Standby Electric Power Equipment Electricity is essential to convenience and possible finan modern farm operations and cial loss. comfortable family living, ob- Two types of standby power selves Thomas H. Williams, ex- units are generally available, he tension agricultural engineer al says Tractor driven generators UniV f rSi y De aWd! e ' and self contained power plants. MUk coolers, water pumps, g o th require installation of a household appliances and other transfer switch between the vital equipment require ton- electric meter and the service tmuous electric power service entrance. In the event of a power fail- The tractor driven generator me, standby power power i s usually permanently install provided by your own generator e d at a planned location near can keep electrical equip- the farm service entrance and ment functioning and avert in- meter . It can, however, be WE USE QUALITY PAINT AND IT DOES STAY ON!!! .Aerial Ladder Equipment Used To Paint Your Farm Buildings Modern and Efficient- Method Reasonable Prices Over 14 Years Experience Spray-on and Brush-in Method Has Proven Most Satisfactory On Over 1000 Barns Of Our Well Pleased Customers. C. RALPH MILLER R. D. 4, Manheim, Pa. Ph. 665-3388 John B. Kurtz Ph: 354-9251 R. D. 3, Ephrata Wenger's Feed Mill Ph 367-1195 Eheems inc. mounted on a special trailer to faciliate moving it to isolated locations for occasional special use. The tractor driven generator costs much less than a self con tained unit and the tractor used for operation is usually avail able for emergency duty. How ever, the time lapse in moving the tractor into position, con necting the generator and start ing the unit may be significant. Self contained power plants consist of a generator and en gine connected to function as a single unit. These are available as fully automatic systems that start instantly when power fails or as manually operated sys tems. Self contained units cost two to three times as much as a trac tor driven generator, says Wil liams. And the units require the services of a competent electri cian in case of trouble and may fail to start because of moisture condensation from infrequent use. In selecting a standby power system for farm, home or busx- HEIFERS FAST at low cost with... NEW PURINA HEIFER CHOW More and more local dairymen are proving that a small extra investment in heifer feeding can pay oif when heifers freshen and begin contributing to the milk check. And research has proved that heifers which produce well in tfa* first lactation continue to be high producers over a longer milking life than average cows. NEW Purina* Heifer Chow* has been developed to help you g-ow big heifers fast, conveniently and at low cost. New Heifer how is a palatable, coarse 14 per cent protein ration, fortified with vitamins and minerals to stimulate fast, solid heifer growth. To build low-cost growth, you need feed only 3 pounds of New Heifer Chow per heifer per day if your legume forages are of good quality. For best results, start your heifers on the Purina heifer growing program at six months of age until 90 days before freshening when they’ll be fed on the basis of their condition and on the quality of your forage. Drop in soon and pick up a copy of our New Purina Heifer Growing Program folder. It explains the program to follow fo* fast-growing, early-freshening heifers at low cost. ■R«S. TradsmarK—Ralston Purina Co West Willow Farmers Assn., Inc. Ph- 464-3431 West Willow James High & Sons Ph 354-0301 Goidonville ness, determine the most econo mical and efficient unit for pre sent and future needs. Automatic units must have enough capacity to handle the maximum possible load on the wiring system; if the unit is manually controlled, it should serve only essential functions and must have the capacity to carry all simultaneously operat ing equipment. Tractors for powering emer gency generators must have a pto rating of at least two horse power foi c - ' h 1- o r.'.t output of the g. iatcr Finally, ,hc electrical charac teristics of the generator must match those of the load to be served. Installation of standby equip ment and wiring should be in accordance with the National Electrical Code, local ordinan ces an the requirements of your power supplier, says Wil liams Inspection by your power company’s representative and a Ira B. Landis Ph. 394-7912 1912 Creek Hill Rd„ Lane, John J. Hess, 11, Inc. Ph 442-4632 Paradise Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 17.1969—25 Prune spring flowering shrubs as soon as they finish blooming, urges a University of Maryland horticulturist. If you prune shrubs now. they will have time to grow new branches this summer and pio duce flower buds this fall lor blossoms next spring, says Francis R. Gouin, Extension horticulturist. Also, he says, early pruning encom z — \ cus ”cw gi o ’ ‘h, and helps you shape the plant When you prune the shiubs, take out about a third of the old branches by cutting them off near the ground If you leave a stub more than an inch long the plant will tend to send up laige numbeis of spindly, weak stems that will not pioduce many flow ers. If forsythia plants have com pletely outgrown their useful ness, it may be best to cut