Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 06, 1969, Image 5
• Form Colendor (Continued from Page U Eggs With Chives „ . The Poultry and Egg National Brown~ Sw^sf - B ° ard 18 r€COmmendin 3 that meets Milton Bmhakoi m distnbutors who sell then pio uieeis, Miuon muoaKei The person who coined the , . t Farm, Lititz Rl. phrase * gmng the sl . ide awa> - duct to restaurants and other in- Tuesday, Sept, 9 Thursday, Sept. 11 never, obviously, pa.d fot a stitutional establishments help 9.00 a.m. Vegetable Crop 730 pm Lititz-Manheim daughfei’s wedding such customers inciease then A NEW HI-NUTRIENT ADDITION TO THE OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE LINE OF EARLY BIRD LAYING FEEDS FOR A MORE • IV 1 1 I" ‘ \ When you House Pullets ... Start them on the New No. 304 EARLY BIRD EXCELLERATOR ALSO ESPECIALLY HELPFUL IN STRESS SITUATIONS SUCH AS... I For complete information on how to program your new flock For maximum performance and profits . . . Call your Early Bird Representative or Phone us direct. POULTRY FEEDS Field Day, Research Farm, Penn State 7:30 p m. —Ehzabethtown-Don egal 4-H Community Club meets, Hossler’s Home, Elizabethtown R 3 More Nutrients Per Mouthful • Extreme heat After debeaking i • FINEST SIR VIC£ ANYWHERE _A* P 1 /. #' ' When birds are in heavy lay • When feed consumption is too low MILLER & BUSHONG, INC 4-H Community Club meets Dale Shenk Home. Lititz R 3 <>> £ «, * Rohrerstown, Phone 392-2145 4*' « > « < ' ' ' v * v "V" ‘ >? ' / v > Pa. Lancaster Farming. Sat.. September 6, 1969—5 sales volume by meichandisntg the product to the public One such meichanclismg plan is ofteied b> the producer of fieeze-dned chopped chives. At manino Faims of San Fiancisco Calif The plan is called "Eggs Pausienne” and its execution by the lestaurant is easj and piofvt able to the management The basic lecipe is simphcitj itself: Just add \'z teaspoon of fieeze dned chopped chives to eggs, then sci amble oi piepare omeiet as usual The lesulting piofil pictuie is that fieeze dned chopped chives add about l/2c pei seiung to me icgulai cost of eggs and butte., but v'hen Eggs Pausienne aie placed on the menu the egg dish can be maiked up 5c oi 10c oj more To complete the plan, Aiman mo Faims piovide a complete merchandising kit to help the lestaurant operatoi sell Eggs Parisienne It consists of a table tent in the shape of a Frencn kiosk, menu clipons and buttons with ribbons for the waitress *o pin on her uniform All of these extoll the virtue of “Eggs Paris ienne.” Other recipes for eggs with chives include scrambled eggs with country ham flakes and chives; fresh mushroom omelet with chives, and shirred eggs with chives. Food costs on such dishes range from 31 to 34 cents, but the menu prices can range fiom $l2O to 140 per Older Foi additional infoimation on the Eggs Pansienne merchandis ing plan, contact Aimanmo Farms. 244 California A\enue, San Francisco Calif 94111 ‘ » J H- V->^ What’s The Finest Investment In The Land? ... And Here Is A Remarkable Investment Secured By Laud Holdings. 9% James E. Millen, Jr. prominent insurance man from Lancaster, Pennsyl vania has created a unique invesment that will earn a total of 9% for each parti cipating investor. You can invest any amount up to $25,000. Few are ineligible to participate. The investment organi zation is called UNITED LAND DEBENTURES. It is backed up and secured by thousands of acres of valuable land. Because land almost never depreci ates, your money earns an unusually high profit. Are you eligible to participate? CALL COLLECT TO THIS NUMBER 859-2200 Akron. Pa. Area Code 71T LAND! It Pays