22—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. April 19.1369 Farm Women SOCIETY 17 Socictv of F.irm Women 17 held a covcied dish luncheon at the home of Mis Im Holz h.iuei New Pi evidence Mis Ilowaid Frank and Mis Sam Wengei weie co hostesses The Societv sponsoicd an ait contest in the Solanco Junior High Schools foi the Solanco Fan Cook '"’ovei The winnei was chosen fiom some 30 en tries A prize will be piesented at an assembly piogram in the school The next meeting will be a trip to the Cleft Palate Clinic, an eat out and a tour of Lam beit-Hudnut Plant. Litxtz, on Wednesday. Apul 30 A Mother-Daughter banquet That's why the money you place in our care is so important to the community. It furnishes the payrolls, buys the lumber and materials that go into a new home or improve an old one. Few industries stimulate business and promote prosperity like construction. The dollar you save at home works at home, helps keep our town a good place in which to live and raise a family. We invite your savings. ACCOUNTS INSURED TO $15,000 - .. n /o iFIRST FEDERAL jt ® (Savings v ASSOCIATION OF LANCASTER w Mon. thru Thurs. Fri, will be held May 16 at 6 30 p m in Willow Valley Restauinnt The program featured an ed ucational film shown by the Amcucan Cancer Society A question and answci session followed Cancel dressings, made b\ membeis weie sent to the Society office Each member biought two mitten tecipes which will be collected foi a small cook book to come out latei m the jear Societv of Faim Women 25 met Saturclaj at the home of Mrs Alvon Lea man, Lancastei R 6 Devotions weie in charge of Mrs Richaid Gregoiy The gift of the month was won by Mis Paul Roland The gioup will entertain Society 28 25 North Duke St. Phone 393-0601 SOCIETY 25 Sat. on May 10 at a covered dish luncheon at the home of Mrs Glenn Nauman, New Danville A donation was voted to Heart Haven. Society 25 and 2-1 will scive icficshments tc guests at Conestoga View on April 17 Mis Raymond Hubei ga\e a dcmonstiation on home made biead SOCIETY 19 The Society of Faim Women 22 weie guests of Society 19 at the Faim and Home Centei le cenllv Mis Earl Stauffei and Mis Lestei Gioff seived as hostesses, assisted by Mrs Hai ry Mumma and All s Abiam Root Mrs Henry Mai tin was in chaige of devotions Mrs Charles Shirley, Millers ville, and her daughter Carolyn, played seveial duets on the maumba Mrs Shnley was formeily a member of Societv 22 Mis Waltei Hummelncb presented a thumbnail tour of the woild thiough slides and descnption Dunng the business session Mis Arthur Landis piesident of Society 19, named Mrs Chai les Long and Mis Clayton Geib to seive at the Heait Haven Ba zaar 1 In othei business. Society 19 pledged to make 100 ditty bags foi the Amencan Red Cioss foi distiibution to seivicemen at Chustmas A donation of $5O was authouzed foi the county pioject Halfway House The next meeting will be held May 10 at the home of Mis Le iov Hottenstein, Manheim R 1 when Mis Esthei Eby Glass will be guest speaker at a mothei-daughter social Society 16 will enteitain So- -H cdiArEclXim. P©W-S-BOY Rotary Tiller... CHECK WITH YOUR LOCAL DEALER FOR PRICE AND TRADE IN Howard Messner Meliinger Tire Service Ressler Sales & Service Hollinger's Farm Mkf-. cietv 19 on June 11 instead of "Go To Church Sunday'*, Mav 14 as previously announe- 27 at Unionville with the j • and Mrs John Ferguson Ferguson is a member of society and her husband native of the Kirkwood are; Members and families of So- Society 20 entertained n ciety of Farm Women 20 are beis fiom Societies 15 am planning to be in attendance at (Continued on Page 23 John Beiler Moi gantown Goodville New Holland Leola R. D. 1, Ephrata SOCIETY 20 "Lift Test” it yourself See how easily the wheels lift off the ground because 93% of weight is on the tines... works with you, not against you. Tills even the hardest ground. Power reverse backs out of tight spots. Choice of 3 models. Dave Haldeman End in Hand Weaver Farm Service Allen G. Musser BowmansMlle C. B. Hoober Intel couise 'm Strasbui g A]