After r Itnln Soil Ma> be Hard AfU lains, dinin'.! laic* spiinc. * UIIS s ,l 1 I' l *-* I ennsj Ivania Slate the so.l *ui face may become too Ijiuveislly But be eaieful not to hi,id for KeinunalmM seed to rake 100 deeply because garden bicak )hrou«b t'.aulcneis can s <<‘ds 01 seedling may be dis break this crust by rakimt the tin bod CONTROL WEEDS IN ALFALFA WITH BUTYRAC-118 Apply 2 to 4 weeks after alfalfa emerges. Controls broadleaf weeds in seedling or established legumes. This remarkable selective action killing many broadleaf weeds without affecting certain broadleaf crops has been proven by research men and commercial growers throughout the country. We are distributors for a complete line of WEED KILLERS —» SMOKETOWN, PA. PH: 397-3539 JOHN DEERE SELF-UNLOADING WAGONS 125 Chuck Retire the unloading hook and silage fork... put John Deere Self-Unloaders to work for you. High volume Forage Wagons keep pace with modern forage haivesters. Durable Chuck Wagons are built to take year-round feedlot use. Stop in for the details. Landis Bros. Inc. A. B. C. Inc. Lancaster 393-3906 New Holland 354-4191 M. S. Yearsley & Sons West Chester 609-2990 Wenger Implement, Inc. The Buck 284-4141 sin face. say extension horlicul Shotzberger's 665-2141 Elm i *zr‘XT:rr,rz, A View From The Governor's Office am; 1 Pennsylvania has applied for abandoned strip pits, surface wa s 4 3 million in Federal funds to ter diversion and stieam channel help finance some $lO.B million improvement woik and elimma in acid mine drainage elimma- tion of acid water potholes cans tion projects during the next cd by surface subsidence, fiscal year. j n addition, Federal help also The applications, now under review by the Federal Water Pollution Contiol Administration in Washington, include two ma jor pi ejects to be constructed under the $5OO million Common wealth conservation fund and another to be financed by 70 per cent Federal and 30 percent State money. These are —A lime-soda neu tiahzation plant capable of treat ing 15 million gallons of acid water daily now under design foi constiuction at Altoona at an est imated cost of $2 5 million in bond issue money An additional Federal grant of $359,000 is sought to evaluate results of the process —A $2 2 million exchange tieatment plant now under de sign for construction on Hawk Run near Philhpsburg and cap able of clearing 500,000 gallons of acid water daily An additional Federal grant of $359,000 is sought to evaluate results. —A $4,175,000 mine drainage to conti ol abandoned mine pollu cleanup project in the Morns tion on several key State stiearns Run aiea of the Tioga River in In addition, results of the mas- Tioga County This project, to sive engineenng-surveys on sev be financed by $2,922,500 in Fed- en major watersheds, which I eral money, includes backfilling ordered last year, are pioving to CUSTOM SPRAYING For Whitewashing Spray the modern way Use CARBOLA Spray Carbola dries white, disinfects, kills flies, up to 90% less cobwebs. No wet floors. MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Witmer. Pa. 392-7227 1968 RESULTS ON TOBACCO Manheim farmer averaged 2479 lbs. of wrappers per acre Lititz farmer averaged 2240 lbs. of wrappers per acre THEY USED P-plus TOBACCO FERTILIZER TRY IT ON YOUR FARM ALSO SEE US FOR P-plus CORN STARTER (IT HAS MORE MAGNESIUM) AND MUNCY CHIEF SEED CORN (THE 200 BUSHEL CORN) ijSßc CHEMGRO FERTILIZER Co. Inc. East Petersburg, Pa. Phone 569-3296 ge ing lobs Wagon By Gov, Raymond P. Shafer is being sought for eight other research projects to be conduct ed both at Penn State and by private en jhil. ", undei contiact n the Department cl Mines and ,imei a! Industries. Right now, Pennsylvania is one of the few states in the Nation ready to take advantage of every Federal dollar cuirently avail- able for water quality conti ol projects Last year, foi example, 11 of the 18 Fedei ally-funded piojects approved by FWPCA were in Pennsylvania As a lesult of reseaich already done by our Department of Min es and Mineial Industries, we now stand on the doorstep to either effective conti ol or ulti mate elimination of acid mine drainage as a majoi somce of pollution to moi e than 3,000 mil es of State sti earns We now know where many of these sources are, and we have treatment plants and other facil ities either built or being built Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 24. lOfi') tf * •V/ f us that this parlicul.ii pollutum pioblem could be substantially, ieduced, if not eliminated in the fntuie, if funds aic made .nail able by the Federal Government to match oui own effort We aic ccilainly hopeful that the FWPCA and the Dcpailment of Interior will find joint paitici pation in Pennsylvania’s Depait ment of Interior will find joint participation in Pennsylvania’s current and future programs to curb abandoned mine drainage pollution will pay the kind of dividends that an alarmed and avva>e p ' "c e'e ’ends Resealch pi ejects foi which Federal funds aie sought follow —Evaluation of the use of gel material foi sealing openings to abandoned deep mines ($205,000 $143,500 Fedeial and $61,500 State). —Determine precise location of concealed abandoned under giound mines as pollution souic es ($164,780, $115,346 Fedeial and $49,434 State). —Evaluate the use of ozone in oxidizing non in mine drainage ($255,000, $178,500 Federal and $76,500 State) —Development of a field le search unit to fuither evaluate the use of limestone in ti eatment of acid mine drainage ($106,680 $74,536 Federal and $31944 State) —Development of a progiam for the magnetic removal of non fiom mine drainage ($81,695 $57,186 Federal and $24 509 State) —Reseai ch into the use of mine drainage sludge (Yellow boy cake) as possible building matenals ($41,275, $28,892 Fed eral and $12,383 State) —Development of a piocess for removal of acid from mine drainage by electrodialysis ($214,504, $150,152 Fedeial and $64,352 State). Jf, %///?/' H # / IP 1 f CHICKS '% / HOGS \1 I CATTLE I &Grow Better J IjL with PIONEER FEEDS Local Farmers Know a Good Feed When They Try It! SINCE 1870 ELMER M. SHREINER Trading as Good’s Feed Mill SPECIALIZING IN DAIRY AND HOG FEEDS New Providence, Pa. Phone 786-2500 11