i—Lancaster Farming. Saturdny. September 13.1969 86 Alcoholocamt The use of alcohol by drivers and pedestrians results in about 25,000 deaths per year. Correspondence Courses |SL Study Law By Mail Someone on his deathbed says, “I’m giving this little farm to you.” But fails to transfer the title. A week later he dies Do you nave any claim to the farm 7 Not much, according to a Pennsylvania State University correspondence course on farm law. Gift making may appear simple, but it can be devious Two points are needed an intent to make a gift, and delivery of the object You can’t keep pos session and control of something and still say you have given it away. The correspondence course is intended for farmers, and most of the cases given as examples have to do with rural living But the basic pi maples have wide application The course is easy to read Mowing Lawns A veiy common practice around many homes is to stop mowing the lawn when colder weather ai rives and when many mower opeiatois letum to school Tuif authorities suggest that the grass be mowed as long as it continues to grow, in this part of the country this will be until early November When the grass is permitted to get long, it mats down on the ground and is more likely to have some disease or fungus infection This same thing is true when their is a heavy leaf fall from trees; these leaves mat down and smother some of the grass plants With the usual more favorable weather conditions during the Fall months, no doubt the lawn should continue to be mowed at least once each week The guide should be, “as long as it con tinues to grow, it should be mow- Jerry Marcus Studying it neither makes you a lawyer noi substitutes for good legal advice But it does offer a better undei standing of many laws which affect almost every one some time or another You learn when a lawyer might be of seivice to you. Anyone can enroll. Send your name and address with $3 00 to Farm Law, Box 5000, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802. There are no other charges and a com plete course copy comes to you by mail. How can you lose? COMPENSATOR-50 LIQUID FEED SUPPLEMENT FOR RUMINANT LIVESTOCK by Dr. G. H. Porter Director, Animal Nutrition & Health Agricultural Division Allied Chemical Corporation New York, New York BACKGROUND: 8.5., University of Massachusetts, 1949 M.S., University of Connecticut, 1951 Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, .1955 DR.G. H. PORTER RUMINANT LIQUID SUPPLEMENTS “Now, for the first time, Northeastern dairymen have the opportunity to take full advantage of the feed cost reduction system provided by the unique combination of non-calcium-beanng ammonium polyphosphate and feed urea in an ideal nutritional environ ment that assures the ultimate in feed palatability and nutri ent digestabihty. The use of supplemental nonprotein nitrogen in dairy feeds for high producing dairy cows has posed some discouraging problems such as ingredient segregation pelleting differences and feed palatability. Because of these concerns it is not un usual today to note circumstances where Northeastern feed manufacturers have decided to withdraw feed urea from their formulations. For information contact Agricultural Division, Allied Chemical Corporation, 20 Community Place, Morristown, New Jersey 07960. Phone 201-538-8000, Ext. 6851 Mr. Boyce GRANGE NEWS (Continued from Page 21) pioposcd budget and also about our Slate institutions. The parade float committee, Ivan Dewald chairman, is pre paring the Grange float for the Southern Lancaster Community Fair parade Sept. 19. About 45 Grangers and friends went to Baltimore September 10 to see the Oriole-Boston game. The Grange is purchasing shrubbery to beautify their hall grounds and is holding a -work Finance Your Feeder Cattle At r"> '•a ! : University of Massachusetts, Assistant Professor Beacon Feeds Corporation, Director, Dairy & Livestock Research Albers Milling Company, Director, Nutrition & Technical Sales Allied Chemical Corporation, Director. Animal Nutrition & Health FOR COMPENSATOR OR BLEND LIQUID FERTILIZERS CALL MARTINS ARCADIAN LIQUIDS John Z. Martin, New Holland RD #l, Phone 717-354-5848 9 East Main St. Lititz SEE US FOR PROMPT COURTEOUS SERVICE evening September 15 Members arc asked to report at the Grange Hall as early as possible After ward degree rehearsal will be held. Mrs. Jesse Wood conducted games at this meeting. She will be in charge of some county plant tours this fall. Third and Fourth Degrees will be conferred at the next meeting Sept. 22. Booster Night will be observed October 27. Fulton Junior Grange #343 held their meeting and elected the following officers - Master, Peggy Galbreath; Overseer, Mark Sawyer; Lecturer, Karen Overly; Stewaid, Janice Guyll; Assistant LITITZ, PENNSYLVANIA Neffsville MEMBER F.D.I.C, COMPENSATOR-50 CRUDE FROTEIH minimum (This Includes net mere #isn crude eretelnTremnen-pretelnttitrefen) ‘CRUDE FAT minimum - ol* CRUDE FIBER maximum —— in ’ -CALCIUM (Ca) minimum- O]* CALCIUM (Ca) maximum *2* *HOSFHORUS (F) minimum-——— —in lODINE (I) minimum 6WI« SALT (HaCI) minimum —— ♦s* SALT (HaCI) masimum— —————— —“l®5X VITAMIN A OS r Umw/lb. ——30 OW VITAMIN D 2 USF Umts/lb ——— «0W CAUTION USE ONLY IH *CCO»D»HCE WITH DIRECTIONS FURNISHED DIRECTIONS. Feed ta ruminants at the rate af Ito 2 Spawns per aiiraf per day Campensatar SO may he blended with available |taun< (rams ar mixtures af trams and ather feed mtredients such U earn ear earn tram eats wheat mill feeds beet pulp etc Mix Campensatar SO at the rate of sla 15 percent af train mixture Campensatar 50 may be tap dressed an silage •r ather rauthates in prapartlans sa that the animals total daily intake •( Canpensatar 50 will be between I (a ISpauctis* (PATENT PENDING) A I Had Chemical Corporation 6ENERAL OFFICE NEW YORK, HBMWXK This is indeed unfortunate' This denies dairymen the means of reducing feea cost through the use of proper amounts of nonprotein nitrogen in the feeds made available to them ARCADIAN COMPENSATOR LIQUID SUPPLEMENTS overcome all of these problems encountered with dry feeds and, at the same time, help lower out of pocket cash costs for purchased compensatory nutnents. A new era in dairy cattle feeding is upon us. Allied Chemical is proud to have pioneered the compensator concept and be the first to make this exciting new dairy cattle feeding technique available to Northeastern dairy men.” Dr. Gilbert Porter. Steward, Steve Sawyci: Chap lain, David Hanks: Treasurer, Tommy Galbrcath: Secretary, Ruby Overly; Gatekeepei. Bren da Gifting; Ceres, Suzanne Am bler: Pomona, Sandra Gatbicath; Flora, Karen Holloway; Lady As sistant Steward, Edna Wood. Their next meeting will be October 13 and they will provide letreshments for both the junior and the Subordinate Grange. Their jewel boxes will fee judged September 22 and cash prizes will be given in two age groups. First place winners will com plete in the State Giaiige con test in October. NATIONAL BANK Lancaster Shopping (LIQUID) LIQUID FEED SUPPLEMENT FOR RUMINANT LIVESTOCK. GUARANTEED ANALYSIS INGREDIENTS CaneMalasses Beet Masses Hemiccllulase Extract, Sriium Suitate, Ammenium Palyphesphate Urea, Water Vitamin A Palrmute, Vitamin Dj Supplement Salt 2mc Sulphate, Cakalt Sulphate Manganese Sulphate,» Ethylene Diamine Dihydnadide, ent Cepper Sulphate. manufactured Center •sow t i i ' ■ I