To Meet Agriculture's Special Needs FB Calls On Congress To Enact Farmer-Farm Worker Relations Bill Charles B. Shuman, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, the nation’s largest general faim organization, has called on Congress to enact leg islation “to establish rules governing the relationships of farmers and farm workers.” At a Senate Labor Subcom mittee hearing on April 17 the farm leader said the new law “should not be a part of the Labor Management Relations Act” because that statute “was designed to fit industrial and commercial concerns and their employees.” “Its language and concepts do not reflect any consideration or recognition of the unique fac tors relating to agricultural pro duction and employment,” Shu man said. He offered the Senators a rough draft of a bill which he said takes into consideration “many of the special circum stances governing farmer-work er relationships.” Here is the major portion of his statement to the senators: We recommend the enact ment of legislation to establish rules ' governing the relation ships of faimers and farm work ers. The major concepts of our proposal are summarized below In an endeavor to present these concepts in more specific form we have prepared a rough draft of a bill designed to implement them. A copy is attached to the Announcing: a dry “pop-up”! Can cut planting time in half! ORTHO P. L. ROHRER & B«0., IHQ. tm#oatho chevron design un