2~Lnnca c tcr Farming. Saturday. August 30. At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review August 28, 1969 CATTLE 900 Compared , to last Tuesday. Slaughtei CATTLE 2700—Compared to CATTLE 1081 Compared Steers 25-75 higher: Cows un- Jast weeks close, Slaughtei to Monday. Slaughter Steels even utility 50 lower. Cannei Steeis 50 higher, with some stiong to 50 higher. Cows 25-75 anc j c u tter steady. Bulls mostly sales Choice 100 highei. Cows lowei: Bulls fully steady. steady Supply included 19 pei -25-75 lowei. Bulls Uneven, Good SLAUGHTER STEERS cent Cows and 4 percent Bulls nnd Choice steady, Utility and Mixed Choice and Pume 1050- SLAUGHTER STEERS Commeicial steady to 50 lowei 1300 lbs 31 00 31 85. couple 32 - High-Choice and Pume 1050 Feedei Steeis not tully cstab 35 choice 1050 1325 lbs. 30 25- 1325 Hj 31753275. pait load lishcd Supply, included an esli 3150. 950 1050 lbs 29 75 31 25, choice 1050 1150 lbs viekl mated 40 peicent Slaughtei high Good and low Choice 950- Giade 2327534 10 Choice 950 Steels 25 peicent Cows and 1275 lbs 29 35 30 50 Good 27 50 1350 lbs 30 50 32 25. high-Good Bulls with the baU.nce mamlv 29 60 Standaid and low Good ant j i ow Choice 29 5030 75 Good Feedei Steeis 26 75 28 25 27 75 30 00. Standaid and low SLAUGHTER STEERS SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Good 25 50 28 50 Load high Choice and Pi line Choice 770 900 lbs 28 00 29 10 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS 1 270 lbs 32 00 mixed Choice COWS Utililv and high- Good 740 825 lbs 24 75 27 50 and Fume 1050 1300 lbs 3100 diessmg Cuttei 2150 22 75. Cut- few Choice 28 10 29 35 3185 Choice 1050-1325 lbs tei 20 50 21 75, Canner and low- rmvd iriiiiiv mH inch 30 25 31 50 950 1050 ibs 29 75 Cuttei 17 50 20 00 dl essin« C uttei 21 50 23 10 Cut-' r B ? L 9®n^ R C - O,Ce .;f, 6 t o3oo n°H to i waS lot J 29 So 30 50 Good 27 oO 29 60, few Good 2/ 00 28 Utility cind iq qa on in Standaid and lovv-Good 26 75- Commei cial 26 00 29 00. few 29 - BULLS— Choice 27 85 28 75 ? ‘ Bo ° 3 t 2 ?, 8 !,n. lr , t Good 26 60 28 25. few Utility SLAUGHTERS HEIFERS - CALVES 100 - Vealeis most- and commercial 27 60 28 60, Load Choice 770-900 lbs 28 00- ly steady eminle 29 74-30 11) 29 10 VEALERS Choice 45 50- ° „ COWS—Utility and high- 48 50, couple 50.0050 50, Good t CALVES 606 Vealeis fully dressing Cuttei 2150-22 75, few 42 50 46 00, Standard 39 50 43 50, f™ dy ’, wlth Cull and Utlllty on Monday 23 50-24 00, Cutter Utility 35 00-40 00. Cull 90-120 1 20.50-22 00; Canner and low-Cut- lbs 30 00-35 00 - Choice f oo ter 17.50-20.50. HOGS 333 —Barrows and 30 Good 4400-47 50, Stan- BULLS Choice 28 00-30.00, Gilts 50-75 lower dal Q d 120 3fiti Good 27 00-28 25, Utility and BARROWS AND GLTS —US JJ “V™ * bs ‘ 31 00 36 00 Commercial 26 00-29 00, few 1 215-225 Ibs 28 00 US 12 210- b °tWr* 3 r sales mainly on Monday 29 00- 240 Ibs 27 10-27 25. US 2-3 190- „ fJt ~ Barrows and 30 00 250 lbs 26 35-27 00 „ S . H 0 :!™ lo „„ „ FEEDER STEERS -Load SHEEP 12 - One lot Good 70 R CWS A ND GILTS _ C cStos‘™' * 5 V .1. ~ 2700 S L>m6S S,e “ dy *' USolos-OSOlLS’sSflfuS Iv 500 - Vea, “ s most - 27 00 __ 2-3 190-255 lb> 26 00 26 75 Lot vpatvrc nu „ US 3-4 260 lbs. 25 50 48 50, couple 50 00-5050, Good CWcagO Cattle ~ Splin S Lambs S s uti°ty 3500 n 400 d 0 Cuiito’ Week, y Review spring lambs - Choice fo «« rATTr . P ~ , . 70-100 lbs 29 00-32 50, 4 head nn 30 nn' 35 °° f 6585 CATTLE T Compared last 33 00 . 33 gO , Good 50 . 90 lbs 26 HOG? M - t> , Cl °f sl ?“ ght “ f teeis 2 f 50-29 50 Utility 22 00-25 00 HOGS 1470 Banows and 50 lower, slaughtei heifers most- Gilts 1 00-150 lowei Sows ly 50 lowei cows and bulls scaice CLOSING SALES BAR Receipts 70 peicent slaughtei HOWS AND GILTS—US 1 215 steeis 25 peicent heifeis, bal 225 lbs 23 00 US 1-2 210 240 lbs ance mainiy cows Oiei all finish 27 10-27 25 US 2 3 ISO 250 lbs of slaughtei steeis not quits as 26 35 27 00 attiactue as last week with 18 (Continued on Page 3) peicent pmne and 68 peicent AUCTIONS makes the difference in marketing livestock! New Holland makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10.30 A.M FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2:30 P.M. - FAT STEERS, BULLS. COWS & VEAL HORSE SALE MONDAY at 10:00 A.M. DAIRY SALE - WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL-THURSDAY at 12:30 P.M. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland, Penna Abram W Diffenbach, Managei Phone (717) 354 2154 VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. PARADISE, PEXNA. BULLS STEERS. BUTCHER COWS, HOGS. LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION ' SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON ! FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE I EVERY SATURDAY AT 9 00 A M. For Marketing Information ' Pbone Area Code 717-442-4181 80/ lo * F f t Z a lf lse ' Px $ VALUABLE DOOR PRIZES TO BE GIVEN AWAY AT EACH SALE , 10 mi East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 >1 Kem.ethE.Hmhe,, Sales Mamiger | Spopsoredby: The Lancaster Livestock Exchange and Utow Stock Yard Co. — 1 1 - - - g MARKET NEWS REPORT Auction Only August 27, 1969 steadv Vintage Auction August 26, 1969 choice This compaies with 20 pp'cen: pume and 68 pe cert cho cs last week m d 11 peicen P’lme and 73 peicent choice last >eai Ac eiage cost and v e.ght or slaughter steeis, estimated at 30 65 and 1155 Ids compaied with 30 71 and 1169 lbs last week and 28 20 and 1142 lbs last year Heifei supply mainly high good to low prime weighing 800-1025 lbs SLAUGHTER STEERS Pnme 1225-1450 lbs yield giade 3 and 4 32 00-32 50, with seveial loads at lattei puce on bogh Monday and Wednesday Two loads pume 1520-1530 lbs yield gi ade 5 31 75-32 00 on Monday High choice and prime 1125-1400 lbs 29.75-3125, choice 975-1350 lbs yield grade 2 to 4 29 75-31 25, mixed good and choice 29 00- (Continued on Page 3) •» -SB- <♦> <♦> „•» .<♦>,-a»>. $ CUP OUT AND SAVE SPECIAL STOCKER & FEEDER SALES LANCASTER UNION STOCK YARDS - IN SALES PAVILION - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1969 AT 1:00 P.M. FALL SALE SCHEDULE September 26, October 10 Occooei 24 (Feeder Calf Sale), November 7 Novemoer 21 All Sales, Friday Starting At 1 00 P M. New Holland Auction August 28. 1969 BULLS Choice 28 25-29 60; CATTLE 1175 Compaied Good 26 25-28 50. Utility and to last Thuisday, Slaughtei Commercial 26 00-28.25 Steers strong to So'highei. Cows FEEDER STEERS —Small lot 50-75 highei. Bulls steady to 50 Pume33s Ibs 4100. mixed-Good higher and Choice 800-1000 lbs 26 00- SLAUGHTER STEERS —27 25 High Choice and Prime 1050 1250 CALVES 431 _ Vealers fully lbs 31 25 32 10 Choice 950 1300 s i eac j v with Cull and Utiht> 100 lbs 30 00-31 50. feu 900 1000 lbs h he * r 29 75 30 00 high Good and tow - y E LERS _ Choice 46 00 48 - Choice 29 00 30 25 Good 27 oO - 0 m di\ idual 51 50. Good 44 CO -29 50 Standaid and lou Good . }7OO standaid 3950 44 00 Util -26 00 28 00 ]U 36 50 41 00 Cull 90-120 lbs SLAUGHTER HEIFERS 3? 00 38 50 65 85 lbs 25 00 32 50, Good 750 lbs 23 75 feu head lou SHEEP 9 No inaiket test Choice 775 995 lbs 26 25 27 75 COWS—UtiliH and hiahdie-s mg Cuttei 21 50 23 75 feu 23 85 24 50 Cuttei 20 50 22 50 Cannei and lou Cuttei 18 25 20 50 FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Thursday August 28 1969') Midwestern Live Cattle Live Hogs Chicago Chicago October 28.35 November 27.80 December February ’7O 27.30 March April 27.45 May 27.33 June 27.22 October a-asked Tiend Cattle are lower Hogs aie steady and Potatoes are low ei ANNOUNCING IST FALL STOCKER & FEEDER SALE Friday, September 5 at 7:00 P.M. In Neve Air-Conditioned Sales Pavilion Also Sales dates Sept. 19, Oct. 3, Oct 17, Nov. 7, Nov. 21 Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. —lO miles east of Lancaster on Route 30 —■ To consign cattle call (717) 768-8204 P. O Box 100. Paradise. Pa Kenneth Hershey, Mgr. COWS August 27. 1969 Recemts of 139 cows, 2 bulls, (Continued on Page 3) 24.00 23.10 22.73 22.00 23.00 b-bid n-nominal ' .TTI Maine Potatoes New York 2.2* 2.49 2.70 3.20