Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 12, 1969, Image 6

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    6—Lancaster Fannins. Saturday. Aonl 12.1989
• Jason Weaver
'Continued from P.ieo 5)
Vlen Picking yeAV
inc Lindon and
is that ordei
Leon BurkholJc. New Ho - average yield of IS6 hnmlred-
Lnd Rl. had the olacs :n 'veiaht per ace. a cion of 7.1
tiie Mixed Breed Cl wth a m’llion cwt. can be expected,
pen of Charolais-Crossbred
s, ,*er : Amos Ri-co had the esc- Sl3 25 and 532.35 lespectively
ond place with Chaiolais and and Essl-ray Quality .Men‘. Balli-
Eo-'cns Eberl;,. Me : Holland Rl moie paid 532.C0 for the th.rd
v:i ! third with Blach Face place pen.
sled =
The ‘op two mix 1 p-ns went was Milton 'Marshall, Cross
tn T M. Land:’. Mainland for Bros. Packing Co Philadelphia.
. y - y-lj vA > .?' > pj ' *' > ~
r-. '* ' ’ 'dAi xd 4
' X«• Wtc & i ; ' IXX
,TV . a X'X t ' ' -»?LmI?' v ,1-1 *• X
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c* ■*.- • l *- , > _/<-■*/ a ,
•> ■ , C> -e-'XLV' C.'-'l,
Machine-harvested yield checks. Showed
last year that protects corn
against all types of rootworms. Helps each
acre produce the maximum yield. Depend
on Diazinon in ’69. Order your Diazinon from
us now.
I ■•*<, ■V- :',‘<r>i- 1-te,''. ' V j-*~ ; '-. ->’ -$* -
Smcketown, Pa.
F* IE* 111!!15a
Note The Many Advantages Gained By
Using L. P. Gas In Your Tractors.
9 Longer Engine Life
9 Lower Fuel Costs
• Less Down Time
9 No Road Tax On Farm Use With Ugite L. P. Gas
Eli Good, (pictured), changed ibis tractor from
gasoline’ to Ugite Bottled Gas. The same gas many
Lancaster County Housewives cook with.
For Complete Information Call or Write.
rare m compaiiy
Box 210
Pennsylvania poialo growers
intend to plant 3S COO acres this
the smallest acreage of
Based on the five-year
Judec for the 53 pen
Ephrata, Ponna. 17522
„ . „ „ , . , c ™ ami icrps Dunn", 37,000 to 41,000 acres, while
Recording to the State Crop Re- tllc Plato’s twenty years ago 91,000 acres
porting Service lllC P JSI lul ~n m wpr „ n[ a nteri
The 196-1-68 average acieage potato acreage has raii-cd li P
WPt* m v W''fA,
increase Your Spring Profits!
,i liiik
„ '
_ t J> J; • &
« •* '' * A , X v /t *'<:/ '\\
- ' *%f* % \ >,// • 'w' } a
/V ' /' Af/rfs-Z \ '*% -M fc- ; 4j*
*‘"%k \ \J'P' W \ t'
Fe&d Year Pigs Fui-O-Pep Gro-Pig F't&rter
An early gain can well be the difference be
tween profit or loss. The faster the gains the
quicker the market delivery date and the
greater the potential profits. Remember, each
extra pound of gain at 8 weeks of age can
mean up to 8 to 10 days quicker delivery to
Make them big eaters! Ful-O-Pep Gro-Pig Start
er is well known for its reputation as the most
Stevens Feed Mill, Inc.
Harold H. Good
Terre Hill
■-x -K -x
Profit Pullets
mßß’ket soooerl
%/ ' '/fa
Willow Street, R. D. 1
Flock Size - 12,000
Age of Birds 80 Weeks
251.2 Eggs Laid
3.68 Lb. Feed Per Dozen Eggs
Livability 8 8.1%
Grade A D 2.8%
Feed Cost Per Dozen 13.36 c
For Your Quality DeKolb Pullets See
Sales Representative
40 Donegal Springs Road, Mount Joy, Pa.
palatable feed available on the market today.
Your baby pigs "sweet tooth" will bo well sat
isfied. while at the same time they are re
ceiving all the energy and nutritional factors
needed for rapid growth.
Start them right! Get your pigs off to a quick
start with Ful-O-Pep Gro-Pig Starter. Let’s gel
together and discuss this fine food. Call or
stop in to see us soon.
S. H. Hiestand & Company
Stevens Feed Mill, Inc.
m, m. m
Ph. 367-2683
Phone 653-1102
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