• Round-Table (Continued irom Page 1) R’. on a 98 acre faim Then 75 Registered Holsteins thuve on a stoied feeding progiam with a stanchion barn and a bimk-fcecl e 1 to feed silage An especi.il!> fine gioup of heifeis aie coming along in tne Nissley held but thev will have to woik if lhe> aie to 'eplace then motheis who h«\e the cm lent rolling heul aieuige of ovei 600 pound ol but teiiat On tests last veai the Ivsslev he d aveiaged 16.96 J pounds of milk and 629 pounds ot outteifat That makes the thud veai foi the Penn-Hill held to finish o\ ei 600 pounds David L. Landis The first v ear on official D H I A tests, the Landisvievv Regist e.ed and Grade Holstein heid aveiaged 17 417 pounds of milk and 628 pounds of butteifat Tnat was tne second high milk pioduction herd average in Lan castei County duung the 1967- 1933 testing year This high pi o A drop of Banvel controls broadleaf weeds. • m»W*t tHCM'CAI 1990 P. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC. ducing held is owned bv Mr 1 Mis David L Landis, and two pievious ownei samplci held av eiages of ovei 600 pounds weic leeoidcd befoie the official iec oid The Landis famih including David, Ji 3 Shaion 2 and Dan id 2 months live at 1896 Cole biook Road Thev have a legulai stanchion bain use a dumping station and faim 80 acies Donald Ebv The Bieezv Glen heid of Mi &. Mis Donald Ebv, Goidonville R 1 has lecouis ol consistent high pioduction The latest completed DHIA heid aveiage is 15,058 pounds of milk and 611 pounds of butteifat The piecedmg yeai the Eby heid was second foi butteifat in the County In fact, the heid has at least thiee con secutive herd aveiages over 600 pounds At the time of this wilting a special addition to the held was a new-born Eagle Point Design Bonus heifei calf out of Breezy Glen Ivanhoe Vicki, the Veiy Cost? A drop in the bucket. Just small amounts of Banvel per acre do the job with out making corn brittle. It s a liquid and can be sprayed postemergence up to the time corn is 36 inches high or ten days before tassel emergence, whichever comes first. Banvel penetrates broadleaf weeds that other herbicides miss. It translocates throughout the weed... tough Canada thistle, pig weeds, smartweeds, velvetleaf. lambsquarters, spurge and others are all con- trolted. Corn is freed of y* aya % jrp- I ® weeds. Order Banvel ir herbicide today Velsicol Chemical Corporation • Chicago, II 60611 Use pesticides safely o Read the label, follow directions. VELSICOL BANVEL® Available At Good 36 poml Iwnhoe daughter that has a 5 seat-old iccorci of 22 960 pounds oi milk and 911 pounds of buueifat Mi it Mis Ebj and then thiee daughteis Caiol 16 Nancy 14, and Patucia 12 use a stanchion bam and have a 90 pei cent stoi cd leedinc p ogiam with onh 6 aues of pasluie foi the held S. R. Shellenbergei The Shelman \cies Registeied Holstein Held of Mi 1 Mis S R Shellenbeigei and familv com pleted the last DH I A testing \cai with 16 101 pounds ot milk and 612 pounds of butteifat A stoied feeding piogiam is used and liked because of the mini mum of change in feed nutrition thioughout the yeai The 100 dauy cows and heifeis aie fed fiom 97 acies on the home faim at Mt Jov R 1 and 130 acies lent ed neai by The childien of Mi & Mis Shellenbeiger are Richaid 23 Mamed and woikmg with the dany held at home, Donald 21, mamed and in Voluntarv Sei- HERBICIDE Pa, Ph. 397-3539 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. June 7.1969—? V FRESH COW and her new-born heifer calf at the Breezy Glen Farm of Mr. & Mrs. Donald Eby and their three children, Carol 16, Nancy 14, and Patricia 12 Donald is at the halter of a very good 86 point Ivanhoe daughter named Breezy Glen Ivanhoe Vicki. Vicki’s record as a 5 year-old is 22,960 pounds of milk and 911 pounds of butterfat in 346 days. The 2 day-old calf is sired by Eagle Point De sign Bonus. L. F. Photo vice at Internationa] Falls, NISSLEY—I laise all my i-e Minn, Eileen 18, a fieshman at placements and veiy seldom Eastern Mennomte College, Hen- bu> a cow Pi oduction comes i.v 16 and Haiold 12 fiist in oui held if a heiiei Now here aie the interview questions and the answeis given by these leading local dan y men What kind of a cow do you look for to take another’s place in your herd? f f does not show piomise of af least 12,000 lbs of milk in hei fiist lactation, she doesn’t stay aioundlong Asfoitjpe I like a big strong cow' with a heaity (Continued on Page 6) ' ■ J St 1 !