*-Lancaster Farming. Saturday. September 20.19G9 18 Shuman. Calls Fpr United Farm Workers To Prove Commitment Amencan Farm Bureau presi dent Charles B Shuman this week challenged Cesar Chavez ; nd the leadership of the United Faim Woikeis Organizing Com mittee to “pioveout their pro fessed commitment to non-vio lence” and do all in their power to spare the grape-growing areas of California from “an apparent i eturn to violence ” Shuman noted police reports ir and around Delano, California tnat establish a possible pattern ol arson and vandalism in vine >aid installations and packing sheds Most severe was a $200,- 000 file that destioyed the pack- “Whether or not these are me sheds of Bruno Dispoto Com- tactics of desparation by those pany in Delano Delano police c i llV en by the failure of the boy icpoit evidence ot arson Two cott to bankiupt giape groweis.’ nouis eailier a similai fue de- jj, Shuman said, ‘these acts saoyed a box shed ot the Elmco ]IU)S t be condemned by all pait V’ineyaids in neaiby Ducor in- jes to this controveis\ and fl ctmg damages to piopoity and t b e \ must be ended " machmeiy estimated by the Tu- < - he said< “fci the repeated pledges of non violence on the pait of Chavez UFWOC, the California Migran! Ministry, and othei mimstenal organizations who suppou the bovcott to assert themselves ' shongly in the tensions of the giape contioveisy ” Mi Shuman said that, while final returns are far fiom in, ‘the boycotteis aie losing then boycott” He noted the mcreas i igly fiee movement of Califoin la table grapes into the ma]oi maikets of Noith America some of them newly created by the necessity of the boycott Only m Boston and Toronto aie combined numbers of chain stor es still holding out against the sale of giapes, he said, “ while independent stoics and smallei cooperative meichants are enjoy ing a record business in the sale of grapes ” He pi edieted an end to the chain store hold outs in those cities in “the veiy neai futuie ” Shuman conceded that opposi tion fiom UFWOC and its allies in the clergy and among a few industrial unions is still foimid able, and that “we may expect some last-ditch resistance in areas wheie boycott organiza tions have become well-entiench ed ” He named Chicago end St Louis as cities wheie boycotteis PROTECT YOUR FARM WITH A PINCOR PTO TRACTOR DRIVEN ALTERNATOR • 3*1,000 watts surge capacity •) 16,000 watts continuous duty 4) Slow speed—l Boo RPM operation 4k Coni running triple chain drive transmission 4| Heavy duty motor staiting disclose voltage icgulation 4k Meets NEMA codes • Heavy duty construction 4| Induction haidened input shaft 4l,Rain proof consti action 9 Completely wiied control box 4 Three phase available .SEE it at... Haverstick Bros. 2111 Stone Mill Ed Lancaster. Pa 17603 Ph. (717) 392-5722 C | FREE Plastic Bucket With each 100 lbs. BE-CO-NURSE or BE-CO-VEALER From now until Octobei 18th we are giung one 12 qt heavy duty plastic bucket with each 100 lbs of Be-Co-Nuise Calf Milk Replacer or Be-Co-Vealei These products go into suspension easily, stav in solution Clean pails show the calves get all the nutuents Gains are rapid and efficient. H. JACOB HOOBER EARL SAUDER, Intercom S 9 GEHMAN FEED MILL INC. Denver 0. KENNETH McCracken Manheim BEAC^FEEDS Lire County Fire Department at $104,000. The Department’s chief arson investigator Euel Gold smith reports the Are was delib erately set. Other Delano area glowers reporting substantial Are and vandalism damage to properties within recent months are, John Giumatra, Antonell Farms. Patti-Bono, and M. Cara an Two attempts to burn the Bianco sheds in Delano have been discovered in time to pre vent major damage. Delano po lice chief James Ailes says he firds this pattern “more than just a coincidence ’’ New Holland BOMBERGER'S STORE Elm I. B. GRAYBILL & SON Strasbm g • r . c j 3 n ., n r |u p rtiAcc misrdo/esenta- rrsi'kcts open flnd GXpdnd^d are re-grouping for an intensified f J °^/ h t e h ®‘ b °“ c S eis and of fanners who produce Califoi push against chain stores handl- !°” S t °4 at " h r'bo°oo t t imposes g> apes. “This operation has pi ' in “But between September, 1068 ireedont in the mai. ed Fam nnd Sentember 1989 a full ketplace ” A great deal of the in dnect involvement to m. ymr’s oxtamta mfLorstaml. cmi.t lor Um. tad Mr. Stamm, tan h ' f. rr has senarated much of the must go to Farm Bureau Free- place, he sain, it represe about thf boycott from dom to Market Committees in 38 expense . «d tl much of the distortion that cov- states who have worked to can be u d ■* mi-ori it ” Via saiH “there is far change public mis-conceptions thieats to tarmers mark ag the* boycott, and to keep wherever they may occur.” WIN 25.00 AT THE LAMPETER FAIR IN LANCASTER FARMING'S MYSTERY FARM CONTEST Stop at Lancaster Forming's booth and guess the Mystery Farm. There will be a drawing among all correct entries and the winner will receive $25. in cash. INC. HOLLAND STONE aiuxurtf you can a/ford Inside, outside, you’ll find die rich quarried look of HOLLAND STONE adds a touch of red do*, gance to your building designs. And yet, HOLLAND STONE is one of the most economical build ing materials today. Its unique versatility in size and shape lends a structural freedom to builders, meeting new ideas, as well as cost I problems. Comes in a wide choice of naturally warm, distinctive J colors, plus Colonial white. NEW lOH AND CONCRETE PRODUCTS, INC. HEW HOLLAND PENNSYLVANIA f Tl •n i ni