Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 19, 1969, Image 30

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    30— Lancaster Farming. Saturday. April 19.1969
Lancaster County Pomona
Grange =7l will hold their meeting .it White Hoise The charter was draped m
Fne Hall Satuul.iy. Apul 19. niomoiy ol Mrs Lena Coates
8 pm. as quests of Salisburj and Miss Leeta Drennen Degicc
Grange -1685 The young rehearsal was set for Apul 21,
people of the Grange will fill gpm at the Giange Hall
ofliceis chans m obseivance of T^e Women's Activities com-
Apnl as Touth Month Serving mittee ie p or t e d 500 suppeis
on the icsolution committee will seived at the annua i turkey
be Alfred Wanner Jr. of Sails- supper Apnl 12 . The Youth
bury Grange, David Bnnton f comm ittee will sponsor a dance
Coleram Grange and Richaid foi , commum ty young people
Holloway of Fulton Grange Re- M 1Q
port of the visitation committee ' _ .. ,
will be given by Mr. & Mrs. . Mrs. Richard Holloway, act
rvips Rrown in § youth Lecturer, presented
* , thepiogram. Mr. William Fredd
Harry S. Sloat, Past Associate fl , om Solanco Ag- Depaitment
County Agent of Lancastei and the followm „ F-F A . boys
County, will show coloied slid put on a par i l£ , me ntaiy pro
of Alaska, Lake Louise, p i s cedure demonstration - Mark
of interest in northwestern young> Lloyd Welki Matthew
United States, Expo 67 at Mon- Yo ung, Lewis Kreider, Charles
treal. Canada and the beautiful Smith( Ken Reitz> Joe Linton>
Sterling Gaidens at Pou = h- Glen Kreidei . ( Dale Bollinger
keepsie, NY Pomona choius and Leßoy Welk This team
will sing and the >ou.h commit- placed first amon g eight FF.A
tee will conduct games Parhamentaiy Procedure teams
in a Lancaster County contest
held at Manhexin Cential High
School March 25.
First and Second Degrees will
be confeired at the next regular
meeting Apnl 28 Third and
Fourth will be given May 12.
The Junior Grange, under
supervision of the Matron, Mrs.
Jacob Fantom, held their regular
meeting. J. Luther Snyder,
Secretary of the Penna. State
Fulton Giange =66 observed
April as Youth Month with the
following filling officeis’ chans
Master Richard Holloway,
Overseei Clifford Holloway
HI, Lecturer —Mrs Richard Hol
loway, Steward < — Raymond
Kauffman, Assistant Steward
James Huber, Chaplain—Jacob
Fantom, Treasurer Richard
Nye, Secretary Mrs Elaine
Stoltzfus, Gatekeeper Dennis
Carroll, Ceres Mrs. Chester
Todd, Pomona Mrs Richard
Nye, Flora—Elaine Galbreath,
Lady Assistant Steward —Carole
Holloway and Pianist—Mary Lou
Fulton Grange will sponsor
Little Britain Sewettes 4-H Club
again this year. “Go-to-Church”
night has been tentatively set
for May 18, to be held at the
Grange Hall It will he preceded
1 % 1
ft JL^
/ HOGS Sl 'J|
& Grow Better J
m. with I
Local Farmers Know a
Good Feed When They
Try It!
SINCE 1870
Trading as Good’s Feed Mill
New Providence, Pa
Phone 786-2500
by a covered disn supper in
charge of Mis Chester Todd and
Mis Elaine Stoltzfus The other
county Changes are invited to at
Ray M. Young, Mgr.
■R. D. #l, Peach Bottom Ph. 717-548-2462
Exhibit Space Sales
Climb For NEPPCO
Early exhibit space sales for
the 1969 NEPPCO Exposition
aic the highest on iccord for the
date, according to show manager
Hany F X Stults
Stults repoited that after only
one week of open sale, exhibit
contracts amounting to 14,000
square feet of floor space and
involving 61 firms have been
Sales up to the end of the first
week of April accounted for ap
proximately two-thirds of all
exhibit space available, Stults
said. The NEPPCO Exposition
—regularly held in Harrisburg,
Pa, for several years will
take on a completely new look
as it moves to Atlantic City,
N.J. The dates are Oct. 14-15-16
All facilities, special events
and programs will be held in the
Chalfonte-Haddon Hall, one of
the shore resort’s largest and
most modern hotels, located
ught on the famous boardwalk
The exposition hall is all on one
level Visitors and exhibitors
alike will be able to stay in the
Giange and Mrs Snyder were
pi esent and instructed the mem
bers in some of their ritualistic
work. Clair Murphy and Miss
Mary Lou Wesley assisted with
special music. The Junior
Grange held a successful bazaar
in connection with the Grange
turkey supper April 12. Their
next meeting will be held May
headquarters hotel. Getting to bulb that carries the dates and
the exhibit hall is as simple as site
taking an elevator.
"Where Ideas Turn You On” maion or a copy oi the 1969
has been picked as the slogan NEPPCO Exposition prospectus
foi the exposition and conven- may obtain them trom Mr. Stults
tion. Tied in is a show symbol at the NEPPCO office, 1C Rut
in the shape of an electric light geis Place. Trenton, N.J 08618.
Farmer Automatic Egg Collector
For Floor Houses From West Germany
“New” Sani-Drinker
Sani-Mat (From Israel)
Plastic Floor Mat
if Chore Time Equipment
Feeders, New Cage Feeders, Bins, Auger Systems
fa "Marco” Healthway Medicator
Flock Water ers
fa Vent-O-Matic
Ventilating Fans
New Vent-O-Matic Meting
fa Shenandoah
Gas-Fired Incinerators
Gas Stoves
fa Fox-O-Lene
R. D. 1, Marietta, Pa.
Firms desiring moic .nfor*
Hose and Fittings
Phone 426-1191