'• A View tax savings. That -would cover Veaetokl** (Continued from Page 18) the majority of Pennsylvania tax- ° ©port Federal Income Tax Form «,,({, paW ' S- ‘ » * The state ’s vegetable growers, a deduction of $1,200 per person. ’ s we are shooting r * lo earber ‘ n the season feared A family of four earning l convinced that we have no great- SeTOCe indlca ted the following is deductibie fiom the Federal u . responsibility right now than C!O P Prospects, based on August ‘ to start a program of tax reform. £ conditions: Consequently, this family ...... Snap beans for fiesh market, could have a tax savings of SlOB lam also convinced that the a year if the income tax were )!° uld , not b . e 80 tween the State and her com pacted and the thiee local taxes " ld espiead if this lefoim takes rmimties. abolished. P ace - Even moie impoitant, we will Our statistics also show that If we can turn Pennsylvania in have made a lasting contubution families of foui earning up to this direction, we will have tiuly foi Penns> Ivania citizens, present $lO,OOO a yeai would expenence established a new paitnership be- and futuie. . JARED R. STAU FFER Martindale, Pa. Now... two sizes -A. 8.-C. G-roff, Inc-. - • New Holland 334-4191 Wengter Implement, Inc. M. S. Yeorsley & Sons Shotzberger's The Buck " 284-4141 west Chester 696-2990 Elm 665-2141 Check Our Special Trade-In Allowance CASE Sales & Service John Deere Rotary Choppers Yes, sir, John Deere Rotary Chop pers now come in two sizes. There’s the 5-foot 15-A for average-acreage growers . . . and the 6-foot 16-A for large-acreage growers. The rugged 15-A and 16-A are just the ticket for mechanical pasturing, chopping standing hay for silage, shredding brush and stalks, clipping pastures and handling many other jobs around the farm. See us soon for full details. - Landis Bros. Inc. Lancaster 393-3906 Phone 445-6465 Lancaster Panning, Saturday, August 23,1969—19 estimated at 40,000 hundred weight, unchanged from July 1 and at the same level as the two previous years Some beans in the northeast weie hurt by hail, but generally the crop is gi owing well indicated yield for the pro cessing ci op was revised upward to 13,000 tons Both late summer and early fall cabbage fell victim to June’s dry weather and July’s excessive lams The summer vauety will show a decrease of 2 percent fiom last year to an estimated 369,000 cwt, while the eaily fall crop at 242,000 cwt is a foi ecast ed drop of 11,000 cwt fiom a jear ago Sweet coin for fiesh maiket ly will reach their peak about benefited from the July lams the year 2000 The total cost is ci eating a 5 peicent inciease expected to be $5 5 billion a over ayear ago to 693 000 cwt year at that time TERRE HILL SILOS MONOLITHIC & CONCRETE STAVE SILOS * More Quality More Strength More Economy Silos • Silo Unloaders • Bunk Feeders Silage Distributors TERRE HILL SILO CO., Inc. TERRE HILL, PA. The processing crop is estimated at 24,300 tons, down 8,100 tons fiom 1968 Acreage is reduced to 7,500 acres, 40 percent below last year, and the lowest in the past 30 years. Tomato groweis, who eailier looked foiward to inci eased yields had the lams not come, pi edict a fresh maiket ciop of 300,000 cwt, the same as last jear The piocessing crop is esti mated at 153,600 tons, oi 13 per cent less than a year ago Peak For Pensions Woild War II pensions and death benefit payments piobab- Phone 445-3911