Majestic Prince, ifhlch won the 1969 Kentucky Derby, is trained by Johnny Longden. winningest jockey in history. FOR FAST ON-THB-PARM SERVICE I i .ludii.'.i ■ i, '] SWEIGART FIRESTONE 329 W. High St., Manheim, Pa. Pbone 665-2258 Red Rose DAIRY FEEDS On pasture .. i and in the barn ... your cows NEED MINERALS! THESE DEALERS CAN SERVE YOU WITH YOUR NEEDS Walter Binkley & Son Brown & Rea, Inc. Elverson Supply Co. Henry E. Garber B. D. 1, Elizabethtown, Pa. L. T. Geib Estate I. B. Graybill & Son Refton Strasbarg American Potash Institute Gives Some Keys To Fall Forage Fertility Questions I—How can I cut costs . . . make more profits from forage? You can shoot for a higher yield from each acre. In Penn sylvania a 4-ton hay yield cost around $l9 per ton to produce. But the 6-ton yield cost only $l2 —or $7 LESS per ton when the yield increased 2 tons per acre. 2—Quantity of forage Is not the only answer, is it? No, sir. True forage value is determined by quantity AND QUALITY. You can best express feeding value through the energy and protein your crop can give animals. Say you are testing four fertilizer rates, for example. Yields from the third rate (next to top) showed most profit from yield—s2B.32 per acre. But when you add the value of digestible protein to the profit picture, the fourth or highest rate becomes Red Rose Free-Choice Mineral is recommended where there is heavy use of corn silage. Red Rose Super Mineral is designed for dairy herds where legume roughage is fed. Be sure include Red Rose Minerals in your feeding program. Lititz Atglen Elverson Uanheim most profitable $171.07 per acre, Texas tests showed. 3—How important is QUALI TY in forage, really? Quality measn the difference between profit and loss. It af fects the performance of your animal PLUS the amount of grain you must purchase. Take an alfalfa-brome hay, for ex ample. With GOOD quality, a farmer had to add only 3 lbs grain per day to insure 41 lbs milk per day. With POOR quality hay, he had to add 18 lbs grain to get only 20 lbs. milk—Oß 50% LESS MILK WITH 6 TIMES THE GRAIN. That clearly says one thing: “Profit depends on quality.” 4—How does forage stack up with grain as a quality feed? Great! Take alfalfa, for ex mo your com the best your know hew! Red Rose Dairy Feeds . . . and Red Rose Supplements . are the feeds you need! They provide all the nutrients cows need for maintenance and put more milk in the pail. Take Red Rose 14 Test-Cow Feed, for example. This course-textured all purpose feed can be fed to your milk ing cows, dry cows, calves and bulls. You can feed it all seasons but it's especially helpful to keep appetites from lagging during warm weather. Other Red Rose Dairy Feeds are available in many protein levels. Select the one that suits your particular need and feed with a satisfaction you have never known before! E. Musser Heisey & Son K. D. #2, Mt. Joy, Pa. Heistond Bros. Elizabethtown Red Rose Form Service, Inc. N. Church St., Qaarryville Dovid B. Hurst Bowmansville Martin's Feed Mill, Inc. R. D. 3. Ephrata, Pa. Mounlville Feed Service Mountville ample. A 10-ton yield gives the energy (TDN) found in 315 bu. of corn or 10.5 tons of corn sil age PLUS the protein in 713 bu. of corn or 150 bu. of soybeans. That means even a 5 ton alfalfa yield adds up to a lot of corn and soybeans! s—Which management step will pay best for me? That’s hard to say. But experts agree most dairy and livestock farmers can increase forage pro duction . . . grow it more effi ciently, more economically . . . by doing a better job of liming and fertilizing. 6—How big a difference can fertilizer make? A big difference! It takes just as much money and labor to plow, plant, spray and fence for low yields as for high jields— and just as much land' It costs about $55-65 per acre to establish alfalfa Figure $2O for feitilizer and lime out of this- 50 lbs P 205 Musser Forms, fnc. Columbia Musser's Mill The Buck Chos. E. Souder & Sons Terre Hill Ammon E. Shelly Litltz E. P. Spotts, Inc. Honey Brook H. M. Stauffer & Sons, Inc. Whiner Lancaster Farming. Saturday. August 9,1969 and 225 lbs. K2O. The other costs are essentially fixed. So, it pays to fertilize enough to do a top-yield job with all the other costs in volved. 7—What about fertilizing pas tures? Will it pay me? Yes. Leaders say the evidence is clear For example, fertilizing Coastal Bermudagrass increased beef production from 259 lbs. to 684 lbs. per acre per year. In net profit, this meant $3O per acre, $3OO every 10 acres, $3,000 on a 100-acre operation. In other words, the $35 spent for fertiliz er produced an ADDITIONAL 425 lbs. of beef from each acre. This Georgia grass was fertilized with 200 lbs of nitrogen and 500 lbs of 0-10-20 yearly In another study, $l4 worth of fertilizer per acre on alfalfa brome pasture returned $55 33 in additional beef gain—S3 69 re turn on every dollar invested In another trial, $2l worth of fertilizer boosted permanent pas ture profit more than $77 per acre Fertilizing clover-grass pas tilles can produce big dividends. About Sl5 worth of fertilize! and lime per acre—sometimes more —can produce up to 2 tons EX TRA forage under many condi tions COST: $1,500 fertilizer bill each year on a 100-acie opera tion RETURN: 300,000 EXTRA lbs of milk or nearly $lB,OOO in crease This could happen IF the extia forage is piopeily used, experiment station agionomists say B—How much nutrition will my forage crop need? All high-yielding foiages have a big appetite for plant nutrients. But they vary in their demands. Foi example, 8 tons of alfalfa lemoves 982 lbs of nitrogen, phosphate, and potash per acre 30 tons of com silage 525 4 5 tons of clover-grass 6 tons of cool season lbs . . 420 lbs, (Continued on Page 25) SAFE STORAGE! The Butler trademark tells you so Butler quality grain bin* give you the safest, most dependable storage you can buy. They're pre-engineered that way by Ike men who know grain storage best. What's more, it's easy te convert a Butler bin into an ow farm drying *ystem, if you de cide to dry your own gram. I>et us discuss your grain storage needs with you. Just give ue a call or stop by. M. K. HOKE Est, Inc. Manhehn, Pa. 17545 717-665-2266 19