Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 20, 1969, Image 20

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    20— Lancaster Farming. Saturday. September 20.1969
Expert Seamstress, Good Cook,
Talents of Mrs. EL Robert Bare
Chairman of Domestic and Fine Arts
At- West- Lampefer Fair
By Mrs. Charles McSparran They held a fashion show Au-
Lancaster Fanning gust 6 at the Faim and Home-
Staff Reporter Center in Lancaster and the
Cooking Club served cookies
The fair giounds at Lampetei ant } a Achievement Day
will be the scene of animation was in August at the Lam
next week when their forty-fifth pe ter-Strasburg High School
annual fair gets into swing It anc j Miss Marilyn Krantz from
is strictly an agricultural and club was selected as 4-H
educational fair with no conces Q ueen The Meiry Maids meet
sions This fair has a board ol a { the Martin Mylin Jr High
45 directors. Roy B Herr having school which is near the Senioi
been on the board all 45 yeais jjjgh School Elva, herself, was
of its existence The fair asso- a 4_jj mem ber at Manheim
ciation operates a restaurant w jj e n Mrs Benjamin Sheaffer
liid dairy bar The F.F A, was j ea( j er Mrs Bare, the
FH.A and \arsity Club also daughter of Mr and Mrs Paul
operate food stands A well- sauder of Manheim, attended
rounded program of enteitain- Manheim Central High School
ment is planned This fair has a
, , , . . , The Bares own a beautiful 63
fine display of farm machinery
and other commercial exhibits acre tarm on Millport Road be
Last year West Lampeter tween Bridgeport and Lampeter
Fan Association paid out $2756- where they have lived the past
00 in premiums Among the in- *8 years John Lapp farms it
teresting displays in the old together with several acres from
grade school house at Lampetei neighboring faims They have
which is of particular interest to a herd of 30 Holsteins and own
women is the Domestic And the farm equipment They grow
Fine Arts exhibit of which Mrs corn, wheat and hay Mr Bare
E Robert Bare (Elva) is chair- helps some with the farm work
man She has exhibited at the an< t IS one °t the Garden Spot
fair for years but last year was leaders. He is a hunter
her first year to assist in the They have a summer cabin in
work of the fair They had some Tioga County with 12 othei
275 entries of sewing and handi- families Last year he caught a
work ai tides They will stait lar S e sail fish m Mexico which
accepting exhibits next Tuesday niakes a beautiful wall decora
noon. tion for their living room He is
Mrs Baie is an expert seam- a boat enthusiast The family
stress She won fust place on a enjoys boating and water-skiing
coat last year at the Pennsyl- m the Chesapeake Bay
vama Farm Show She makes Mi Bare and his brother Ja
her own diapes, clothing foi c °b aie partners in the E K
herself and childien She is a Baie & Sons, Inc potato broker
sewing mstructoi together with a § e business at Bird in-Hand
Mrs. Elvin Hess for the Lam- The >’ buy potatoes from Maine
peter-Strasbuig Meiry Maids 4 to Florida, mostly in the eastern
H Club of which Mis Rofaeit section of the United States
Hess is the leadei They have °7 The potatoes fiom Maine aie
girls in the Sewing Club and 8 usec * laigely foi seed Ninety
in the Cooking Cluo They have P er tbe potatoes they
had their lound-up this yea> buy go to chip factones They
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Mrs. Elva Bare in her immaculate one of her favorite recipes
kitchen pours a glass of ice tea made from
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CREATING a lovely dress for her
daughter is Mrs. Robert Bare. An expert
seamstress, Mrs. Bare won first prize at
do not own trucks but truck
owner-operators work for them
Most of their business is con
ducted by telephone Mrs
Robert Bare and Mrs Jacob
Bare assist in the office work
Mr and Mrs Robert Bare
have four children The oldest
are seventeen year old twin
girls Karen and Carol Carol
helped at the office of E. K
Bare & Sons this summer
Kaien worked in the bake shop
at Plain & Fancy Farm & Din
ing Room Both of these gnls
are good cooks During school
season when their mother is
working at the office they take
turns cooking at home They are
Seniors at Lampeter-Strasburg
High School. Carol is taking a
business course and is interest
ed in food She was in FH A.
last year and was one of the
secretaries for one of the teach
ers at school Karen want to go
to college and take an elemen
tary education course She likes
drama and takes part in 4-H and
school plays She is cheer leader
for the wrestling club Both
girls are in the 4-H Sewing Club
Donald is 16 and takes an Agri
culture couise at Lampeter-
Strasburg and is in FFA He
was on the Jr High School bas
ketball team last year He wants
to be a daily faimei He is rais
mg three cahes foi \eal He
lot es to iun the tractoi on then
faim Julia is 9 and attends
Hans Hen Elementary School
The Bares aie members of
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MRS. BARE is chairman of the clothing and needle
work at the Lampeter Pair. The coat she is wearing was
made on her own sewing machine and took first prize at the
Pa Farm Show A fine dieffenbachia plant is in the back
ground. L. F. Photo
Stumptown Mennomte Church
Mis Baie teaches a class of
teenage gnis and Mr Bare is a
substitute teacher in the Sun
day School He is also treasurer
of the Sunday School. Mrs Bare
is a past president of the
chuich sewing circle They help
with the woik of the Mennomte
CentKil Committee of Akron
They make di esses, skins and
pajamas and knot quilts make
lepiosy kits and layette kits
which go to Hong Kong, Jordan
and othei foreign missions
They also make sewing kits and
new-boi n kits which go to Haiti.
Honduras etc Some ladies knot
sweaters for the Christmas bun
dles which consist: of clothing,
a sweater, a cake of soap and a
toy These must be at Akron by
June. Carol, Karen and Donald
are active in the youth group at
church They are attending
youth camp at Camp Hebron at
Halifax this month. Three
church youth groups go to the
camp at a time. The youth
group from Stumptown Church
raises and sells lima beans as a
money-making project ' Their
social activities include moon
light cruises, box social, fall
party and a hay ride.
Mrs. Bare is a member of
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the Pennsylvania Farm Show last January
with a top coat she made. L. F. Photo
Farm Women Society #22
which has 28 members and Mrs.
Paul Miller of Lancaster is
president. Their money-making
projects consist of rummage
sales, food stands at sales and
food and garden sales among
their members They have con
tubuted to the County Home,
American Red Cross, Easter
Seals, Cleft Palate, Faim and
Home Center, American Cancer
Society and Halfway House
They enjoyed a swimming party
this summer and have a trip
planned to Allentown. They
have had interesting programs
with a speaker from Cleft Pa
late, a foreign exchange student
to speak and Mrs. Mark Weaver
told how to dry flowers and ex
hibited some arrangements.
Mrs. Bare says “I enjoy sew
ing, I enjoy reading and I enjoy
tiavelmg.” Last fall they flew to
Mexico and they fly to Florida
sometimes. These trips to Florida
aie partly business and partly
pleasure. She has made sonic
embroidered quilts in the past
but doesn’t have: time to do it at
present. Besides being an expert
seamstress Mrs. Bare is an
housekeeper. She says she also
(Continued on Page 21)