20 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 3,1969 FIRST FRUITS OF SPRING by Mrs. Richard C. Spence Winter weary appetites will really enjoy these first fresh and abundant foods of spring Eveiy family has their favorite ways of eating these foods, but if you’re in the mood to tiy a new recipe we’d like to suggest any one of the following RHUBARB SOUFFLE 30 vanilla wafers, finely rolled (about cups crumbs) 1 cup sugar *4 cup butter or margarine, melted 2 cups fresh rhubarb, cut in 1-inch lengths 4 teaspoons unflavored gelatine % cup cold water 4 eggs, separated % teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 teaspoons grated lemon rind % cup heavy cream, whipped 1 pint fresh strawberries, crushed Combine crumbs, 3 table spoons sugar and butler or mar garine; set aside Wrap a double thickness of wax paper around 10 demitasse cups or a 1-quart souffle dish, forming a 3-inch collar. Secure with tape. Whirl rhubarb in a blender or puree. Soften gelatine in water. Com bine egg yolks, salt, lemon juice and Vz cup sugar in top of double boiler. Cook over simmering water, stirring constantly, for 6 to 8 minutes. Remove from heat. That’s the way ... the easy way, with choremaster power. Makes every job easier. Does every job better ... fasterl Designed for operator com fort and convenience and built for durability in rugged use ... by the world's largest manufacturer of tillers. See It, try it todayl See the new and used tillers at L H. Brubaker 350 Strasburg Pike, Lancaster K. t». 3, Lititz, Pa. Phone: Lancaster 397-5179 Strasburg 687-6002 Lititz 626-7766 FOR THE FARM WIFE AND FAMILY Add softened gelatine; stir until dissolved Add rhubarb and lem on rind. Chill, stirring occasion ally until mixture mounds Beat egg whites until foamy. Grad ually beat in 14 cup sugai Beat until moist distinct peaks form. Lightly fold rhubarb mixture and cream into egg whites Set aside 2 tablespoons crumb mix ture Layer crumbs and mixture in cups or souffle dish, beginn ing with crumbs and ending with rhubarb, Refrigeiate 4 to 5 hours or until firm but spongy. Remove papei collar carefully. Sprinkle top with reserved crumbs. Serve with strawberries, sweetened with 1 tablespoon sugar or to taste Makes 10 serv ings. Here’s a new combination— y 8 pork chops and rhubarb! PORK CHOP— i; 4 RHUBARB CASSEROLE 6 pork loin or rib chops, cut 1 % to 1 inch thick 1 teaspoon salt \PLANT FOOD! niagasa y tT “Look For This Sign” Large Selection Of Bedding Plants and Evergreens • Serving The Farmer • Gardener & Home Owner Intercourse, Penna. 17534 Phone (717) 768-8451 SPECIAL VALUES LADIES BLACK SERVICE WEIGHT J| mm . NYLONS WITH SEAMS Pair DUTCH BLITZ ' A mm CARD GAME 5 2.25 EMi GRASS SHEARS $ Each WITH “TEFLON-S” “MIRACLE” ■" GRASS SHEARS *Z./D Each THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL HANES BRIEFS, T-SHIRTS, Jk t / BOXER SHORTS FOR MEN Each STORE HOURS: 7:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. Except Wed. & Sat. 7:30 to 5 P.M. Closed Sunday Clothing, Shoes, Houseware, Hardware and General Merchandise GOOD'S STORE R D 1. East Earl, Penna. Ph 445-6156 V» teaspoon pepper I cups soft bread crumbs >4 teaspoon salt cup brown sugar cup granulated sugar tablespoons flour ] i> teaspoon cinnamon > cups sliced rhubarb (U 2 pounds) Brown chops in filing pan. Pour off drippings and save ] 4 cup. Season chops with salt and pepper. Combine crumbs, V\ cup drippings and 14 teaspoon salt. Mix together sugars, flour and cinnamon and add to rhubarb Place half of crumbs in bottom of a 2-quart casserole or baking dish Spoon half of rhubarb over crumbs and arrange chops on ihubarb. Place remaining rhu barb on chops Cover tightly and bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees) 40 minutes Remove cover and top with lemaming crumbs. Bake 10 minutes longer. 6 servings. Sliced chicken and fresh as paragus are featured in this recipe— CHICKEN ASPARAGUS PIMIENTO RING 2 large chicken breasts, boned and halved Water to cover Salt and pepper to taste Thinly pared rind from % lemon 2 (12% ounce) cans chicken consomme envelope unflavored gelatine tablespoons lemon juice cooked asparagus spears. 1 2 14 trimmed to approximately 4 inches teaspoon salt teaspoon ground white pepper cup finely chopped parsley cup slivered almonds (4-ounce) can pimiento, drained, cut in large pieces Simmer first four ingredients in a covered saucepan until chick en is tender. Strain; reserve broth. Cool chicken completely. Remove skin. Carefully split each portion in half horizontally; pieces will be quite thin. Trim neatly and save trimmings Add broth to consomme to make 514 cups Soften gelatine in h cup of this mixture; dissolve over hot water. Return to consomme mixture. Add lemon juice Chill until mixture resembles un beaten egg white. Meanwhile, line IMs quart ring mold, alter nating pairs of asparagus spears with chicken portions. Cut up eight portion: add to gelatine mixtuie along with trimmings and remaining five ingredients. Pour into mold. Chill 5 to 6 hours. Unmold. Makes 7 serv ings. SPINACH SAN JOAQUIN 2 packages (10 ounces each) frozen chopped spinach (or fresh spinach) 3 slices bacon 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel cup sliced pimiento stuffed olives 1 tablespoon lemon juice teaspoon salt Cook spinach in boiling water accoiding to package directions; drain well. Fry bacon slowly until crisp; drain, reserving 1 tablespoon bacon fat in skillet. TERMITES! Are They Eating Your Home From UnderYi Termites attack Joists, beams, siding, flaoringl Destroy wood! Save yourself maneyl Get free, com petent Inspection now! And for thorough termite extermination, guaranteed protection of your prop erty—backed by nearly 40 years' experience . . * can msmmEmm 4c.EHRL.ICH S& 736 E. Chestnut St-, Lancaster 397-3721 Add garlic, lemon peel and 3llced olives; saute 1 to 2 minutes. Add drained spinach, lemon juice; and salt; stir back and forth until piping hot. To serve, crumble bacon and sprinkle over top, Makes 4 to 5 servings. GARDEN PEA SOUP 1% cups fresh or 1 (10-ounce) package frozen peas 1 (13% ounce) can chicken broth 1 cup water cress 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour Vi teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon ground white pepper Vi teaspoon sugar Vs teaspoon ground nutmeg 1 cup light cream or dairy half-and-half IVi to 2 ounces Gouda or Edam cheese Cook peas in half can chicken broth just until tender. Puree \vith water cress in blender. Add remainder of chicken broth. Melt butter in saucepan; blend in flour; cook 1 minute. Gradually blend in puree. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly; reduce heat and simmer 3 to 4 minutes. Add seasonings and light cream. Re heat thoroughly. Float thin slices (Continued on Page 21);