2 - Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 10.1969 At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review Ma> 8, 1969 CATTLE 3,ooo—Compared to last weeks close. Slaughter Steers 25 to mostlj 50 higher; Cows 50- 125 higher. Bulls mostly 50 highei. few sales Feeder Steers felly steady Supply included an estimated 60 percent Slaughter Steeis, 20 peicent Cows and Bulls with the balance mainly Feedei Steers. SLAUGHTER STEERS—High -Choice and Prime 1050-1450 lbs 33 00 34 50; Choice 975-1375 lbs 3150-3325. high-Good and low- Choice 30 00-31 85; Good 2785- 3050, Standaid and low-Good 25 25-27 85 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 750-925 lbs 28 00-29 00, Good 650-900 lbs 25 00-28 25 COWS—Utility and high-dress ing Cutter 22 50-24 00; few head 24 10-24 75, Cutter 20 00-23.00. Canner and low Cuttei 18 00- 20 50 BULLS Choice 27 50-29 50, four head 30 00-3010, Good 23 00 -28 25, Utility and Commercial 25 50 28 75, few 29 10-30 10. FEEDER STEERS Choice 940-1130 lbs 30 75-31 50. CALVES 400—Vealers mostly steady. VEALERS Choice 48 00- SI 00, few 51 50-53 00, Good 47 00 -49 50, Standard 43 00-4800, Util ity 37.00-42 00, Cull 90-120 lbs 30 00 38 00, 65-85 lbs 2500-32 00 HOGS 1,000 Barrows and Gilts 50-1.00 higher. CLOSING SALES, BARROWS AND GILTS—US 1 210-230 lbs 24 25 24 75 US 1-2 200-245 lbs 23 00-23 75 US 2 200-250 lbs 22 00-22 75 US 2-3 270-275 lbs 21 00-21 50 SHEEP 300 Spring Lambs 100 200 lower, Wooled Lambs steady, Slaughtei Ewes steady ] SPRING LAMBS—Choice 45- 90 lbs 37 00 40 00, Good 30 00- ; 37 00 I WOOLED LAMBS—Lot Good 75 lbs 30 00, Utility 50-80 lbs 2500 26 00 New! 78F Forage IMPROVE YOUR RATIONS AND YOUR RETURNS • Up to 10% higher yields • 5 to 10% higher digestibility A. H. Hoffman Seeds, Inc. Landisville, Pa. MARKET NEWS REPORT CATTLE 997—Compared to Monday. Slaughter Steers 25-50 higher; Cows mostly 50 higher; Bulls strong to 50 higher. Supply included 7 percent Cows and 9 pei cent Bulls. SLAUGHTER STEERS—High- Choice and Prime 1050-1450 lbs 33 25 34 50; Choice 975-1375 lbs. 31.75-33 25; high-Good and low- Choice 30.75-31.85; Good 27 85- 30 50, Standard and low-Good 25.25 27 85 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 750-925 lbs 28 00-29 00, Good 650 900 lbs 25 00-28 25 COWS—Utility and high dress ing Cuttei 22 75-24 00, eight head (Continued on Page 3) , Midwestern' i Live Cattle Live Hogs Maine Potatoes Chicago Chicago New York May 2.77 June 31.75 23.95 July 24.22 August 30.85 October 29.95 21.00 November 2.43 December 29.55 20.70 February ’7O 29115 April 28.80 id)! June 28.62 a-asked b-bid n-nominal Trend Cattle are higher; Hogs are higher and Potatoes are lower VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. Box 100 Don't- Wait! insure Ext-ra Profits Now. Call us at once for Service the way you want it! 3 TRUCK SPREADERS, 2 TRACTOR SPREADERS, PORTABLE NURSE UNIT, CHEMGRO FERTILIZER Co. Inc. East Petersburg, Pa 898-2261 Auction Only May 7, 1960 FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Thursday, May 8,1969) PARADISE, PENNA. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, HOGS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 9:00 A.M. For Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 • Paradise, Pa 10 mi East of Lancaster on Rt 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager BULK OR BAGS 3Bjj»Bu Vintage Auction May 6, 1969 CATTLE 981—Compared to last Tuesday, Slaughter Steers 25-50 higher: Cows strong to 50 higher; Bulls mostly steady. Sup ply included 20 percent Cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS—High -Choice and Prime 1050-1350 lbs. 32 85-33 85, Choice 950-1350 lbs 31 00-33 00; high-Good and low- Choice 30 00-3160: Good 28 25- 30 60; Standard and low-Good 26 50-28.25. COWS—Utility and high-dress ing Cutter 21.75-23 85, 12 head 24 00-24 75, Cutter 19 75-22.50; Canner and low-Cutter 18 00- 20 00 BULLS Choice 27 50-28 60, Good 25 00-28 00, Utility and (Continued on Page 3) Phone 569-3296 New Holland Auction May 8, 1969 CATTLE 854—Steers 75-1 00 3 highei. Cows and Bulls 50100 5 higher. 3 SLAUGHTER STEERS—High ' -Choice and Fame 1050-1250 lbs 33.25-34 25; Choice 950-1300 lbs. i 3135-33.50, Good and Choice . 30.75-3175; Good 29 00-31.25; Standard 27 60-29.35. . SLAUGHTER HEIFERS—.Few - Choice 800-1000 lbs. 27.75-29 75, 1 individual 30.75. COWS—Utility and high-dress . mg Cutter 22 35-24 50, 10 head 25 50; Cutter 20 50-22 35; Canner 18 85-20 60. BULLS—Few Choice 28 85-29 - 75, Good 27.00-28 60; Utility and Commercial 25 50-28 75; 12 head 1400-2300 lbs 28 75-30 50, few Cutter 24 00-25 00. CALVES 294—Utility to Good fully 100-2 00 lower, Cull 100- 2 00 higher VEALERS —Individual high- Choice 54.00, few Choice 46 00- 50 50, Good 44 0048 50, Standard 42 0046 00, Utility 40 5043.00; Cull 90-120 lbs 35 50-39 50, 70-85 lbs 30 50-35 50. SHEEP 20—Few lots Good and Choice 50-65 lb Spring Lambs 34 50 36 00 COWS May 7, 1969 Receipts of 79 cows, 3 bulls : and 16 heifers sold steady. Hoi- ; stein 400-730; Other breeds 275- , 325; Bulls 240-265; Heifers 175- 325. ] HORSES ; May 5, 1969 c Receipts of 333 horses sold I steady. Mules 140-195; Work AUCTIONS mokes the difference in marketing livestock! New Holland makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10:30 A.M. FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2:30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL HORSE SALE MONDAY at 10:00 A.M. DAIRY SALE WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL—THURSDAY NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES/ INC. New Holland, Penna. Abram W. Diffenbach, Manager Phone (717) 354-2194 ANNOUNCING SPECIAL SPRING YEARLING FEEDER CATTLE SHOW & SALE Fri./ May 16th/ Show 3 P.M. 7 Sale 7 P.M. Shown. Judged, and Sold, in Lots of 20 Trophies For Winners Anyone May Enter Lots of 20 Only Weights 500-1000 lb Only For Further Information Cali 717 - 442-4181 717 - 768-8204 KEN HERSHEY, Mgr. JUNE FEEDER SALE, JUNE 6 7:00 P.M. All Weights and Grades Sold KEN HERSHEY, Mgr. Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. Box 100, Paradise, Penna. horses 165-240: Riding horses ) 115-520; Driving horses 125-225; ) Pony (Mares) 20-35, (Geldings) 20-30, Killers 9-10. 1 HOGS May 5, 1969 Receipts of 850 hogs sold steady Retail 22.50-23.50; Wholesale 22-22.75; Heavy weights 20 50-22 50; Sows 16 50- 17 25, Boars 13-14 CALVES May 5, 1969 Receipts of 66 calves sold steady Choice and Prime 48-51.- 50; Good and L. Choice 45-47.50; Standard 44-44.50; Common 25- 39. Chicago Cattle Weekly Review CATTLE Compared with last Friday. Slaughter steers 25- 75 higher, most upturn on kinds average Choice and Below. Slaughter heifers 50-75 higher. Cows 50-1 00 higher. Bulls un changed Local receipts 75 percent slaughter steers, 21 percent heifers and the balance mainly cows Overall finish of slaughter steers not much different than a week ago with 12 percent Prime and 72 percent Choice. This compares with 13 percent Prime and 70 percent Choice last week, and 8 percent Prime and 77 percent Choice a year ago. Average cost and weight of slaughter steers, estimated at 32 25, highest since October, (Continued on Page 3) at 12:30 P.M.