Lfincnskr Fai'ming. Saturday. August 23. 1969 ( At Lancaster Yards f Weekly Review Auction Only August 13. 1969 August 14. 1969 August 31, 1969 C\TTLE 3050 Compared to last weeks close, Slaughter Steel s 75-1 00 lower, some sales Choice off 1 25. Cows steady to 25 lower. Bull? 50, instances 100 lowei Supply included an estimated 40 pel cent Slaughfei Steeis, 20 pei crnt Cows and Bulls, with the balance mainly Feeder Steeis SL UJGHTER STEERS Clos.ng sales high Choice and Pume 1050 1250 lbs 3100 3185, Cho.ce 950-1350 lbs 29 35-3100. few on .Monday 31 25 3150. High- Good and low-Choice 28 50-29 60, Good 27 50 29 00. Standard and low Good 25 50 28 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 815-935 lbs 28 25-29 10 COWS—Utility and high-diess iug Cuttei 22 00 23 50; few on Monday 24 00, Cuttei 20 75-22 60, Cannei and low-Cutter 17 50- 21.00. BULLS Choice 28 00-30 00; Good 25 75-28 00, Utility and Commercial 26 00-28 50; few 28 75-30 00; Cutter and low-Util ity 22 50-25 00 FEEDER STEERS Load Choice 730 lbs 30 00; couple loads Choice 900-995 lbs 28 50: lead mixed-Good and Choice 975 (Continued on Page 3) AUCTIONS mokes the difference in marketing livestock! New Holland mokes the difference in auctions! ! MONDAY 10 30 A M FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2 30 P iM FAT STEERS BULLS COWS & VEAL HORSE SALS MONDAY at 10 00 A M DAIRY SALE WEDNESDAY at 12.30 P M FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL—THURSDAY at 12 30 P M NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland Penna Atuam W Diffenbach, Manager Phone (717 J 3512194 Time to Buy Wheat or Com? Is it time for commodity traders to reconsider the possible opportunities in wheat and com? Or have both these golden grains lost whatever appeal they had before the recent and bearish •‘stocks-in-all-positions” report? For a searching answer to these questions, and an interesting perspective on wheat-corn price rela tionships, we suggest you read the latest in-depth, special situation report from our Commodity Research Department, S'mply mail us the coupon below or, h: you crefer. contact our office. pie .I ne z p;‘ ”> v b«-a‘ar«a Coro.’" .Name «Addi>-^ S'ate Reynolds & Co. ' I'V'C~”S \Z A ri*K STOCK frCKANCE MO OTHC° LCADIHG EXCHANGES MARKET NEWS REPORT CATTLE 935 Compared to Monday. Slaughtei Steeis 75 1 00 lowei, some sales Choice off 1.25: Cows steady, instances 25 lower on Utility Bulls steady to 50 low ei decline on Good and Choice. SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Pume 1050 1250 lbs 31 00 31 85. Choice 9501350 lbs. 29 35 31 00. high-Good and low-Choice 28 50 29 60, Good 27 50 -29 00. Standard and low-Good 25 50 28 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 815 935 lbs 28 25-29 10 COWS—Utility and high diess mg Cuttei 22 00 23 35, Cutter 21 00-22 60, Cannei and low Cut tei 18 00 2100 BULLS Choice 28 00-28 50 Good 27 00 28 00, Utility and Commeicial 26 00 28 50, few 28 75 30 00. Cuttei and low-Util ity 22 50-25 00 CALVES 168 Vealers most ly steady, Slaughtei Calves 100- 2 00 higher VEALERS Choice 46 GO -48 00, individual 50 50, Good 43 - 00-46 00, Standard 39 00-43 00, Utility 34 50-40 00 Cull 90-120 lbs 30 00 35 00 SLAUGHTER CALVES (Continued on Page 3) cay Zp _ step one 01 Tfortb. X>uXe 3t, Lancaster, Pa. 17004 Telephone 3*7-8321 August 20, 1969 I Vintage Auction August 19, 19G9 CATTLE 872 Compared to last Thursday. Slaughtei Steeis last Tuesday slaughtei steers 50- 50-100 lowei. with most decline 1.00 lower, with most sales 75-1 00 on Choice. Cows 25 100 lower, lower; cows strong to 50 higher, with most decline on Utility, bulls steady to 50 higher Supply Bulls 50-75 lower Supply includ included 22 percent cows ed 30 peicent Cows STAirruriTß STFFRS _ SLAUGHTER STEERS - iTKPk JO in-niin- SlTlall suppl> high Choice and High Choice and Pume 1000 1320 p , 1050 1250 lb 31 00 31 60 3150-32 60, Choice 9504350 3 ° 5 choice 29 50 31 10 } b “ 9 75 ‘ 32 ? n 00d high Good and low-Choice 28 50- no'nn n?!! Ce c? 9 3 j 6 °’ ~ G i°° d 29 75. Good 27 75 29 50 Standaid Good 00 28 S 00 ndal A IOW and IoW G °° d 26 °° 28 5 ° SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Few head Choice 325 950 lbs 23 25 28 60 Good 25 00-26 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS (Continued on Page 5) FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Thursday, August 21 19691 Midwestern Live Cattle Live Hogs Maine Potatoes Chicaeo Chicago New York 28.75 October November 28.00 December February ’7O 28.75 March 27.70 April May 27.60 June 27.55 August 27.00-b October a-asked b-bid n-nominal Tiend Cattle aie hiahei Hoes are lower and Potatoes are t highei VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. PARADISE. PENNA. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, HOGS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOOJV FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 9:00 AJL For Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717442-4181 Box 10D Paradise, Pa. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Kenneth £. Hershey, Sales Manager § CLIP OUT AND SAVE | SPECIAL STOCKER & FEEDER SALES LANCASTER UNION STOCK YARDS - IN SALES PAVILION - TODAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1969 AT 1:00 P.M. FALL SALE SCHEDULE September 26, October 10. ' October 24 (Feeder Calf Sale), November 7, November 21 All Sales, Friday Starting At I*oo P.M VALUABLE DOOR PRIZES TO BE GIVEN AWAY AT EACH SALE Sponsored by; The Lancaster Livestock Exchange and Unipn Stock YandCo,- New Holland Auction August 21. 1969 CATTLE 887 Compaied to •. we' 23.82 22.95 2227 COWS—Unlit* and high-dress mg Cuttei 21 10 23 10. few head 23 50 24 35. Cutter 20 00-22 00; Canner and low-Cutter 1800- 20 50 BULLS Choice 28 00-29 35; Good 25 60-28 25, Utility and Commeicial 25 35-27 75 few 28 00 28 35 CALVES 425 Vealeis steady to 1 00 highei VE4LERS Choice 46 0048- 50. couple 50 00 51 00 Good 44 - 00 47 00 Standai d 41 0044 00; Utilit\ 35 00 40 00 Cull 90-120 lbs 31 00 35 00 65-35 lbs 25 00- 31 00 SHEEP 6 Insufficient \ol ume toi a market test, one lot Good 75 lb Spring Lambs 28 00. Receipts ot 161 cows, 2 bulls and 14 heifers sold steady Hol stein 400 635. Other breeds 265- (Continued on Page 5) Chicago Cattle Weekly Review 2.22 CATTLE Compared last weeks close, Slaughter Steers 50- 100 lower, most downturn on high Choice and Prime Slaught er Heifers 50-75 lower. Cows 50 lower pulls weak to 25 lower. Receipts near 75 percent Slau gntei Steers, 22 percent Heifers, balance mainly cows Overall finish of Slaughter Steers more attractive than last week with 20 percent Prime and 68 percent Choice This compared with 17 percent Prime and 66 percent Choice last week and 11 percent Prime and 74 percent Choice last >ear Average cost and weight of Slaughter Steers, (estimated at 30 75 and 1165 '‘Vps compared with 3108 and 1148 lbs lasc week and 28 02 and 1151 lbs last >eai Heifei supply mainly high Good to loa Pnme weighing 800 lbs 2-54 2.73 3J2€ SLAUGHTER STEERS On Monday, load axound 1275 lbs, 33 00 On Wednesday Prune 1225- 1375 lbs Yield Giade 3 and 4 3150-32 00, higt Choice and. Prune 1125-1400 lbs 30.50-31.50, Choice 975-1350 lbs Yield Grade 2 to 4 29.25-30.75, mixed Good, and Choice 28 50-29 25, Good 27.- 00-28 50, Standard and low Good 25 50-27 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS On Wednesday, high Choice and Prime 950-1025 lbs Yield Grade 3 and 4 28 75-29 25. Choice 800- 1000 lbs Yield Grade 2 to 4 27.- 25-28 75, Mixed Good and Choice 750-950 lbs 26.50-27.25. Good 25 00-26.50 COWS August 20, 1969
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