Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 06, 1969, Image 8

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    9 Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Scpt/unbgr 6.1969
Conservation Corner
Aj - - 1
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Man poisons me but lets erosion run wild!”
Use Proper Lawn Seed
It is impoitant to use the pio
pei seed if homeowneis wish to
establish good lawns, reminds
Jonn C Haipei. 11, extension
agronomist at The Pennsjhan.a
State Unneisitj If theie is an\
douot about the kinds of seeds
which should be used in taring
: fS:o|l^Pg|
The Butler trademark
tells you so
Butler qualm gram bins give
you the safest, most dependable
•torage \ou can buv They’re
pre-engmeered that way by the
men who know grain storage
best What’s more, it’s easy to
convert a Butler bin into an on
farm drying svstem, if you de
cade to dry your own grain Let
us discuss your gram storage
needs with you Just give ue
a call or stop by.
Est, Inc.
Manheim, Pa. 17545
For moie information mail
this coupon.
- //
situations, contact jour county
agent foi suggestions on desir
able seed or seed mixtures
Lawns must be caiefully plann
ed if they aie to be attractive.
Start raising more and better Calves f
the Easy NURS-ETTE way
No more carrying pails of waim water or hand mixing
milk replacer Just fill the hopper of the XURS-ETTE with
milk replacer and the XURS-ETTE will mix milk replacer
and warm water and keep it warm until calf nuises the mix
(appiox 14 oz )
Then it will mix a fresh batch of water and replacer.
For more information contact
Ph. 717-548-2462
Peach Bottom, R. D. 1, Pa. 17563
NEW Purina Dairy Conditioner Special can prepare
cows for good production at low cost
Ira B. Landis
Ph 394 7912
ISI2 Cxeek Hi.l Rd , Lane,
West WiSlow
Farmers Assn., Inc.
♦ 1
*• i
Edwaid E\eiett,
statesman and one of the gieat
US oratois, laised 570,000 by
lectming on the chaiactei of
George Washington, which sum
went for the puichase and pies
eivation of Mount Veinon as a
national shrine.
Ph 464-3431
West Willow
: U»e Credit Profitably Mi]k Pricing '
Credit is not just tor those - . - -
who get in financial difficulty AitCrCCI 111
and find it necessary to borrow. _ . .. ..
A high percentage of business L/CJclW2Ur© V&llCy
mtci prises use credit as a means
of conducting a piofitable opeia- The U S Depaitment of \g
i.on Since the trend towaul iicultuie announced an oidei
huger farm units involves a laig- amending the order regulating
ci .mestment in land livestock the handling of milk in the Dela
ai.d equipment, m.mj faimeis ware Valley Maiketing \iea
aie finding it piofitable to use This order by the U S Dcpait
c. edit nient of Agi icultuie modified the
Inwise use of ciedit can be Class I Pi ice to provide that such
dangc’ous to both bonowei and faun pi ice foi the month shall
londei But sound ci edit, which be S?l7 (154 cents pei quait).
cun be icpaid fiom the opeia- plus an> amount by which the
t oils of the business without in- nveiage puce of manufacture!
voHmg too gieat a nsk, has milk in plants in Wisconsin and
helped man> faimeis to get Minnesota exceeds $4 33 pci hun
aliead dieriweight.
Since theie is a lelatively nai- The amended ordei would de
iow piofit maigm in most types lete all of the language of the
of agnculture. good faimeis plan old Class I Pacing Foimula of
then opeiations carefully, mam- the order
ta n records, and watch expenses, The amended oidei would also
cmselv When they bonow, they
see that the cost is not too gieat
and that the funds aie put to
piofitable use. Faun Ciedit
Promoted Preservation
If you’re not among the many good local
dairymen who have started mixing NEW
Purina Dairy Conditioner Special with
your own grain to build a research
proved dry cow ration, it can pay you to
check into this low-cost way of feeding
dry cows.
New Purina Dairy Conditioner is a 16
percent protein ration, fortified with
extra Vitamins A and D plus phosphorus
to help guard against milk fever.
To help you save on dry cow feeding,
Purina Research recommends varying
feeding levels, depending on cow condi
tion and the quality of your roughages.
For example, if a cow is in good condi
tion and your roughages are of excellent
quality, you would feed less Purina dry
cow ration than if the cow were in only
fair condition and if the roughages were
of only fair quality.
Using Purina Check-R-Mix* formulas
we can build you a low-cost dry cow
•Reg. Trademark—Ralston Purina Co.
John J. Hess, tl, Inc.
Ph- 442 4632
John B. Kurtz
Ph- 354-9251
R. D. 3, Ephrata
provide .monthly producer and
handler buttorfat differentials
based on the average daily
wholesale selling price of butter
in the New Work City market.
The amended order is a result
of a public heaung held in New
York City, New York, on June
16 and 17, 1969 The hearing was
lequcsted by the New Yoik-Ne.v
England Milk Coordinating Com
nuttee and suppoited bi Pem
maiva Milk Pioducers Fede-a
tion. Pennmaiva includes *be
3100 membeis of Intei-Sta'e
Milk Produceis Coope a* *,e
among its ovei 5 000 daui if n
ci membeis
The Pawnee Indians te\er
fought against the United States.
Many Pawnees, in fact, aced as
scouts for the country in its net
tles with othei Indians
ration, combining New Purina Dairy
Conditioner with your grain. Or, if you’re
feeding low-protein roughages, it may
pay you to feed Dairy Conditioner
“straight”—just as it comes from the
More and more successful area dairy
men are proving that good dry cow feed
ing pays off in extra cow condition—
and extra milk production in the next
lactation. For example, 100 to 200
pounds of additional body weight at
freshening can pay off in 1,000 to 2,000
pounds of extra milk during thelactation.
Drop in soon and get your free copy of
the Purina Dry Cow Program folder.
We’ll be glad to point out how new
Purina Dairy Conditioner Special can
help prepare your dry cows for good
production at low cost.
Joiimes High & Sons
Ph. 354-0301
Wenger's Feed Mill
Ph: 367-1105