Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 16, 1969, Image 2
2 —Lancaster Farmings Saturday. August 16.1969 At Lancaster Yards r Weekly Review m Auction Only 'f August 14, 1969 August 13, 1969 CATTLE 777 Compared to r4TTiP9«mr nmn , M j ( „i last Tuesda y- Slaughter Steers ct T d C? last CATTLE 1113—Compared to steady to 25 lower, decline main . Slaughter Steers Monday, Slaughter Steers fully ly on Good and low-Choice; Cows steady to 50 steady; Cows steady to 25 higher; weak to 50 lower! Bulls steady lowei, Bulls steady to 50 higher, gulls fully steady, with some to weak. Supply included 25 per with some sales Choice 100 sa i es Choice 50 higher. cent Cows. •ngher. Supply included an esti- SLAUGHTER STEERS—High- SLAUGHTER STEERS mated 55 percent Slaughter Choice and Prime 1100-1275 lbs. High-Choice and Prime 1100 oteers, 25 percent Cows and 32 35-32 60; Choice 950-1325 lbs. 1250 lbs. 32 25-33.00, few head Bulls, with the balance mainly 30 85-32 35: high-Good and low- to 33 60; Choice 975-1325 lbs r eeder Steers Choice 29 85-31.00; Good 28.25- 30.75-32.50; high-Good and low- SLAUGHTER STEERS—High- 30 50; Standard and low-Good Choice 29.75-3125; Good 27 85- Choice and Prime 1085-1300 lbs 26 00-28 50 30 00; Standard and low-Good 32 35-32 60: Choice 950-1325 lbs COWS—Utility and high-dress- 27 00-29 00 30 85-32 35, high-Good and low- ing Cutter 22 25-23 85; Cutter COWS Utility and high- Choice 29 85-31 00; Good 28 25- 20 85-22 25; Canner and low- dressing Cutter 21.50-23 00 few 30 50, Standard and low-Good Cutter 17 50-20.75. 23 00-23 35; Cutter 20 00-22 DO -26 00-28 50. BULLS—Choice 28 50-29 60, Canner and low-Cutter 17 75- COWS Utility and high- coupl? 30 25-30.60; Good 25 75- 19 75 dressing Cutter 21 75-23 85: Cut- 27 85; Utility and Commercial BULLS Good 25 85 27 85 ter 20 75-22 25, Canner and low- 26 00-28 00, few 2810-28 85. couple Choice 28 00-28 25 TJtilitv Cld^ T l^ 50 ‘ 2d p-. on CALVES 112 Good and and Commercial 25 35-28 60, few BULLS Choice 28 00-29 60; Choice Vealers 100-2 00 higher, 28 75-29 25 couple on Wednesday 30 25- others steady. CALVES 600 Standard to 30 60; Good 25 75-2785; Utility VEALERS - Choice 46 00- Choice Vealers 100 higher- Cull and Commercial 26 00-28 85, few 48 00, couple 49 50-5150; Good a nd Utility 100 200 lower ’ Lead 1500-1850 lbs. on Monday 43.00-46 50: Standard 3900-43 00; VEALERS n, 30 00-3100 Utility 34 50-39 00; Cull 90-120 48 50; G oo d 4100 46 OO; sfand CALVES 500 Good and Choice ard 40 00-4400; Utility 35.00- Vealers 100-2.00 higher; other HO G S 378-Ban ows and Gilts 40 50 ; Cull 90-120 lbs 29.50-33.00, grades mostly steady about steady ' 65-85 lbs. 25.00-30 00 giades mostly steady. BARROWS AND GILTS—US HOGS 225 _ VEALERS - Choice 45.00- 1 200-220 lbs 29.00. US 2-3 200- GiUs 50.75 hioher carrows and 48 00, couple 49 50-5150; Good 250 lbs. 27.50-27 85. US 2-3 190- BARROWS° and rtriTC—TTC 43.00-46 50; tandard 39 00-43 00; 200 lbs. 27 25-2735 US 3-4 220- j 215 lbs 29 10 US 12 2 Utility 3450-39.00; Cull 90-120 230 lbs. 26 60-26 85. lbs 28.10-2875 ’US 2-3 195 250 lbs 28 00-33.00; 65-90 lbs. 24.00- SHEEP 17 Insufficient lbs. 27.50-27.85; US 3-4 200-250 2900. volume for a market test; one Ids. 2700-27.50 HOGS 1300 Barrows and Gilts h f 2, rinie 88 lb ' mostly steady Spnng Lambs 3025 - Closing sales BARROWS AND GILTS Few US 1 200-220 lbs. 29 00 US 2-3 200-250 lbs 27.50- 27.85 US 34 220-230 lbs 26.60- 26 85 SHEEP 250 Spring Lambs even, high choice and prime about steady, Ewes steady strong to 50 higher, average SPRING LAMBS—Choice 60- steady 90 lbs 27 50-29 50, one lot mix- ed Choice and Prime 90 lbs •on ok j o- ka on M Bulls unchanged 30 25, Good 2o 50-27 50 „ , Receipts 70 percent slaughter SLAUGHTER EWES—Utility steers, fully 25 percent heifers, and Good 5 00-8 00 balance mainly cows Overall VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. PARADISE, PENNA. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, HOGS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 9:00 A.M. For Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager AUCTIONS makes the difference in marketing livestock! New Holland makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10:30 AM. FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2:30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL ' ' HORSE SALE —MONDAY at 10:00 A.M. DAIRY SALE - WEDNESDAY at 12ft 30 P.M.- - FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL-THURSDAY at 12:30 P.M. * NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland, Penna y • .;, -- Abiam W. Dtffenbach,. Manager Phone 354-2194 MARKET NEWS REPORT Chicago Cattle Weekly Review CATTLE Compared last weeks close, slaughter steers un- Vintage Auction August 12, 1969 SHEEP 32—Small supply Spring Lambs 1.00-2 00 higher. finish of slaughter steers 17 per cent prime and 65 percent choice compared with last weeks 15 per cent prime and 73 percent choice and 13 percent prime and 71 per cent choice last year. Average cost and weight of slaughter steeis, estimated at 3110 and 1145 lbs compaied with 3151 and 1156 lbs last week and 27 72 and 1164 lbs last jear Heifer supply mamh high good to low prime weighing 800 1025 lbs SLAUGHTER STEERS —On Wednesday, pnme 1225-1425 lbs yield grade 3 and 4 33 00-33 50 several loads at latter puce High choice and prime 1125 1400 lbs 32 00-33 00. Choice 950-1350 lbs yield grade 2 to 4 30 25-32 00 Hixed good and choice 29.50- 30.25. Go 27 50-29 50. Standard and low good 26 00-27 50 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS High choice and prime 950-1025 lbs yield grade 3 and 4 29 SO SO 25, choice 800-1000 lbs yield grade 2 to 4 28 00- 29 75, mixed good and choice 750-900 lbs 27 25-28 00, good 25 75-27 25 " se ‘ / <♦> •SB* •» , <♦> .SR. >SB> CLIP OUT AND SAVE SPECIAL STOCKER & FEEDER SALES LANCASTER UNION STOCK YARDS - IN SALES PAVILION - FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1969 AT 1:00 P.M. FALL SALE SCHEDULE # ‘August 22; September 12, September 26. October 10, October 24 (Feeder Calf Sale), November 7. November 21. All Sales, Friday Starting At 1.00 P M ‘V- ILil’ i:J * j VALUABLE DOOR PRIZES TO BEGI VeW /tWAY AT EACH SALE j Sponsored by: The Lancaster Livestock Exchange and Union Stock Yard Co. *■»»»» wukma New Holland Auction August 14, 1969 CATTLE 881 Compared with last Thursday, Slaughter Steers fully steady; Cows 50-75 higher; Bulls strong to 50 high er. Supply included 20 percent Cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Prime 1075- 1250 lbs. 3210-32.60; Choice 925- 1250 lbs 30 75-3210, aiound a lead of Choice and Prime 1325- 1500 lbs 30 35-3185; high-Good and low-Choice 950-1250 lbs. 29 60-31 25; Good 28 50-3000; Standard and low-Good 25 75- S V> SSH% S S SNN % % S SN % •» S' FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Thursday August 14,1969) Midwestern Live Cattle Live Hogs Maine Potatoes Chicago Chicago New York August 30.70 October 28.20 November December 41.10 February 27.65 March April 27.62-b May June 27.52 27.50 August a-asked b-bid n-nominal Trend: Cattle are steady; Hogs are stronger and Potatoes are vij C. weaker. □□□□□ 29 00. including load 1350 lbs, 27 50-28.10. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Few head Choice 28.50-29.85. COWS Utility and high dressing Cutter 22.00-24.00; Cut tei 20.35-22.25; Canner and low- Cutter 18.50-20.50. BULLS Choice 28.85-29.85, few 30.10-31.25; Good 26.75- 28 85; Utility and Commercial 26 25-28 85, few 29.00-29.25; Cut ter and low-Utility 24.00-25.75. CALVES 394 Vealers 1.00- (Continued on Page 3) 27.32 24.07 23.10 2.22 2.53 2.74 3.25