Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 06, 1969, Image 7

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IDS Slier Are., New HoElond, Po.
Poultry men around the world ore fast equipping their poultry
houses with the "high profit return" automated. Big Dutchman
Flat Deck Cage Systems and Equipment as shown above. Contact
your Big Dutchman Branch or Representative today . . . about
A Division of U.S. Industries, Inc,
FRANKLIN MYERS shows some This field had been in corn in 1968.
nearly mature ears on no-til planted corn. L. F. Photo
• No-Til
(Continued from Page 6)
Paul S Zimmerman, Lxtitz R 4,
about his no-til planted corn
planting next year because of “Earlier, I thought it might not
the saving in time required to do as well, but it giew out of it
get the corn in the ground and and now I don’t see much differ
the saving in cost to do so He cnee I usually let others try
figuies they saved at least $8 00 new things first,” he chuckled
per acre with the eliminated “But this is one thing I thought
plowing and disking. might woik in oui aiea”
Lata a u r Fanning. Saliir<ln\. ScpU mlu<r (>. l*./69
“It looks
Phone 354-5168
Zimmerman is planning again
to use the new method next year
but may do some things differ
ently First, he thinks he may
disk the giound first to get the
fertilizer in the ground better
and maybe make the weed killer
moie effective He also likes the
idea of running a chisel thiough
tne middle of each row to let the
loins soak in better
Basically though Paul likes
the new idea because it saves on
machmeiy ware and it saves
time in his busy work month of
Elvin M Huish, Lititz R 4 had
a pioblem getting the planter
in the ground as did 'ome other
fanners according to the repoits.
In Hursh’s case some of the
seeds appeared to be not much,
under ground level But it came
up very good almost unbeliev
ably good.
“I didn’t know much about it,”
Elvm said I thought I would seo
how it woiked and fortunately it
woiked out foi the best”
Hursh killed off the alfalfa and
the lams came the day aftei tho
corn was planted to bring the
crop up quickly He wants to gee
the seeds deepei next yeai but
for this ciop he expects yields to
be as great as his othei corn
even though he planted a short
season vauety.
So, leports fiom diffeient
farmeis in different paits of the
County all seem to favot the
new no-til coin planting method.
Almost eveiyone repoi ts changes
he will make to bettei use the
method m his situation But the
sum of all the reports seems to
be as one farmer said “I think
we aie going to do moie of it
next year.”
Pennsylvania’s lamb crop this
year is estimated at 126 000 Thi,;
will be a decline of 6 peicenf
fiom last year and is compar
able to the national downward
late foi 1969, according to a mid
year livestock suivey by tho
State Crop Reporting Seivice
The suivey indicated an ir
ciease in the Commonwealth’]
wool pioduction horn 1968 by C
pei cent to 1,201,000 pound Tho
r.umbei of sheep shorn wa icwd
2 000 head fiom the yeai
to 156,000, but fleece weight a;
7 7 pounds was up 3 pounds
i Pennsylvania s 1969 calf ci op
jis estimated at 797,000, down
|2 000 fiom last year and 20,000
below 1967
1 Last yeai, 12 million cigai etten
Jweie lolled by hand in an effort
'to beat the puce uses At least
tw ice that number weie mooched
, ’ii an even moie successfu 1 eftoij,