Weekly Poultry Report Fogcisvillc ten a'Cics-ave Hum paM April 8, I%') seunal work-. Oilfimu- in (Prices paid dot k woi 'lit'- units u ( ased i apidK m most (pun lei s per lb. except whole noted) •' K'siill ol the slunplv lowei HENS, li”ht t\pe 84 11 inoM 1 ” P |l( -es ol post seven al da\i ly 9-10, HENS, heavv'(vpe 11 Tkulc advices mdio.ito oliei 24 mostly 15 18 PULLETS 2(1'• int - fs occasionally in excess ol 314 mostly 28 31, BOLSTERS ‘ ,bllltv to bf ‘ handled at once in 16-334 mostly 25 30 DUCKS so,ne Ouaiteis Ollennes ol 30-40, DRAKES 33 41 RAD htMVy hens bhort oI f,ur bl,vel BITS 1562 mostly 48 55 GUIN nmls wlUl supplies iiom Del EAS 654-734. PIGEONS (pci millVj needecl to fill full call pair) 70-164 Hi ltos paid Farm Light TOTAL COOPS SOLD 355 T >P e Hens 8 M 9 10- Heavy Tvpe Hens TFEWR Eostern Pennsylvania And New Jersey Prices generally unenanged Jhowevei trending slightlv low er within the lange on light type hens Demand tan but of “LARGEST AND BEST" The Lancas ter County Poultry Officers display their belated Farm Show Banner Thursday Night The banner came to them after alterations in the inscription w ere complet ed It will be tied into a local promotional will your fertilizer be ... come summer? ORTHO 1. 1. BOBBER & BRO., INC. Bi oiler and live tivei pi ices aveiaged 15 42 cents a pound this week Puces langed fiom Where DISTRIBUTED BY Eastern Shore Exchange program to sell eggs and poultrj products (lelt to right) Harold Esbenshade, Presi dent, Allen B Graybill, Vice President, Lonn Weigard, Treasurei and John Jacob Oberholtzer, Secretary L F Photo Will it be where the plants need it most 7 Probably not if you apply conventional fertilizer this spring Come summer the critical supply may be left high and dry During the heat of summer roots are most active down in the deeper zones where the moisture supply is more abundant Trouble is that may not be where the food is Phosphate for example loses much of its effectiveness by becoming locked up through fixation in the soil But UNIPELS contain two forms of phosphorus (as well as potash and two forms of nitrogen) for continuous plant feeding throughout the growing season A unique phospho-mtnc process makes the phosphate in UNIPELS 100% available yet makes it resist fixation regardless of how it is applied' Come summer the phosphorus and other nutrients in UNIPELS are down in the rich moisture zone actually stimulating root growth and proliferation for greater nutrient intake Make sure your fertilizer is where the plants need it most this summer plowdown UNIPELS this spring Visit us soon • Chicago (Continued Horn P.it!c2» "50 1350 lb 1 - Vic Id Ci' tide 2to t no 00 ;j> 00 Miv d (mod and (’null • 29 00 HO 00 si,MUiirrru iicffhs On \V('diuscl. \ land I’liitu' 1005 lbs Yield Gu.de 3 .md 4 31 23 highest lot.il pine since .lami .it v 1953 Mi\cd Hmh Chone and Pi line 950 1050 lbs Yield Guide 3 and 4 30 50 30 75 Choice 850 1050 lbs Yield Grade 2 to 4 29 50 30 50 Mixed Good and Choice 28 50 29 50 a hnjh ol 16 10 cents a pound on Tuesday to a low ol 15 cents a pound on Thuisday Seven lots were olieied on Monday but none weie sold Sales foi the week totaled 93,400 head down 27,900 head liom last week n> * - &h * %*■ ■* Smoketown, Pa. Phone 397-3539 Weekly New York Mkt. (. L lot it .on .11( m \i K..i \ i ill 'Jlli to I'ii \\ ii; n Fc \ Fa Lai ,c 45 ,j Fey Lai ice 444 Fcv Mediums 42 Fc> Pullet, 25 Fcv Peewees 20 BROWN Fey Laif-e 41 42 41-42 41 42 Fcv Mediums 38 38 37 1 2 Fey Pullets 25 23 24 23 24 Fcj Pcewees 20 20 20 Standaids Checks 'fiend Supplv building at eounliy points Deni md lan C»p\ii;'ht 1960 bj Cinci Banx Pul.lications • Auction (( oiUimu'd 11 oni I’.ui* 21 t '<4 Good 24 00 20 25 and Conimeici.il 24 50 26 50 lew 26 75-27 35 indnulual 1 .“GO lbs 29 25 FEEDER STEERS Lot L 'S 1 2 220 210 lbs 21 7'22 0 Fume 1100 lbs 00 60 lose Goot 1 Quo lot l b 1 210 lb-, 2100 i one! Ghoico 000 1050 lbs 26 s'o 2 210 265 lis 21 10 21 50 I s 28 85 195 205 lbs 20 50 2110 On,' 1. US 3 100 lbs 19 25 SHEEP 2 Supph mini Spurns Ldmba CALVES 132 Vcmlcis lull\ steaclv some sales Good and Choice 1 00 2 00 highci CUSTOM SPRAYING For Whitewashing Spray the modern way Use CAREOLA Spray Carbol.t clues white dismtects kills Ihes up In hhL less cobwebs No wet tloots MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Uilmei, Pa 3U2 72 27 Lnr.cr.stfr Form in Satuiclu\. \pnl 12. 1%9 I IK s Man 42 1 j 42 1 _> 414 41 1 1 39 37 1 j 2.5 24 2 5 24 20 20 37 38 37-38 37-38 27 27 27 VEALERS Choice 4<> 01 52 50 couple 54 00 (.ood 45 5( 50 50 Sl.md.n d 20 00 45 00 I I htv 35 50 40 00 low Cull 05., .hi 27 00 40 00 LJliht' HCK.S 2M ( ills 25 75 low <-i D \RROV S \\ ,) (," TS (I ", (pill llln I Inns 1 it U») ) » I'l 2 5 24 20 41 42 374 23 24 20 37 38 37 4 27 26 Bui i ov - i 41 3(i