Cholesterol Issue Not Resolved and Egg National nearly $4O million compared to less than $300,000 for PENS. ' 1 "" ' " ■ In the 20 years of its exis- outmlmSSSSSto n??rv7na OUS military man t 0 quake in In the battle over the choles- tence, the American Heart As- t o counter AKA’S 1 publicity] his boots - The piclure for the terol issue the “enemy” is grow- Jl*® i h ® d 5 !?.° million which places eggs and other current year is even gloomier. ine stronger everv vear renorts P . ’ accord,n S t 0 lts foods containing animal fats in At the beginning of the year p recently released annual report, a villainous role. Such odds AHA had $5O million on hand. Dr. L. A. Wilhelm, president of Its budget for last year was would cause the most courage- Unless PENS has a similar in- A NEW HI-NUTRIENT ADDITION TO THE OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE LINE OF EARLY BIRD LAYING FEEDS FOR A MORE . e€ t When you House Pullets ... . Start them on the New No. 304 EARLY BIRD EXCELLERATOR ALSO ESPECIALLY HELPFUL IN STRESS SITUATIONS SUCH AS . . . For complete information on how to program your new flock For maximum performance and profits . . . Call your Early Bird Representative or Phone us direct. x AvJj/,/ */ POULTRY FEEDS Poultry Board. More Nutrients Per Mouthful • Extreme heat • After debeaking • When birds are in heavy lay • When feed consumption is too low FINEST SERVICE ANYWHERE •f >■* ',&> MILLER & BUSHONG, INC. Rohrerstown, Phone 392-2145 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 21.1969 y *S, V > ✓ V < > . \ X . * 'v v <, ~ s ,<<< V , .*v,* * / * - - X. «• 1 - Pa. crease in funds, that makes for odds of 166 to 1. AHA spent over $4 million last year just for public health education. It took only a small fraction of that to produce a 13- minute film, ‘‘Eat To Your Heart’s Content.” The film, which was released last winter, included such advice as “eggs aren’t what they’re cracked up to be. Do not eat more than three (whole) eggs a week.” Two decades ago when AHA was formed its primary purpose was to do cardiovascular re search There was little empha sis on publicity. Today only about one-third of each dollar goes into research. An almost equal amount goes into fund raising and administration. In the remaining third theie is plenty of money available for anti-animal fat publicity. AHA’s growing budget for publicity has been accompanied by a change in policy Original ly AHA was concerned only with altering the diets of those persons actually suffering fiom coronary disease, those who had suffered from it and those who might be especially prone to it. Now it is recommending a diet low in animal fats for ALL citi zens, healthy ones included. This runs counter to the Ameri can Medical Association’s cur rent recommendation that well balanced diets include dany products and meats or other high protein foods, such as eggs, legularly. If the egg industry and other animal food industries (dairy, meats, etc) ever are to effec tively counter the infoimation put out by the AHA, theie is going to have to be a much bigger budget for weapons, says Dr. Wilhelm. A slingshot won’t do! / < < *' ' * & n .. ' Correspondence Courses Hi FLOWER DOUBLE BEAUTY Your flower garden can give you double beauty if you plan early in the season to diy some of the blooms Dried flowers, ananged into a beautiful bou quet, can add color and charm to your home all winter. In colonial days the ait of drying floweis was popular. Now, theie has been a revival of this intei est by many homemak ers and gai den-club membeis. Staiting to select and diy ma tenals eaily in the season is im portant if you want a vauety of loims and colois to choose fiom when fall comes If you aie m teiested m diying floweis, you’ll be inteicsted in a cones pondence com se offei ed by The Pennsylvania State University. You’ll want to know which floweis to choose fiom diying, at what stage of matunty to pick each one and the best pre serving matenal to use As you select and pieseive materials, lemembei that line, foim, pat tern, textuie, and a pleasing coloi scheme aie just as essen tial as foi airangements made with fiesh plant material Other lessons in the course discuss design, containeis, color, and coisage making You’ll leam which gaiden floweis to use, how to wue them, and how to make bows for your coi sages. If you’ie interested in making each of your flower airange ments a conveisation piece, send $2 00 to Flower Ai range ments, 202 Agucultural Educa tion Building, Univeisity Paik, Pennsylvania 16802 Check or money older should be made payable to The Pennsylvania State Univeisity. 7