Lancaster Farming. Saturday. August 16.1969 I. HIW from mm! CARNATION-ALBERS “THE PROGRAM THAT PRODUCES Trials at Albers Research Station. (Carnation Farms) show a predictable difference in replacement heifers raised on the Carnation-Albers Calf Feeding Program. Heifers will be growthier. They will mature, breed and freshen earlier. This not only gets them into the milking string sooner, but as DHIA studies have shown, means greater lifetime produc tion for the cows and more profit for you. The Carnation-Albers Calf Program using Suckle Milk Re placer, and Manna-Mate Calf Developer can make your operation more profitable. Bith Suckle and Manna-Mate are high protein and high energj. Manna-Maie contains 23% of famous Calf-Manna. 4 MEDICATED A MILK REPLACER | FOR YOUNG ANIMALS } a (arnation product > tferfc. iKTift<ffc,r^*maiWy D. E. HORN & Co., Inc. CALF PROGRAM PREDICTABLE PROFITS” ON || a (ajnatioa woouct | 44 5<Q Years Helping Produce Bf';' MANUFACTURED BY YORK, PA. PH. 717-854-7867 Top Dairymen Use The HORNCO PROGRAM Combining Uni-Pel Dairy Rations and Carnotion- Alllbers Calf Feeds. Ask Your Neighbor Who Buys From Hornco Find Out Why The TOP D.HJ.A. HERD (1968-69) IN YORK, ADAMS &CUMBER- LAHD COUNTIES Was FED ON THE HORNCO PROGRAM. • Food Products”
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