22 Lniu.isU’f Kami mu. Snturd»\. S>.*pt timber 12. IW>9 Buy Bulbs Early To Gel- Your Pick The e ul\ l)ii\ :t ,fl' h.- p.tl of tho best hu’bs. mw 1). run <-is It (impn ho ticultuie spe. i.'list .it the Lni\ei-it> ol M.n> land If >ou want >o«i tulips, nai vissus. crocus and hyacinth How its to be the pride of your gai den next spnng. buy >oui bulbs ns soon as possible and pick onl> “the cream of the crop”, he ad vises By being eail> >ou get to select only those nice, fat, plump bulbs that aie just full of the necessary food mateuals to pio duce floweis next spnng “A good bulb should be plump ,md li iml w.th ouh a li Jit covei ,iu oi till*, skin Ui noun e\ p in- ’lulip In.lb- should be almost tf.it at the bottom and pointed .; the top while naicissiis o. d.lTodil bulbs should be shaped like a light bulb Ciocus bulbs siiould be white and (lesh\. b’oadei than tall, and with just a thin yellow skin The hyacinth bulb should be almost as bioad as it is tall with just a few layeis of skin be held Saturday, October 11 for , „ , hnno bulbs Oc County councll tClbe ‘ cussed a possible exchange trip County Connell ls% Mary Engle The 4 H County Council met Thursday. Sept 4 The total p-.ofits fiom the sub sale in Aug list was $541 77 October 4-11 is national 4-H week Two committees weie set up to work with indio and TV piogiams foi that week A barn dance and hay ude will For turtner mfoimation con tact your county Extension agent tr Di Goum in the Horticulture Department, University of Mary land Youi Extension agent is listed in the telephone book un ciei County Government BUY a FLY FLY WITH ALL YOUR FRIENDS THE TRACTOR PEOPLE ‘3 Days, 2 Nights AlKFxpense Paid Trip'To'Fabulous Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Tours Of Tractor & EngineTlants, Plus Milwaukee*And Surrounding Area. Now Thru. Nov. 15,1969 \ ALUS-CHALMERS Allen H. Motz Farm Equipment Grumelli Farm. Service L. H. Brubaker New Holland Quanyville, Pa Lancaster, Pa. to Coloi.ido next summei When ton DC to attend the citizen- Inc business meeting was ad- snip shoit course jomned Eugene Bollinger show- The noM eounlv council moot ed slides of his tun to Washing mg will ho Septembei 1« mmm TO SEE L. H. Brubaker Lititz, Pa Roy H.