16—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 17.1969 Plant Food President Speaks "Incicased fertilization of U S faimiand has piovcd a boon to the nation and the woild, not a bane as some would eh.nge ' This belief was emphasized be foie the Senate Subcommittee mi Intel governmental Relations m\ estimating the need foi a Select Committee on Teehnoloms and the Envnonment bv Edwin II Wheelei, Piesident. National Plant Food Institute, the nation's feitilizei industiy association Without crop feitilization, he asseited. Ameiican faimeis would not be able to feed the piesent II S population, let alone evpoit the pioduct fiom one out ot eveiy fom acies omseas Wheelei labeled eaihei sub committee testimon> as sensa tional but lacking scientific fact as to accusations that use of m tiogen feitihzeis lesult in ex cess algae giowth in lakes and stiearns and in pollution of wa tei souices “Without feai of scientific con tiadiction ’ he said, ‘there is no piesent dangei to oin emnon ment fiom piopei use of com meicial feitilizei ’ Rather than pied.ct mans fu tine doom fiom increased agnc ultmal technolog\ as some wit nesses ha\e done, Wheelei said ‘lts to know that the knowledge now within om giasp will allow us to inciease man s well-being bj as much if not moie than has been the case ovei the past half cental y cultuie will lequne more, not less fertilize! use in the next 50 yeais,” he added Answering the charge of an eaihei witness that US crops aie so dependent on chemical nihogen feitilizers that they are “hooked”, Wheeler said “Of couise they’re hooked in the sense that all gieen plants must hc,ve nitrogen to live But as fai as plants demanding only nitio gen fiom a specific source, that’s absuid.” he added “Plants take up the mtiate molecule when it becomes available no mattei what the onginal souice—oigan | ic 01 inoigamc ” 1 Wheelei said his oiganization favoied establishment of a study committee on technology and the human environment, and added “The success of such a com mittee lies in development ot sound scientific facts in liaison with U S Department of Agi ic ultuie, land-grant univeisities and business scientific commun ities ” Farm Women Society 14 The Society of Farm Women No 14, met at the West Willow Fue Hall Wednesday evening foi a molhei & daughtei ban quet 79 peisons weie piesent The piog'am included a bi<»ss ensemble and hand bell chon Tom the Maitm-Mylm School Six ladies won flowei plants The next meeting will be held June 11 at the same place foi a buffet lunch seived at 12 30 County officeis and Society 17 Will be entei tamed Speakei foi the piogram will be Mis C Pai kei Wught on the subject “Pum itive Indians of Mexico ” Any one with Mexican souvenns aie asked to bung them along The first railroad tunnel m U S was built in 1833, 4 miles east of Johnstown, Penna. WANT ♦ MORE MILK? LESS COST? FEWER PROBLEMS? Phone Our Dairy Specialist at 392-2145 He’ll help you with programming, planning and management of your dairy needs and suggest using Green Pastures Dairy Feed for your cows. You’ll get; PROTEIN QUALITY and unsurpassed ammo acid balance After feeding Green Pastures you'll experience these chunges: AND 6ET THESE PRIMARY RESULTS: MORE MILK HIGH ENERGY VALUE high total nutrient value Lower Replacement Costs Better Herd Health and Breeding Regularity .. . >.