Read Lancaster* 1 Farming For Full Market Reports The ( Wf Satisfaction That Comes \Y J\ From V \ Doing A JfMuj Good lob Of ( Fanning fIJ# 3 I Vs a great feeling to know that you are the master of your farmlands . . . that when you treat your soil right, it will treat you right. Liming is one of the most important factors in keeping your soil in the highest productive range. By raising the pH from a level below 6.0 to 6.5 or higher, you can expect to harvest 7 more bushels of wheat per acre, with similar increases for all other forage and cash crops. MARTIN’S LIMESTONE Blue Ball, Pa. 354-4125 Gap, Pa. 442-4148 FLAT BIG r ~ • | i Diller Av«., New.iHolHmd, Pa. i Poultry men around the world are fast equipping their poultry houses With the "high profit return" automated. Big Dutchman Flat Deck Cage Systems and Equipment as shown above. Contact your Big Dutchman Branch or Representative today . . . about yours. DUTCHMAN A Division of U.S. Industries, Inc- • Oak Sawdust (Continued from Page 13) whole blood, white blood cell count, and percentages of hemo globin, calcium, phosphoius, and magnesium. Thirty Hereford steers, aver aging 774 pounds, were used in a 103-day feeding trial The steers were fed all they would eat. Initially, each steer receiv ed an injection of one million international units of vitamin A, was implanted with 30 milli grams of diethylstilbestrol, and was tieated with 1 32 pounds of thibenzole All rations were supplemented with vitamins that furnished 2,- 200 intei national units of vita min A, 4,400 units of vitamin D CERTIFIEDseed wheat —BARLEY High quality with good germination 10 High Producing Alfalfas Alfalfas freshly Inoculated at no extra charge. REIST SEED CO. MT. JOY. PA. Ph- 653-4121 QUALITY SEEDS (SINCE 1925) DECK CAGES Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 16,1969-—] Send Soil Samples Early fall is a good time for soil testing. Having soil tests made early aids farmers, gar deners, and soil testing labora tory personnel, says James H. Eakin, Jr, extension agionomist at The Pennsylvania State Uni versity He suggests samples be taken from sod fields to be plant ed to row crops next spring Soil samples can be taken at any time during the year as long as the fertilized rows are missed All samples must be submitted in special containers provided by the county agent. There is a small fee for this service and 2 75 units of vitamin E per 2 2 pounds of feed Phone 354-5168 Ugite sells gas For the best in gas service, call Ugite and get all the pleasure and convenience of gas cooking, clothes, drying, water heating, bar becuing and home heating. Ugite sells appliances Buy from the people who know gas best. You’ll get better installation, more dependable service, and the know-how that gets the most from your appliance at lowest cost. We offer a full line of ranges, water heaters, room heaters, clothes dryers, gas lights, and gas grills. Ugite sells central heat and air conditioning With a central heating-afr conditioning system from Ugite, you get TOTVtL home comfort. Air is warmed, filtered, and humidified for the cleanest winter com fort you can buy. In sum mer, air is cooled, filtered and dried for that crisp coolness missing in so many systems. Our free Total Home Comfort Sup* vey will tell you what sys tem is best for your home at the lowest cost If it’s gas, it’s best if it’s ~omn ™ UJaEaSH Rt. 222, Ephrata Ph. 733-2207 ■ll
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