• T«rri Ann Shonk (Continued from Page 1) [r. and Mrs. Benjamin Shank, Mi <7^sl tef-'- -•] 'R®c?Rosei * It Start Here New, improved Red Rose Milk Replacer gives calves more vita mins, minerals than dam’s milk .. • gives you more milk to sell. After the first week, calves actually get more vitamin and min eral fortification from Red Rose Milk Replacer than from dam’s milk. More vitamin E and double amounts of vitamins A and D, and whole whey to supply additional lactose for energy. There’s no weight loss, no slowdown in energy, no decline in growth. Yet with all its improvements, Red Rose Milk Replacer is still lower priced. Ask your Red Rose dealer for the suggested Milk Re placer feeding program Agway TRUCK LOAD SALE ON AWAY CORN CRIBS 5x5 GAUGE BAR MESH CRIB SIZES AVAILABLE 750 and 1100 Bu. Capacity 13’ -9” Diameter 1000 and 1500 Bu. Capacity 16’ -8” Diameter ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE Corn Diverter Roof Ladder Vent Stack FIRST COME - FIRST SERVED ORDER TO-DAY (LIMITED SUPPLY) ADDITIONAL 5% DISCOUNT ON ORDERS PLACED BY AUGUST 30 CALL 397-4761. Ask for Mr. Shelly or Mr, Esbenshode We also can supply your needs for building your own corn crib welded wire, hardware cloth, creosoted lumber, creosoted poles, steel and or aluminium roofing, nails, silo or snow fence, etc. Elisabethtown Rl, TcrrJ Ann has been very active In 4-tt Clubs for the past eight years. To help her with her duties as poultry o££(D , |||* <P and Grow. BEE-LINE iSQsr Supply Center REASONS WHY MORE FARMERS PREFER THE AGWAY GREEN DOOR BAR MESH CORN CRIBS queen, the had projects In chick rearing and flock laying manage ment. And a ipcclal pcrional intcrcit it the peek order and be hevior In chickens. She wrote n science experiment theme on that subject and her mother says she is always studying special individuals in the chicken house when the helps with the daily chores. She entered prize winning eggs at the Pennsylvania Farm Show. To help brush up on any ques tions that might be asked in Hershey, the Poultry Queen is studying research information assembled by her sister Vicki. The project done by her older sister covers research informa tion on quality control and grad ing of eggs. Terri’s interests are broad of course, as would be expected from such a talented young lady. She has had 4-H projects in photography, cooking, sewing, teen leadership and health. Terri is always trying new cooking recipes on the family. Among her community ser vices, she has been a teen leader of the 4-H physical fitness club and has been a volunteer swim ming instructor at the crippled children’s hospital. She has won the Kiwanis conservation essay contest. When asked how much pro motional effect on the sales of eggs and poultry meat a queen could have, Terri responded in her usual reserved manner. “I think it depends on the people who asign and arrange for the queen’s activities. For example, 1. Galvannealed Wire 2. Steep Pitched Roof 3. Easy Erection 4. Easy Loading and Unloading 5, Positive “Safety Locking” of all sections 6. Tested Under Extreme Load Conditions 7. Excellent Basic Design 8. Reliable Manufacturer, (Foley & Lavish Engineering Co.) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 16,1969 THE POULTRY QUEEN, Terri Ann Shank (center) and her parents Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Shank, Elizabethtown Rl. Miss Shank will represent the Lancaster County Poultry Industry at the State Queen Contest next Saturday at the Hershey Dutch Days. at a fair it would help to have some special idea for the queen to follow. Maybe she could promote a special recipe” Along with her daily woik at home caring for 2,500 layeis and the family self-service retail outlet along the road from Eliz abethtown to Bambndge, the local Queen serves as a waitiess at the Masonic Homes Dinning Room. She enjoys gymnastics very much and unconsciously does cart wheels on her way fiom one poultiy house to an other. And swimming is Tein’s favorite spoit. She has two major trophies to prove it. As a member of the Willow Wood Club in Elizabethtown, she won the best all around athlete award and the high girls score in swim- ming. To relax she plays the piano and to piove she is energetic, she played the base dtum in the high school band. Eailier this summer, Terri seived as a chuich camp coun selor and she is scheduled to arrive home today from a church youth workshop at Findlay, Ohio. Terri Ann will be one of seven contestants at the band shell in Heishey Park. 'Carl Hanke, the famous Har risburg organist is furnishing the music for the affair and the pub lic is invited to attend the cere mony. The Queen contestants will be brought to the band shell in new convertibles furnished by local automobile dealers. 7
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