i— Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Juno 14,1969 EQUIPMENT used for cut and fill These carryalls need to be used to trans method of construction. This tvpe of equip- port the soil from one end of the terrace to mem competes with a bulldozer as far as the other in some instances, cost ot constructing terraces is concerned. Rapid Change In Cropping Methods Brings Erosion Hazards By On al A. Bass District Conservationist Lancaster County farmers are undergoing a lapid change in cropping programs. The need for more and more corn is quite apparent with the appearance of more silos on the horizons With the erection of silos more acres are being devoted to corn, in creasing the hazard of erosion considerably. Some of the more conscientious farmers are turn ing to the U. S. Soil Conserva tion Service for advice in con trolling this erosion. We in the SCS are recom mending terraces and grassed waterways as a complete water disposal system. Complete ter race programs are being install ed on numerous farms in Lan caster County. To make these terraces more appealing to the farmer we are doing all we can to make them parallel In some cases these terraces can be com- pletely parallel By parallel we mean eliminating the point rows between terraces These ter races will work veiy well where the terrain has an even slope usually in one direction. Where most of the pioblems occui is on Geo. F. Eager, Jr. offeis jou TRACtOR TREATS leo. F. Eager, Jr. C\ s E LAWN-BOY YARDMAN Lawn & Garden Equipment Drumore Rl, Pa. Phone 548-2851 ♦ f* V -• ‘%em ******* *£. , .. . On V , • * ."i 1 *4 £3* t * ♦ V? A?*** " ! # s^>^. >•£>*/ k ' »i:aT: .*f v .< • • a. i v *MSII L\*%* & ' fields that have slopes in almost every direction Sometimes a little movement of soil from one end of the terrace to the other pays off in the long run by getting rid of the point rows. These terraces cost more but pay off in the long run. One thing we point out at the beginning during the planning portion is the use of all the na tural draws as grassed water ways The more grassed water ways used, the more parallel a terrace system will run. An other possibility is a variance in the grade in the terrace chan nel All of these things help the farmer get more parallel ter races On most farms we can get three terraces parallel with the point rows falling between the terraces above and below these three All of these are al ternatives that can be investi gated to give tne larmer a bet ter terrace layout. ATTENTION POULTRYMEN! |» s «| 'H ,>, i'W,!"’^ •'■ ’ .'■•'■ *( I®L-^^ M-,. JIwIIk .„lfe i ilgfe#ir J ' Investigate the possibility of converting your existing floor house to day old to 20 week Beacon pullet cages. This has been proven to be the most practical and sanitary way to produce good pul lets. We also sell and service a full line of poul try and livestock equipment. E. M. HERR EQUIPMENT R. D. #l, Willow Street, Pa. 17584 An interesting sidelight that hi ought tei racing to the atten tion of some urban people oc curred in 1967. A farmei close to Lancaster installed some parallel terraces on his faim. The Planning Commission for that Township saw this work and sent one of their members out to check out this new “hous ing development” that did not have a building permit. These terraces were perfectly parallel and very straight across the field. After the “volunteer” found out what the farmer was doing and what good these ter races were doing, he felt this should be carried out on all firms. “This could stop a lot of erosion and pollution if the farmers had these installed,” he said. He reported back to the Commission that this man was not in “violation” and express ed his enthusiasm for this prac tice. One doubt expressed by farm ers toward terraces is that they feel their large equipment will not fit these terraces. We are Phone 717 464-3321 Farm Price# Up Although U.S. farm prices In creased 4 pei cent in May. prices icceived by Pennsylvania farm ers averaged the same as those icceived in April, accoiding to the State Reporting Service. The Service attiibuted the un changed price situation in the state to lower milk and egg puces .vhich offset highei puces for crops and meat animals. The May price for a hundred weight of milk was $5.85. down designing very broad baseter races on which four row equip ment will work nicely. A sixteen foot cut slope, a sixteen foot front slope and at least a six teen foot backslope fit foui low equipment veiy well. If jou are wanting more and more coin and some of your strips in jour strlpciopping sys tem aie getting narrower and nai rower or even disappearing, contact your U S. Soil Conseiva tion Seivice office to see if they rector. can help you. TTTI^fl X JL HERE! NEW Pressure-Cooked Taste Tempting WAYNE DOG FOOD New pressure cooked complete ration for all breeds and ages . . . with starches broken down to provide taste tempting instant appeal "even for finicky eaters! Gives you these important advantages: • Releases more energy • Sharpens Palatability • Improves Digestibility • Uniform Taste, Texture. Nutrition • Complete Ration—no side feedings needed New Wayne Dog Food is made to meet—completely—the critical professional standards of people who know dogs best. Ava,lable in 3 convenient feeding forms ... Krum p'tes (bite size) . . Krums (meal) .. . Blox (wafers). GET SOME TODAY H. JACOB HOOBER Intercourse, Pa. 4 HERSHEY BROS. Remholds FOWL’S FEED SERVICE R. D 1. Quarrvville R. D. 2. Peach Bottom MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE R. D. 2, Columbia _ H. M. STAUFFER PARADISE SUPPLY & SONS, INC. Paradise Witmer DUTCHMAN FEED C. E. SAUDER & SONS MILLS, INC. R. d. 1. East Earl R. D. 1, Stevens GRUBB SUPPLY CO. Elizabethtown 5 cents from April. The average price lor a dozen eggs in May was 32 cents a dozen, down 8 cents. Steers and heifers at $29 a himdiedweight were $2 higher than in April. Cows for slaught er sold for $2l a hundredweight, up $2. Hogs at $22 a hundred weight were $lO6 higher then the April price. Flying Farmers Fl>ing Farmers will visit the Piper Aircraft Company factory at Lock Haven, Penna, on Fri day. June 20 Fifty an planes with moie than 150 pilots -re expected for a tom of the factory and box luncheon to be served at the an port. Fl>.ng Farmers are invited f.om New England: New Yoik; Ontauo, Canada- New Je.iey; Belauaie; Mai j land, Vngmia; and Pennsylvania Intelested pi lots can contact Leehait E Lo gan. West Chestei, Region.'l Di- Intemational Fljmg Faimers. ROHRER’S MILL R. D. 1, Ronks WHITE OAK MILL R. D. 4, Manheim HEISEY FARM SERVICE Lawn Ph: 964-3444 mm