Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 06, 1969, Image 13
Try A Classified Ad It Pays! HORSE AND PONY SALE MONDAY EVE.. SEPTEMBER 8.196!) Manm s Sales Stables, Blue Ball. Co. Lot of hoises and pomes on consignment Low com mission rates Hitched at 2PM Trek sold at 5 I’ M Pomes at 6 P M ana horses at 7 PM. Tours b> — GENE SHIRK 354-0906 LARRY MARTIN 354-7006 Stable <717) 354-0671 Attention —Farmers WE ARE OFFERING GOLDEN MAL-RLN FLY SPRAY BOTH LIQUID AND SUGAR BAIT AT 20% OFF List Price UST PRICE 1 GAL. *22.95 S LB. BAIT $1.95 - I LB. BAIT 51.20 SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE ON HUDSON SPRAYERS AND DUSTERS 25% C B. HOOBER 4 SON Intercourse, Perma. RENT OR BUY A POWER SCYTHE Information. BRUSHCUTTER ELI F. KING Pond Road GERMAN BROS. i i IV t i <Sois oimdl Diesell Engines Salles and Service I Mile North of Terre Hail on Route 897 East Eail, R D 1, Pa Phone 215 445-6272 OFF List Price R. 8.1, Rooks Phone 768-8231 pb. 768-3670 For Sale—lnici national Silaco Blowei with 60 of p*pe in good condition 2 icw IHC 2 ME coin husker A-l condition 2 DcLaxal nnlkeis good condition Ph 215- 445-6427. For Sale Pnrebied Yoikshire boies. bted gilts and open gilts C: icass championship bloodlines Willow Glen Farm R D 1. Stras buig, Pa Ph. AC 717 786 2562. For Sale—Summer Rambo and Gravenstine apples. Also Cobblei potatoes. Tues, Fn. and Sat Bring containers. Edna Hoffer, Ph 665-3055. For Sale Purebred Holstein Heifer. Sired by Lavacres Busty Merrit, Dams Record Available. Call Lester Weaver, RD. rl, Quarryville, Ph 786-2839. ATTENTION FARMERS Speciol Yotues On New Dodge Trucks! D-100 y 2 TON PICK-UP Swept Line - Automatic Transmission - Custom Cab - V 8 A-108 VAN, Big 6-Cy!inder - Heavy Duty Package A-100 VAN (90" Wheel Base) Big 6-Cylinder - Heavy Duty Package D-300 CAB AND CHASSIS, Dual Wheels - Heavy-Duty Tires, Suitable For 9' Body D-300 9 1 STAKE BODY Width 42" - V-8 - 4-Speeds - Stoke Sides - Duel Wheels Xorninff Dadats snc. <db> New Holland, Pa. Phone 354-2184 \Z_V SWEIMT FIRESTONE 329 W. High St, Manhezm, Pa, Lancaster Farming. Saturday. September 6.1069 :rm Moil Box Morkct Fo. Salt Supei C Faimall, cu.ticato. s tobacco hoes. tom p antei 2966 Honda S9O. New Inspection new ieai tue. 0000 miles Excellent condition White helmet new Ph 426 1539 Foi Saie—lb Denlingei S.lo Fillet with pipe and two sets of knues C S Millci, RD. =1 P. latli'C P. Foi Sale—Standa.d AC Haixes tci with '.ow attachment 4 Kmx cj Hied 4 \eais, good condition 5195 00 Ph 393 0494 Foi Sale—Donkey, SB5 00 Also Beaicat gaiden tiactoi with snow blade, cultnatois and disc 5125 2 low bottom plow on steel Ph 354-7853. Foi Sale John Deeie 227 mounted coin picket with multi lube oiler. Ohvei Heisey, St. Thomas. Pa. 17252. Ph- 369 3684. For Sale Purebred Holstein Service Age Bull. Henry E Beil er. 129 S. Maple Ave, Leola, Penna. For Sale—6oo gallon Mojonnier vacuum tank with J HP. com pressor Ph - 215-696-1021. IF I said—at tins time next \ear YOU Will ha\e an income of $15,000 plus and a new Cadillac Lin coln of Impel nil and an execu tive position in li.mchising '.lies dont sa\—IMPOSSIBLE! Foi an intci \ie\v WRITE OR CALL Mr. Nassif. Sales Vice President P O Box 3086 Yoik, Pa 17405 757-2688 Man to Woik in feed mill and some truck driving. Farm ex perience preferred, regular over time, Time and half after 40 hours. Hospitalization, Life Insurance. Paid vacation and holidays. Apply in peison. RED ROSE FARM SERVICE Male Help Wanted Sept. Ist for both shifts, Sam and 6 pm. Call 397-6141, Ext. 10. For Sale—‘Warren’s brown egg sti am pullets and yearlings to be moved about Oct 15 Also 1000 tobacco lathes of yellow pine $4 00 per hundred. Apply to John M. Martin, R D #l, Denver Pa at Fivepointville. For Sale—New Holland 616 Har vester; .Also 2 false end gate wa gons; Also Cheviot Rams, 1, 2 and 3 years olds. Ph; Ephrata 733-8770. For Sale—AKC registered Eng lish Springer Spaniel pup, 3 mo. old, female, black and white, excellent hunting stock. Ph: 215- 932-9762. For Sale—Ten York-Hamp pigs, 50 lb , wormed and castrated. Ph: 684-8870. For Sale—Paper cutter, 13”. Ph: Atglen 215-593-6264. For Sale—Seed Rye, cleaned or uncleaned. William Neff, Ph: 548-2482. Business Opportunities SPARE TIME INCOME Distributor For This Area Become a distributor in one of America's largest and fastest growing- industries. Ton will bo distributing national brand pro ducts. No experience required. All ac counts are contracted for and set up by our company. You merely restock locations with oar national brand products. You Con Earn $BOO A Month Or More Eased On Your Effort Inventory of $1,545 to $2,590 cash required for inventory and equipment. Tou must have a good car and be able to devote at least 4 to 12 hours per week. If yon are interested, have the desire, drive, determination, and want to be successful in a growing business of your own, write us today. Please enclose name, address, and telephone number. WE WELCOME INVESTIGATION National Distributing Co. 435 So Kimbiough Springfield, Mo 65806 Pir 665 2258 HELP WANTED Quarryville, Pa, Mail Box Market 13