County Boys Prepare For Activities Week Eighty-two Lancaster County P.F.A. members are prepaung for F.F A. Activities Week at the Pennsylvania State University on July 1,2, and 3 Henry E. Givler, Area Super visor of Vocat.onal Agriculture for Lancaster, Yoik. and Dauph in Counties, said they will be The f 'EM Satisfaction That Conies \T^r\ From V yt 1 \ Doing A Good Job Of fij Fan ” ins iifir It's a great feeling to know that you are the master of your farmlands . . . that when you treat your soil right, it will treat you right, liming is one of the most important factors in keeping your soil in the highest productive range. By raising the pH from a level below 6.0 to 6.5 or higher, you can expect to harvest 7 more bushels of wheat per acre, with similar increases for all other forage and cash crops. MARTIN’S LIMESTONE Blue Ball, Pa. 354-4125 Gap, Pa. 442-4148 MUSH-METER Automatic liquid feeding reduced to the utmost in Many producers find they can finish feed 170 hogs Mush Meter | s The Exception to 200 pounds on one Mush Meter feeder at a cost r ©f approximately $4.00 per hog capacity. A producer , .. _ could get that $4.00 back on his first group of hogs in Perfected Simplicity Is The Reoson extra profit because of lower labor and feed costs. BIG DUTCHMAN Differ Ave., New Holland, Po. among (he approximately 1.500 Future Farmers from all over the state, competing in contests of agricultural skills and abilities to icpicscnt Pennsylvania in the Regional and National Contest. They will be endoavoimg to bet tei last yeai's record of twelve (12) gold medals, nine (9) s.lvei medals, ten (10) bionzo medals, and five (5) honoinble mentions In add.lion. Leroy Eshelman, Dave Hoovei, Clhude Millai, Nel son Newcomer, all fiom Penn Muiioi FF \ Da\*d Ha’ting, IT ISN'T OFTEN YOU GET THE BEST FOR LESS BIG DUTCHMAN AUTOMATIC LIQUID FEEDING IS THE EXCEPTION! Sit 1 - •-. ■' ,*■ <- 'w' oi shop and mechanical skills and tiouble shooting They ate judged on a bas’s of the nio ficencv and safety with which tney peifoim these skills At the same time the Pennsyl Association of Futuie iFaimeis 01 Ameuca holds their 1 summer convention and will be j electing new officeis foi the next year Kenneth Webei of Gi ass land FF A Chaptei is now seiv mg as State Secietaiy and will [ be helping to conduct election of [new officeis and othei business Jesse Balmei of Waivvick FFA Chapter Linfoid Mai Ur of Giassland FFA. Chaptei. and Eail Stauffei of Cloister FFA. Chaptei will be candidates for state offices In addition, Lancas tei County will have two dele gates lepiesentmg them at busi ness sessions They are Paul Eck man of the Gaiden Spot FFA Chapter and Paul Clark of the Pequea Valley FFA Chapter Paul Eckman is President, and Paul Clark is Secietary of the Lancaster County FFA. Following is a list of the chap ters and the number attending from each chapter: Cloister FFA. —12, Elizabeth town FFA —4, Garden Spot F.F A —4, Grassland F F A.—ll, \ HUGE STRAWBERRIES are exhibited by Fay Stoner at the County 4-H Strawberry Round-up held Wednesday at the Holiday Inn. It was the third consecutive year Miss Ston er showed the best berries. L. F. Photo Fay Stoner Wins Again With 4-H Strawberries For the third consecutive year. Fay Stoner, 15 year-old daughtei of Mi & Mis Raymond Stoner, 1051 Eden Road, showed the champion stiawbernes at the an nual 4-H Stiawberry Exhibit Manheim Central FF.A —B, Penn Manor FF.A—I2, Pequea Valley FFA.—7, Soianco FFA. 17 Waiwick FFA —6 They will he accompanied by their teachers - \ * Lancaster Farming. Saturday, June 14.1969—9 354-5168 held Wednesday at the Holiday Inn. A member of the Lititz Man hiem Club, Fay showed huge Jeisey Bell beines In the fii st yeai of woik, Scott Deaiolf, 11 yeai-old son of Mr. &. Mis William Deaiolf, Cones toga R 2, had the highest pioject score with 96 5 points Scott is a membei of the Ehzabethtown- Donegal Club and also placed second with his exhibit Miss Stoner was second in pio ject scores Audrey Yuninger, Marietta R 1 was third in both the best exhibit and the project score. Othei pro ject score placmgs included Re becca Sadler, Stevens Rl, 4th; Phil Landis, Lititz R 2, sth, Tim othy Grube, Elm, 6th. Sponsored by the Lancaster Rotary Club, each exhibit was pm chased by a Rotarian and the 4-H’ers were guests at their noon luncheon Carl Bittner, PSU Fiuit Specialist, was the judge. Good Harvest Insurance JOHN DEERE 95 If weather threatens, the 95 is good harvest rnsurance Ample power, heavy 40-inch cylinder, cell-type gate, big grain tank with highspeed unloading these help you get your crop out fast ome in soon for details. Ask about our Credit Plan. • Effective through 30 June 1969. No interest or cairying charge until December 1, 1969. • No payments until January 1,1970. • Immediate delivery. Landis Bros., Inc. 1305 Manheim Pike Lancaster (1 Mile North of Lancaster on Rt 72) Ph. 393-3906