12—La ncaater Farming. Saturday. May 3.1969 SOME MALNUTRITION CAUSED BY LACK OP KNOWLEDC.E Malnutrition m the U S not restricted to "poM'ity pockets”. s.i\s I’ S Somite Select Com mittee on Nutntion and Related Human Needs Some poor eat ins due to failuie of mothers who weren’t taught by their mothers nor at school to teach youngsteis how to eat Don't Wait! Insure Extra Profits Now. Call us at once for Service the way you want it! 3 TRUCK SPREADERS, 2 TRACTOR SPREADERS, PORTABLE NURSE UNIT, BULK OR BAGS rjnapjp CHEMGRO FERTILIZER Co. Inc. East Petersburg, Pa. Phone 569-3296 properly. And this occurs in all economic strain. (Wasn’t it just this morning Susie dashed off to school with no breakfast? Did Dad grab a quick doughnut to tide him over until coffee break at the office?) The Committee recommends greater nutrition education in the schools. It is high time more attention paid to negative nutri tion consequences of trend away from food and health education in nation’s schools. And it re mains. of course, those others who don’t get enough to eat have another problem altogeth er except they also don’t get the nutntion education. The difference between con structive contemplation and daydreaming at your job is in who’s doing it Some people fight tempta tion: others get along with it famously. You Can Blame Earth’s Gravity For Your Sore And Aching Back If you’ve reached the age of 40, or even before that, chances arc you’re complaining of sore feet, tired and aching legs, as well as an aching back. Would you believe that the earth’s gravity is responsible, in great measure, for this condi tion? It is but we rarely think about the force of gravity and its effect on us. Recently, millions of Amer icans watched, over television, the U.S. team of Apollo astro nauts, float freely around their space craft as it circled the moon. Yet, none of us dan fly, bird-like, through our homes or offices. As earth-bound crea tures, we cannot enjoy the state of weightlessness found in outer space. Rather, because so much of our waking time is spent in an upright position, either sitting or standing , our bodies, instead, are busy con stantly working against the pull of gravity Dr David Young, consult ant to the Space Medical Re search Program and inter nationally known in the fields of muscle physiology and re habilitation says, “Remember, For Full Market Reports Read Lancaster Farming Make a Career Out of Living --in Pennsylvania Pennsylvania is a vital, exciting state with enough challenging jobs, interesting people and fascinating places to make just living a full-time career. There are opportunities everywhere in the Keystone State . . . opportunities for satisfying work in every area of our expanding business world... opportunities for relaxing fun in our many summer and winter resorts and recreation areas . . . opportunities for learning in our historic cities and modern universities. Pennsylvania-style living means excitement! One of a series sponsored by the Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers Association and presented as g public service as part of this newspaper’s participation in the program of ‘lOO,OOO Pennsylvanians' for the Promotion Of Economic Growth, a non-partisan, non profit, privately financed citizens' group. you’ve been pushing against gravitational forces throughout your life, even in returning the blood from the extremities to your heart. "No matter what your vo cation or profession, you spend a great portion of your life on your feet. The strain eventually takes its toll, in the form.of stiffness, soreness, aches and pains of muscles and joints. “We can’t alter the pull of the earth on us, but we can do something to relieve the symptoms,’’ states Young. “Exercise, of course, is best.” But most men and women are generally too tired after work to expend additional physical energy. However, to day they can get exercise with out any exertion. Modern science has produced a unique, motor-driven cyclo-massage ac tion, harnessed in portable health equipment, that gives a penetrating mechanical mas sage into muscle and bone. Simultaneously, it stimulates blood circulation in the area of application. The passive exer cise requires no expenditure of energy. Medical studies on the value of cyclo-massage to muscle spasm and sore, aching muscles and joints have been published in several widely read medical iournals. j ‘lOO,OOO PENNSYLVANIANS’ j [ P.O. Box 3355, I I Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101 ! J Send information about Pennsylvania, the I Opportunity State. j I Name_ I ! —————j Read the fine print on the contract and you’ll know why the friendly loan company man ager greets you with a smile. Dogs may not be able to read, but ours goes through a new magazine in about five minutes. A “yes” man is a fellow who doesn’t have any nohow. PIONEER. 985 SORGHUM QUO SUDANGRASS HYBRID Sweet, succulent growth that cattle prefer over other sorghum-sudan grass hybrids. The near est thing to instant pas ture yet developed. - See or Call Yoor Nearest PIONEER f o\Zq? i 3 t bra~a rame rumas 3 18a ® "es sterad iradfKiarfc o* PionMf C« t Compaq D a s Moi-as Ioy«a. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania RAYMOND;?. SHAFER, Governor ' BRAND Salesman: rVi ! .State.