Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 07, 1969, Image 20

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    20—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 7.1969
Meet Lancaster County’s
Dairy Princess At Home
By Mrs. Charles G. McSparran
Lancaster Farming Staff Writer
June Dany Month and June
the month foi bndes Yes, both
ring a bell foi our present Lan
caster County Dairy Princess,
the foimei Debrah Elaine Bink
ley, now as of June 1, 1969 Mrs
V. Allen Peteis Tiuly the past
yeai has been most exciting, to
say the least, foi this charming
lass who comes from near
June of 1968 Debbie graduat
ed tiom Hempfield High
School Aftei gradaution she ac
cepted a position with Arm
stiong Cork Company, Lancas
tei She is a cleik-typist in the
Employee Relations Depart
ment She is also treasurer of
the Circle A Club there She en
joys her work at Armstrongs
and says they have been won
deiful to hei, permitting her to
attend all the functions in con
nection with being Daily Prin
July 10 she was ci owned Lan
castei County Dairy Princess at
the Host Town Motel in Lancas
ter What has it been like, being
Dairy Pnncess’ Debiah savs “I
enjoved it You get to know a
lot of people ” Hei appearances
stack up like this
Julv 30 Lancaster County
4-H Dauy Show at the Pennsyl
vania Guernsey Bleeders' Asso
ciation Sales Pavilion July 31
and Aug 1• Lancaster Coun
ty Black and White Show, she
gave out nbbons Aug 7 “On
Paiade Day" Atlantic Bieed
eis Coopeiative, handed out
milk and ga\ e a talk Aug 29
Southeastern Black and White
Show Pennsylvania Faim
Show Building helped hand out
ribbons In September and Octo
bei she lode in the paiades of
the Southern Lancaster County
Community Fan, New Holland
Faimeis’ Fan and the Man
heim Community Farm Show
Sept 25 and 26 —■ Pennsylvania
State Dauy Puncess Pageant, in
which 25 gals competed Oct 15
Lancaslei County Faimeis
Association Annual Banquet
Oct 25 Lancastei County 4-H
Dauy Clubs Annual Meeting
Nov 6 Lancaster County Hoi
stein Bieedeis’ Association Jan
21 Lancastei County D H I A
Annual Meeting Faim and
Home Center Jan 23 Mount
Joy Faimeis’ Cooperative Annu
al Banquet Feb 26 Inter-
State Milk Pioduceis Coopeia
tive Distnct 7 Annual Meeting
This compuses Donegal, Leban
on Co, Lititz, Millei sville and
Lampetei aieas She gave pep
talks at the banquets She also
had TV intei views on WGAL,
Lancastei with Bob Mahck and
on WLYH Lebanon She will be
on WGAL TV and ladio for in
tei views in June
What aie the pieiequisites to
become a Dauy Puncess 9 You
must be a milk pioducei’s
daughtei not under seventeen
yeai s of age must have giaduat
ed fiom high school and must
f i
nee Miss Debrah Elaine
Binkley in the regalia she
will wear when she crowns
the new Lancaster County
Dairy Princess Her gown is
of yellow crepe L F. Photo
be single It staited at noon July
10 when the contestants and
judges had luncheon together
After lunch the judges had con
ferences with individual contes
tants In the evening they at
tended a banquet where Harry
Kauffman of New Jeisey was
the M C He talked to the girls
about then life at home While
the speakei gave his talk the
judges made their decision,
then the master of ceremonies
asked the gnls questions
The Mountville Church of the
Biethien was the scene of a
beautiful wedding June 1, 2
p m when Miss Debiah Binkley,
daughter of Mi and Mis Rich
aid 0 Binkley, became the
bude of V Allen Peteis, son of
Mi and Mis Earl C Peters of
Columbia R D 2 She was at
tued in a beautiful long white
dotted swiss gown and veil and
was attended by a maid of hon
or, two budesmaids and a flow
ei gul The couple announced
then engagement Maich 9, 1969
The budegioom is an electii
cian woikmg foi Elam E Her
shoy. Electrical Contractor of
Lancaster. His parents operate
a truck farm Allen and Debbie
are looking forward to buying
a small farm and farming it on
the side while continuing in
their piesent occupations.
Mr. and Mrs Richaid Binkley
were both raised on farms and
they have been farming since
1954. having lived on their
present farm the past five yeais
They have a 57 acre farm and
rent some additional ground
thus they farm 75 or 80 acres
altogether. They keep 62 head
of registered and grade Hol
steins. 33 being milking cows
Mis. Binkley (Julia) helps
with the milking but says “My
home is my mam interest ” Her
hobby is floweis and she has
many. She enjoys working in
her lock garden She likes to
read and write poetry. Here is a
poem she wiote before she was
“Preview To Spring”
Wasn’t it beautiful out today’
It made me feel so carefree, so
--*>■ ~s
I rose before the sun had yet
climbed the hill
And the whole world seemed
peaceful and still.
I sat by the window and watched
the sun rise
And it was really a feast to my
Just then a robin appeared on
* *
the lawn,
Picking up crumbs I had
scattered at dawn.
I watched for awhile, then a
worm showed his head
But it wasn’t long until he was
The day looked so inviting I
donned sweatei and cap,
I was finally awaking from a
long, wmteis nap
Oh, winter has its beauty and is
all right, I suppose,
If you’re willing to sacrifice
your nose and your toes
What’s that’ It seems I’m
partial you say!
But I was simply captured by
this wonderful day.
The Binkleys have five chil
dren of which Debrah is the
oldest At home Debbie helped
m tobacco, helped make hay
and unload straw on her
fathei’s faun when she was in
school and helped milk on
week-ends since graduation She
likes to bake and sew and has
done some oil paintings and em
broidery work She teaches Jun
ior I Dept Sunday School class
of 8 and 9 yeai olds at Mounl
ville Chmch of the Brethren.
Carol is a Junior in Hemp
field Sr High School, taking
the Academic course She is in
the Math Club (must be invited
to join it), the Amencan Field
Seivice Club and Futuie Teacn
eis of Amenca She will be in
Hempfield Singers next yeai
She likes to knit
Glenn is in eighth giade at
Centeiville Ji High School and
will be an Industrial Arts stu
dent in Sr High next year He
was in a model car club He has
two heifers he’s raising.
Jeanne, 10, is in fifth grade at
Mountville Elementary School
She has calves to feed and is
quite a tomboy, however, she is
a good little baker
Lauue is 8 and in second
grade at Mountville Elementary
School. She likes her teachers,
enjoys school and rs a pretty
good artist She likes pets, es
pecrally some fish she has
The Binkleys are avid users
of milk and milk products An
old family lunch favorite is
toasted cheese sandwiches and
tomato soup They are very fond
of soups with a milk base and
find no better way to relax than
with a good milk shake Mis
Binkley uses her blender to
make the milk shakes and finds
it most convenient to make
many lecipes She likes to cook
and here ai e a few of her tried
and true lecipes.
To 1 cup giound diied corn
add 2 cups hot milk: (corn need
Mrs. Richard 0. Binkley,
relaxes with her milk shake.
not he ground if you put hot
milk in a blender and add
corn, then blend) Let stand 1
hour (or less) Add 2 beaten
eggs, 1 cup milk, 1 teaspoon
butter, 2 tablespoons sugar, salt
to taste Bake 1 hour at 350
(8 servings)
1 cup extra long grain rice
2 tablespoons butter
6 lb. frying chicken
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon salt
V> teaspon pepper
4 eggs
4 cups milk
% teaspoon nutmeg
Sprigs of parsley
1 cup oil
Cook rice, stir in butter Coat
serving pieces of chicken with
flour, salt and pepper mixture
Fry in heated oil until golden
Place chicken in large, shallow
baking dish (single layer) Mix
eggs, milk, nutmeg, parsley
Stir into rice with fork Pour
over chicken Bake 45 minuies
at 350 degrees
(8 or 10 servings)
oz. pkg. lemon flavoi ed
cup sugar
3 oz. pkg. cream cheese
egg whites
Men’s Famous Brand Irregular Short Sleeve
Assorted Colors | ea
We Have Many items For Christmas
Bundles On Which We Allow 15% Discount.
White Mountain 8 Qt.
WITH SHOVEL With Shoulder Strap
5£ 20 c
STORE HOURS: 7:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. Except Wed. &
Sat. 7.30 to 5 P.M. Closed Sunday
Clothing, Slices, Houseware, Hardware and
Geneial Meichandise
R D 1. East Earl. Penna. Ph 445-6156
mother of the Dairy Princess,
L. F. Photo
2 egg yolks
1 cup whipping cream
% cup graham cracker ci umbs
Vs teaspoon cinnamon
Dissolve gelatin and % cup
sugar in 1 cup boiling watei.
Add Vz cup cold water Beat
egg yolk until light and lemon
colored Add gelatin and whip
ping cream (not whipped).
Chill in freezer 15 to 20 minu
tes, or until set Beat 1 minute
or until smooth Meanwhile
beat cream cheese until fluffy.
Fold into stiffly beaten egg
whites Fold into gelatin mix
ture Butter 9”x9”x2” baking
pan, bottom and sides Spi inkle
in Vz cup graham cracker
crumbs flavored with cinnamon.
Pour cream cheese mixture oi er
crumbs. Sprinkle rest of gra
ham cracker and cinnamon mix-
ture over top Chill until firm,
Save Rite
Homs: Mon. thru Sat. 9 to 9
Sunday 9 to 5