12—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. August 23.196 i • Marilyn (Continued from Page 0) ington Boro Rl: Sharon Sides. Washington Boio Rl. Judv Way, Rhccms; Kiis Slchman. Conestoga R 2, Suzanne Mai tin. New Holland R 2. Debbie Pats choike. Lititz R 2. Sally Bian ncr. Lampeter Also Cathy Miller. Manheni R 3; Maiy Ann Yungmger. Man etla Rl. Judy P.issei. Leola Rl Cindy Shelly, Manheim R 3 In phologiaphy. Ellyce Jean Engle. Conestoga R 2. a membei of Penn Manor Club, won bea* of show and fust place Carl Shenk. Lililz R 3. also won a blue nbbon Rabbits Aw aids Rabbits competition was won by Wanda Sheaffer. Lititz R 3. a member of the Lititz Manheim Club She received a best ot show ribbon and a fust place blue libbon. Other blue ribbon winners for rabbits included John Shenk, Lititz R 3; Jeff Fiey. Lit itz Rl; Lynn Royei, Lancaster, Mary Jane Parrel, Manheim R 2 James Martin, Pequea Rl, Joe LeFever, Manheim R 4, Tim Grube, Elm, Jan Juiell, Lititz R 2; Cheryl Patschorke, Lititz R 2; James LeFever, Manheim R 4; Randy Hosier, Manheim R 4: Barry Weitzel, Denvei R 2 Paul Horning, Stevens Rl: Dale Brubaker, Neffsviile, Randy Hertzler, Kinzer Rl, Gre gory Schell, Lititz R 2, Billy Herr, Millersville Rl, Douglas Unser, Lititz R 3, and Delbait Landis, Willow Street National Aw aids Youngster's winning national 4H achievement awards ir.clua ed A/enll Royei c.a’i v >nu ’e- leuna y sciei ce Eil' ce Engle, name ecologies Eshlei _n, l-ideis’-"? E ■--lie Bollir ger swine Receiv ug .waids to, <' I .c'lOl’ stiauo-.s were Say B lo.ket and Burnell Bucher state stock consei /ation, Deborah Degenl.mdt, cloth.ng care, Cindy Smith, cloth.ng construe tion; Pat Smucker general home economics, Robin K-ng, Junior home economics, and Judy Kisser, junioi agriculture Judging team winners a: the state level were Darlene Neff and Sheryl Weaver, consumer ama, and Donna Hess. Karen High, Bany Longenecker and Maivm Nissley, senior livestock Receiving judging honors for county level paiticipation were Ann Nissley and Audrey Yun ginger, consumerama. Hugh Wenger, entomology, Carol Groff, Raelene Harbold, John Kurtz and Wayne Yost, dairy, Joyce Hinerdeer, Cathy Rein hold, Denise Shaub and Jim Watts, horse; and Marlin Boi linger, Gary Dean, John Fisher, and Ed Hess, junior livestock. Under Dress Revue, Ann Roth was honored as district winner; while Diane Hershey, Cindy Smith, Barbara Hoober, Jan Hunsicker, MaNa Smith Nancy Yunginger, Amelia Bom beiger, Tern Ann Shank and Deboiah Eyer, reee.ved recogni tion as county winners Receiving recognition for horse grooming and showman ship were Van Adams, junior winner, and Richard Rehm, senior winner B,Vh received si'vei tiophies Top Record Made Evelyn Ivanhoe Dupct an egV year old Peg.sV-sd Hot s.~‘n m the heici ’■'jtaa Lcr John C Q ,a He, ’r,r - redue eil r irc.-.d of -H,C3C lbs l 1 mi'll ?n r SfO ibs of ;far ;r 35i thi? The inr-i'-'ia'i'iß e nv.ao ?Me iio’i'gh the co n peurive ef forts cl cha «fife ord local tast ing and Holstein Fiiesian of Airenca Following The Green Pastures Program Gets Results :-.a' 4ge 282 11,930 289 16,280 340 24,950 329 27,470 B-l 253 t incomplete) 26,650 Projected 305 31,870 according to official tests- 2-1 3- 4- 5- mm m STELLA PROVES IT Fred beske & Son of The Ponderosa Farm, Ris ; ng San, Mary land, pick a good program and follow it all the way. Their lost year's D.H.I.A. average for 85 cows was: 15,915 lbs. milk Milk Butterfat Days The entire herd bn die Ponderosa Farm is fed exclusively Green Pastures Feeds and according to the Green. Pastures Pirogroim, Why Not Let Us Work Out A Successful GREEN PASTURES PROGRAM for you* (A home bred herd for over ten years) The business end of Ponderosa Benefactor Stella,'one of the better performers in the Ponderosa Herd. STELLA'S RECORD (Loose housing, two times per day milking) 471 554 962 1,139 1,100 (incomplete) 1,316 JUST > MILLER & BUSHONG, Inc This year so date on D.HJ.A. Month Lbs, of milk/day Month Lbs, of mi! December January February March CALL- Rohrerstown, Pernia. 17571 717-392-2145 "FINEST SERVICE ANYWHERE" 659 lbs. fat STELLA’S HOME 128.7 137,1' 125.6 126.1 June . July 107.: 108.1 98J 89.1 April May