Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 23, 1969, Image 17

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    • For The Form Wife rotary beater, or on high speed
(Continued from Pago 16) of electric mixer, until milk is
, „„ . . . sliff. Add lemon juice and beat
a fork, until flour is moistened .... . . _ ..
Gather up dough with fingers and °* en ded. Combine molasses.
press into ball. On lightly flour- sa lt a nd peppermint flavoring;
ed surface roll dough to about fold into whipped evaporated
ty-inch thickness. Cut into squar- milk Turn into prepared pastry
es about 5-inches Place a peach u t , . ...
half on each square Combine he freeze several houis If de '
cup sugar and 1 teaspoon cinna- sired i top pie with toasted flaked
mon: sprinkle about 1 tablespoon coconut.
on each peach. Bring opposite NOTE: If you prefer, freeze
corners of pastry to center; seal, the filling yi an ice cube tray,
Place in a 2-quait shallow bak- and simply scoop it out for sun
ing dish; pour syrup around daes or cake ala mode whenever
dumplings Bake in a preheated desired
375 degree oven 30-35 minutes or •
until lightly browned. Serve
warm with milk or cream. Makes FROSTY CHEESE CAKE
8 servings.
VARIATION- Substitute par
ed apple halves or thirds for
3 cups sugared corn flakes
Vi cup margarine or butter,
1 8-ounce package cream
cheese, softened
For a rousing finale to your 2 eees
backyard barbecue serve Taffy % te 8 a 8 vanffla flavoring
M.nt Frozen Pie It’s a luscious % CU p whipping cream
see cream pie, fiozen in a shell
and topped with toasted flaked
Measure sugared corn flakes,
then crush to V/z cups. Combine
taffv iviiXT FPH7FM piF with maiganne, leseive Va cup
TAFFY MINT FROZEN PIE for topplng Wlth back of table .
3 4 cup evaporated milk spoon press remaining mixture
I l ’ teaspoons lemon juice evenly and firmly in bottom of
i/3 cup molasses S cup ice cube tray Chill. Beat
J s teaspoon salt cream cheese and sugar until
% teaspoon peppermint fluffy, add eggs and vanilla,
flavoring Beat well. Whip cream until
8-inch baked pastry shell stiff, fold into cream cheese mix
ture Spread evenly in cereal
Chill evaporated milk in freez- lined tray; top with reserved
ei tray of icfirgerator until ice cereal. Place in freezer until
crystals foim around edges Turn firm. Cut into bars or pie shaped
into chilled bowl and whip with pieces to serve 6 to 8 servings.
■ |
New Holland Concrete Products I
New Holland, Pa. 354-2114 H
Lancaster County Pomona Gr
ange #7l held their annual pic
nic Aug 16, 7 p m at the Quarry
ville Memorial Paik as guests of
Colerain Grange with fifty people
in attendance After a very boun
tiful meal the Master C. G Mc-
Sparran conducted a short busi
ness session.
They adopted the following .. ,
resolutions- About strctch Fab,lcs
Stietch fabiics aie made so that they aie more comfortable
#1 WHEREAS, Governor Sha- tban ever and t, bey don’t “ride up”
fer is still insisting that our Leg- stretch fabrics give as you move about
islators enact an income tax as a and { b at’s wb y stretch fabi ics are a wise
method of balancing his inflated cbo i ce f ol - children’s wear, spoitswear, and
budget. And WHEREAS, A dl . ess wear .
large portion of the money need- Today’s stietch fabrics piovide “comfort”
ed is for relief purposes And s t re tch which is horizontal and the give is
WHEREAS, Unemployment has about 25 to 30 perce nt.
been decreasing while relief rolls As a g enera i ru i e> s ti etch garments are
have been increasing, showing a p nced highei than similar garments made of
definite need of a different sys- non-stretch fabncs But they are made to have
tern of handling the money allott- more body, surface textui e and freedom from
ed for relief purposes And wn nkling.
WHEREAS, Federal funds have Stretch fabrics of today can take hard use
been promised to help with the and sna p back to their original shape without
welfare program, deci easing the leaving bagginess
need for state funds Be it RE- you can get stretch in either knitted or
SOLVED, That Lancaster County woven gaiments. egg than many other
Pomona Grange #7l, meeting in Knits, by nature, are somewhat products of the same size
regular session, go on record as elastic Stretch fibers make them How To Store Unopened Cans
opposing the income tax and fa- more so As a general rule it’s desirable
vonng a more redishc approach Wovens aie rigld but stietch to store unopened canned foods
to the planning of the state bud- yarns glye them a hldden stletch m a cool, dry place in the home
S et quality It's not necessary to store them
#2 WHEREAS, Many seiious E Made For You in the refrigerator but canned
accidents on our highways have “ hams are an important exception,
been caused by the use of-L S D The “ en shaped the egg like Canned hams under 3 pounds
and similar hallucinatory drugs the atomic submarine to give it aie completely sterilized without
And WHEREAS, The use of such stiength. being ovei cooked
drugs is on the increase Be it She has lined the egg shell That’s why laiger hame aie
RESOLVED, That we favor leg- with two fine membi anes to keep pasteurized for extended storage
islation putting them on the same the contents pure. and must be held in the lefuger
strmgent control as heroin She makes the egg into its best ator until opened and used
The resolution committee was quality so we humans need only Read labels on canned foods
Alfied Wanner Sr, Melvin Boyce to keep eggs cool to retain the for specific instructions on stor-
Si and James Huber. quality age
Mr and Mrs Ira Welk gave a The hen has packed moie es
(Contmued on Page 20) sential nutrients into this smal
Lancaster Farming. Saturday. August 23.1969
Have You Heard? ...
By Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist
» r * *
; V* • *
%••• %
1 s
Practice Water Safety
Teach children water safety
Keep swimming area free of
rocks, debris and unsafe struc
Keep simple equipment by the
swimming area to aid in resca
(Contmued on Page 20)
Save Rite
Hours: Mon. thru Sat. 9 to 9
I Sunday 9 to 5
sells gas
Forthe best in gas service,
call Uaite and get all the
pleasure and convenience
of gas cooking, clothes,
drying, water heating, bar
becuing and home heating.
If it’s gas,
it’s best if it’s
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