com
plete with each tsther for space
and light. Competition causes
growth to be concentrated in the
tops of trees, resulting in trunks
free of branches, making clear
lumber, free of knots.
Overcut 01 grazed woodlands
have too few trees and competi-
Musser Farms, Inc.
Musser's Mill
The Buck
Chets. E. Souder & Sons
Terre Hill
Ammon E. Shelly
E. P. Spotts, Inc.
Honey Brook
H. M. Stauffer & Sons,
Lancaster Farming. Saturday. October 4. 1969— 1
tion lor space is absent Conse- sity. There aic no other charge:
qucnt’.y, the tices are wide- ard a complete com sc cop 1
spicadinq with shoi t, limby comes to yon by mail
trunks that make little clear
At the other extieme, 100
many tiees may be on an aiea.
Overcrowding with too much
competition lesults in stagnated
giowth and i educed pioduction
of usable tiees No caie in the
early stages of a planting results
in failuie of desirable trees to
become dominant. Thinning is
needed to reduce ovei crowding.
Send your name and address
with $3 45 to Farm Forestry,
Box 5000, University Park, Penn
sylvania 16802. Make checks to
The Pennsylvania State Univer-
PLANT FQOD\ softmne
♦-siobf-* <6 ° ib - Baies)
o- „ (300 lb Bales)
1 ‘'Look For This Sign”
So. Newport Road
Inteicourse, Penna. Phone (717) 768-8451
Harvest high moisture corn and save three ways.
When you harvest corn early, at high moisture, you harvest
it at maximum nutrient content. The earlier haivesting
also reduces field losses due to lodging and dropped ears.
And costly drying is eliminated.
HARVESTORE “locks in" more valuable TON. The
HARVESTORE system of storing and processing saves
more of the valuable energy m high moisture giain.
This saved TON can add up to more profitable gams or
milk production. It’s like adding extra acres
to your crop land.
Many farmers also process cornlage (low-moisture silage)
through their HARVESTORE. This gives them the feed
value of the entire plant. The lower moisture level
also eliminates hauling and storing unneeded water.
Add the-labor-saving advantages of HARVESTORE bottom
unloading and automated feeding Small wonder
so many owners consider HARVESTORE the key to
increased production and profit.
For details, see or call us today. We’ll show you how your
neighbors are locking in extra profit with HARVESTORE.
multiplies manpower
and (andpower
309 Diller Ave.
The Information contained herein is eeneral in nature and Is drawn from
sources deemed to he reliable Any application to a particular farming opera,
lion requires the advice of qualified experts and is subject to limitations of food
management, weather and other conditions present at the individual locatm.
Try A Classified Ad
New Holland, Penna. 17557
Phone 354-5171