(>- Lancaster Karmuui. Saturday. Amtitst 9. 1!)(»9 AIcoln,loc'"".": One out of three drivers ii t was under 25 years of age, Hero Sandwich Meets Shea Stadium Heroes This may 01 may not be the yeai of the Mets However, they have pi oven to be more than the equal of most of their mound opponents. Eecentlj the baseball team took on a hero of a different stripe He was a lean six-footei and packed plently of energy He didn’t throw fast balls, curves 01 sliders, but was available for bullpen dutv to satisfy the Mets’ heaity appetities He was a six foot hero sand wich, which made its Shea Sta dium debut to help kick off Au gust is Sandwich Month This yeai’s \SM piogiam is sponsoied by the U S Depait inent of Agncultuie’s Consume! and Maiketmg Seivice in co opeiation with the Ameucan ihkeis Association, Ameucan Daily Association, National Asso ciation of Wheat Gioweis, Na tional Live Stock and Meat Boaid and Wheat Floui Institute The six-footei fed 30 peisons That was ideal foi the Mets, if you count then 25 lostei plaj-eis, tom coaches and managei Gil Hodges The biead poition of Lne heio weighed seven pounds, Vvhile the ingredients added ar othei 15 pounds -The sandwich contained bologna, cheese, loast beet, ham, liveiwuist Ameiman made Swiss cheese, Ameucan cheese, salami, tomatoes and con ch ments 4ftei the heavy idins of lecent weeks, it would be a good time 101 land owners to evaluate the noil and water conservation pi ac mes on then faims Many faims have gotten the largest amount oi water in a few days time of