Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 19, 1969, Image 23

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    orm Women
ionlinucd from 22)
tin.* Solanco chapter ol the FFA
Mi 1 ' Scott N'issley. countv
he County officers iccent- PU-Mdenl. extended .111 nnita
the lOOF Hall at Knk- 11011 10 :,1 > membeis to attend
Mrs William Gioss was in the Spun}' Rally which will he
;e of devotions Mis Hajes hosted bv Lancaster Countv
ings was in charge of the * aim women al the Town and
ipee epecinn Sh„ ,l„ a. Coiint > - y KllUClb. OH Mat
less session She alo dis- 15 Mls Glenn Rus!(el and M)s
id the piesentalion of a Joseph Best sang a duet follow
• Scotts Products
Complete line
• BPS Paints
• DuPont Lucite
• Speed Queen Washers
• Hotpoiut Appliances
• Prizer Ranges
—Gas & Coal
• Monarch Ranges
• Warm Morning
Norifake Dinnerwore
On Sale Now For Mother’s Day
arl H. & Parke Groff
(Formerly Groff Hardware)
100 South Railroad Ave., New Holland, Pa.
Phone 354-0851
winning combination
lor corn weed control...
The combination of Du Pont "Lorox" plus Atrazme gives you
the best annual weed and grass control for corn . . . while
minimizing the carry-over problem. Lorox is known for its
favorable rate of disappearance from the soil as well as for its
superior ability to control a wide range of weeds and grasses.
Atrazine is known for the manner in which it is tolerated by corn.
Mix them yourself or buy a ready-mixed formulation of the
two look for the bag containing li^uron.
ploquo at the .mmml banquet ol
• Seed Potatoes
• Lawn Seed
Old English
• Vigoro
• Tobacco Seed
• Garden Tools
• Sunbeam Appliances
my .1 piogi.un ol mono
login's In Mis Edith Hen
Tin* next meeting of Society
20 will lie hold with a moduli'
and a dimici on May I with
plans to bo announced by the
tupping committee Society 20
will be miosis of Societies 15
and 17 in June.
Sooiotv of Fai in Women 22
touted the Kitchen Kettle in
the Village of Intcicouise foi
the piogiam poition of then
meeting with the business ses
sion held at the home of Mrs
Cloyd Wenger, 1804 Pioneei
Road The co-hostess was Mrs
Robeit Bare who also led ele
ctions Mrs Paul Millei pie
Tentative plans for a rum
mage sale to be held in the Mal
ta Temple in the autumn weie
discussed Mrs Miller reminded
members of the meeting on
April 12 at 130 p.m in the
Farm and Home Center as
guests of Society 19, the home
society of Mrs. Scott Nissley,
county president.
The group agreed to discon
tinue the inactive member list
by giving an oppoitunity to all
members presently listed ‘lnac
tive’ to change their status to
‘active’, and thus be eligible for
all activities and responsibili
ties of full membeiship.
It was also repoited that, at
the August meeting, there will
be a review ot attendance le
quirements and those membeis
not meeting the lequirement of
Lancaster Funning, Saturday. April 19. 1909
Shape Up This Spring
With Beef
Spnng when people be
tome moie weight .md figuie
conscious' Those winlei coals
attending a minimum of six
meetings will hate to bo loin
A Mothei-Daughtci banquet
will be held May 13 at the \\ il
low Valley Restauiant when so
cioty talent will be featuicd
Theie wil be no business ses
sion at that meeting
On June 24. a swimming pai
tv will be held at the home of
Mis Kenneth Funk, Lancastci
R 6
Society of Farm Women 13
has announced that membei s
will set up a refreshment stand
at the sale of John Kreider,
Lampeter Road, on Saturday,
beginning at 10 a m.
A rummage sale will be held
at Malta Temple on Apul 29
and 30
The next meeting is schedul
ed for May 9 at the home of
Mis Merrill Miller, 1668 Old
Philadelphia Pike, at 7 30 p m
mowing: Dual Range Transmission
...ride the popular one
Get the MUSTANG spiritl Prove to yourself that lawn mowing can be
Fun. You'll be amazed how smoothly MUSTANG moves over your lawn
~. cuts wide—2s" and 30" .. . cuts true—because MUSTANG has (t
TWIST-A-FLEX frame with a full floating cutting unit. The result it
Twist-A-Flex cutting action that contours lawns into green carpets.
Select from three great models (4, 5 or 7 HP) and enjoy a full range
of safety and operating features at the most modest price. Riding a
MUSTANG beats walking, anytimel
•Twist-A-Flex trademark
Every Yard-Man MUSTANG
/y conforms to ASA Safety Standards
t>«mm n samit tunum \
1 Mile North of Terre Hill on Route 897
East Earl, R. D. 1, Pa. Ph. 445-6272.
Pond Road, Rouks R. D. 1 Phone 768-3670
(2 Miles Northwest of Intercourse)
.ut lolt in the closet and seden
i.nv mdoois hibcination gives
v av to he lawn, the goll couiie,
the meal outdoois In iceogiu
lion of this lad ol Ameiican hie,
Bed liiduslis Counul ol tlie
N.tioml Li\c Stock and Meat
Doaid is aim inn its newest pio
n.otion “Shape Up This
Spurn,’ at the liguie con
scious shoppei
Designed to lenund consuin
eis thev can shin down and still
ci.ioy beet, the piomotion dis
play mateiials featuie Beef
Kcbobs, Beet Buigeis Roast
Beef and Konml Steak High
lighting the lull coloi posteis
and case ships foi food stoie
poinl-of-pui chase use is a
pietlv, turn gal and a waist
cmch tape measme pulling in
the ‘ Shape Up” slogan The
beef promotion aim of the Meat
Boaid has also piepaied news
papei adveitismg aids to help
food ictaileis tie-in with the
Future pi emotions toi beef
will be “Tenderness Is Beef
for Fathei’s Day” (June 15) and
“Season With Summei” an out
ciooi cookeiy campaign
A pan of women’s hose con
tains about 4 miles of thiead