18-Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 24.1969 Correspondence Courses \SL learn to preserve FOODS BY HIVIL Nothing tastes bettei than good homc-pieseived foods Bui time and money aie wasted if >ou have muth spoilage To help make >oui home pi e seived foods a success eveiy tune a home study couise fiom The Pennsylvania State Umvei sitv is suggested One point emphasized in the couise is that you decide first whether it would be better to can 01 to freeze a pioduct Some pioduce turns out better when canned, and tomatoes fall in this class But it’s usually better to freeze strong-flavoied vegetables, such as cauliflowei and bioccoli If canning produce you must mmmm know and use the method which will give you the smest and best lesults Processing in the pres sing cooker is lecommended foi all meals and non acid vegeta bles, such as corn and green beans The boiling water bath is piefeicable foi piocossing fruits and tomatoes Besides guiding you in correct methods, the “Canning and Food Pieseivation ’ couise has sweet and soui pickle receipes, sugges tions to guaiantee tender, clear jelly, and a summaiy of the fam ilv's daily food needs To obtain the couise, send yom lequest to Food Preseiva tion, Umveisity Paik, Pennsyl vania 16802 Enclose a check or money oi der foi $3 45 made pay able to The Pennsylvania State Umveisity When ycu use instant flour in a lecipe that calls for legulai sifted flour, take out two level tablespoons fiom each level cup of flour, advises Mrs Ruth Beck, nutation specialist A full mea suie of instant Horn in a cake 01 cookie recipe designed for regu lar flour can change the shape, texture, and flavor of the baked Penn Sta f o extension foods and|pioduct. The Corn That PROFIT-MINDED Corn Growers GROW The more concerned you are about making your corn produce the TOP DOLLAR income . . . the more you should consider the one Brand that will do it ... PIONEER. See or Coll Your Nearest PIONEER Salesman: PIONEER. BRAND SEED CORN ° n i r rnh r identify varm t s H f' *rr fj traJ rn & o' Pioneer Hi Bred Corn (ompany Dc. Moire loyy a Instant Flour y USDA NEWS HEARING ON AMENDING THREE EASTERN MILK MARKETING ORDERS POSTPONED The U S Department of Agn cultuic has postponed a schedul ed May 27 public hearing in Baltimore, Md. to consider a mendmg the Delaware Valley, Upper Chesapeake Bay, Md , and the Washington, DC , Federal milk maiketing orders A new heaung date will be announced latei USDA's Consui..;i and Mai keting Seivice said the postpone ment was requested by Penmai va Danymen’s Cooperative Fed eiation, Inc, a pioponent of es tablishing cooperative service payments in each of the milk maiketing oiders s'* f \v VitlsWtS RlgM" -fiohfi tbcstot* Rcar-Atteched MOuSl Check Our Parts & Service Monthly Specials ALLEN H. MATZ, Inc. 505 E. Main St., New Holland r" . Off MAKING CH QUALITY HAY Ph: 354-2214 \ '~v,>s /