Ifi—Lancaster Farmlni, Saturday. September 20.19 M Farm Foundation Debt Reduced; Favorable Tax Ruling Received An air of optimism seemed to at $71,298 to date Continued ef b<’ generated among the Lancas- foils lo obtain contiihulions will lei Counlv Kaim and Homo be made to further reduce the P.oaid of Duectois Tuesday night debt to a level that can be bom r.' tepoils of a fuithci deeiease by the opeiatmg income in the total debt was lepoitcd a statement fiom Paul S and wmd of a favoiablc lax ev Lancaster Certified Public emplion mling foi the founda- Accountant, infoimed the d.icc t.on was leceivcd tors that a favoiable lining for fieoige Lewis, Ticasmer. re- tax exemption had been obtain poiled a ieduction on the Pun eel for the foundation from the cipai on Moilage of $6,000 dur- Revenu® Seivice on every item ir.g the last month bringing th» tiiat had been requested total debt down to $144,000 and Howard Campbell. Center Jack Lee reported the total real- Manager, repoited 73 meetings i/ed fiom the latest fund drive listed for Septembei and total GROWTH... FEED r MILLER & BUSHONG, Inc. Rokrerstown, Pa. THE TRUE MILK REPLACER SABY CALF FORMULA THE MILK and ANIMAL FAT FORMULA FOR ALL BABY ANIMALS GUARANTEED TO PERFORM LIKE WHOLE MILK! FINEST SERVICE ANYWHERE Phone Lancaster 392-2145 {Area Code 717) • •I«tk Antf White Show Has 641 Entries ber 23. a feature attraction of the Pennsylvania All-American Dairy Show week. The state a civ show is certain to be the largest A lecoid six hund cd and gh of u klnd the nation forty-one entries have been ac- thJ , according to William copied for he Sixteenth, An- C . Nichol. Secretin yof the spon ,U,!llr^!nSyclV 13 S h ,5 e Ck Pennsylvania Holstein and White Show scheduled for the Farm Show Building at Assodat,on Hai i isburg on Tuesday, Scptcm Judge, Richard E Keene. . . Keencland Farms, Gilbertsville, inceme fiom meeting .oom ion- New Yoik Wll , be placing the t..lb foi the fn si aix months of c j. lsscs ant i selecting champions this >e.u at $4 -‘74 and an estima- jn both the male and fema i e dl . ted income fiom these looms foi vlsions Special awards Wlll be tlie year was put at $7.57. presented to the thirty - two Other discussion centered class winners as well as recogni ai ound a water seepage and tion of the Permier Breeder and Hooding pioblem at the Center Premier Exhibitor The show and meeting room and lease lat- entries qualified at one of thir es The meeting lasted less than teen district black and white two houis shows held during July and Au- TO SPEED UP FOR