!6--Lancastcr Farming. Saturday. June 14.1969 2i Do You Know Your Dairy Products? Of course vou know what you’re buying And how to judge t. and how to use it, too Or do jou° Here’s a quick test to check iow much you ically know about these familiar dairj- pioducts :c all cnioy. . Match product and description: a. skim milk b. lowfat milk c. nonfat diy milk d. evapoiated milk □ e. yoguit When buying Cheddar cheese look for: a. good color □ b. the longest ciuing category □ c. the U S. Grade AA shield □ Butter is made from: a. selected sour cream □ b. sweet cream □ c. fresh milk Q. Dairy foods are good sources?, of: a. protein □ b. vitamin A □ c ascorbic acid □ d. calcium □ •meaio aar jo asaaqa Xq paqddns aq .£biu junouiß siqj jo auiog ‘jßjjajjnq jo ‘Jfiiui paiejodßAa jo ‘jbjuou jubjsui ‘ibj-moj ‘paunnpjs ‘apqM jo sassß[§ ajom jo oavj spuaiuiuoaaj aping pobj iSirep VOSII aqj, - b 'I •papsaq uaqM sqatu asaaqa ssaaojj -a *g •stop aAij oj aaiqj uiojj. joqejagujaj aqi m jdaq aq uea (asaaqa aSenoa pnß asaaqa -tneaja aqq) sasaaqa Ijog -joißjaSijjaj jno/t 30 ired isappa aq? at sq»M pjja -A3S joj idaq’aq übd ‘sasaaqa pjeq i’soui aqiq -q - s •ppß orqjoo -sb jo saojnos po oS aJB sarqsjagaA ptiß ‘-p yq ‘b •ureaao jnos papajas uiojj apßiu Ai[Biaua§ si 'joabr pros Anqgqs sjt qqM ‘aajjnq g opeJO Sfl iuißaja jaaMS qs’aaj uiojj apeoi st jajjnq VV apsJO - S XI - q ? b - g jsaqSxq aqj jo q.ieui b sAbmjb ‘a -g pasteurized fluid milk with fat and water removed. whole milk with most of the milk fat lemoved. ' □ partly skimmed whole milk, with a bacterial cultuie added to make it semi-solid. a homogenized product with about 60<~<- less water than whole milk, product with lowered milk fat content, added milk solids for a richer taste. Cheddar cheese will keep in refrigerators: a. one week □ b. several weeks □ c. a month or longer □ Process cheese is: a. made from goat’s milk □ b. American-made Cheddar cheese □ c. a mixture of fresh and aged natural cheese □ Adults should have: a. two or more glasses of milk a day b less than two c. three or more d. four or more ■g-a :*-p .‘l-D ic-q :g-B -I saam s n v ______ _______original recitation “America and jf June, July and August at GRANGE NElflfS Liberty” by Joe Overly. Group p.m. singing “This Is My Country” Mrs. Jesse Wood will be and “God Bless America ” charge of an Antique Show at The Junior Grange will meet next meeting of Fulton Gra the second and fourth Mondays #66 June 23. __ (Continued from Page 21) School, Trappe, Montgomery Co. Pa. June 21, 8 p m. and present the piogram in conjuction with Chestei-Delaw are Co Pomona The Junior Giange =343 pie sented the piogiam with the theme “America Is Ours Keep Her Light Shining’’ Mis Jacob Fantom, Mali on, told of then activities since thej reorganized last fall The piogiam opened with the group singing "We Aie The Grange Of The Future", dnected by R Clair Murphy with Miss Mary Lou Weslej accom panist. The officers were introduced who are Master-Joyce Galbreath. Oveiseer-Maik Sawyer: Lectuiei- Kaien Oveily, Steward-Pegg> Galbreath: Assistant Steward-Ed die Campbell; Chaplain-Joey Met zlei; Treasurer-Thomas Gal breath Jr.; Secretary-Ruby Over ly: Gatekeeper-Joe Overly; Ceres- Polly Metzler; Pomona-Sandy Galbreath; Flora-Karen Hollowaj and Lady Assistant Steward-Ed na Wood. An exercise “A Tribute To Mother” was given by 12 of the children. A Tribute To Father was given by Brenda Giffing reading “Father’s Day June 15.” Two groups put on square dance numbers Five children gave a □ poem entitled “Husbands ” David □ Hanks recited Calvin Coolidge’s Q “What The Flag Represents” Group singing “America ” An THERE'S NO STOPPING Buy and build Uni-System as you go! You may want to start now with a Uni-Power Unit and the brand new Tool Carrier for planting up to eight rows at a time . . , then add other units as you need them. Uni- System includes . . . Choice of 3 Power Unit* Un!*Sh«lltr g-v Uni'RoUry Sn*w PUw See us for complete details about Uni-System , the system that save*, you money. thesignofra Qood deale/i Longenecker Farm Supply Kinzer Equip. Co. ■"C" ; fm > f » Vf Unl*Porogo H»rv. (row crop*) Rheems Kinzer Uni-Tool Carrior Uni'Combint (grain) Roy H. Buch, Inc. Ephrata, R, D. #2 Groybill Machines, Inc. Lititz, R. D. 2 VNI-SVSTEM Uni-Piektr Unl-Forag* Harvaifir Unl-Comb'ino (com) A. L Herr & Bro. Quarry ville Landis Bros., Inc. Lancaster