Ifi -Umcastcr Farming. Saturday. April 12.1969 • Self-Assessment (Continued fiom P.ikc 11 on them ;it lefeiendn to be held on (lutes not yet (let ei mined The milk rofcicndum is sehe diili>(l foi Deccmbei I" Tlie l’ennsvl\.mi.i tm.il Commodities Maikctim* Ad of 1!)G8 pet mils ,i eommo dit\ jjioup to cm 11 foi a vole pioduceis who would have the oppoitumtv to vote foi 01 against self assessment Stale apple pioduecis aie the INTERNATIONAL® CUB CADET Lawn & Garden Tractors ||| 5 NEW MODELS 72—7 hp, regular transmission 104— lOhp, regular transmission 105— lOhp, Hydrostatic Drive 124 12hp, regular transmission 125 12hp, Hydrostatic Drive Full line of over 50 work saving attachments. Cub Cadet, best rea son ever to make lawn and garden chores fun. S. M. Manufacturing Co., Inc. Owl Hill Road R. D. zt 4. Lititz, Pa Phone 717-626-8585 That’s the way ... the easy way, with choremaster power. Makes every job easier. Does every job better . . . faster! Designed for operator com fort and convenience and built for durability in rugged use ... by the world's largest manufacturer of tillers See it, try it today! Sec the new and used tillers at I. H. Brubaker !50 Stiashing Pike, Lancastei R I). 3, I.ititr, Pa. Phone. Lancaster 397 5179 I was left under the impression sides when I became envolved you matter only gioup curcnlly operating hotter got fired up and give outconv under a self-assessment plan vd ,0 heal ' verbally and in print, Seciclary Bull your word that Harris! Their assessment rate is three ,I|C otho " sifJc of ,he • stol ’ y you want il and after it '" lab sitli cents a hundicdweight for ap- With the industry divided, il B cksler told the directors “It is The i pies sold foi fresh use and one is easy for the Secielary to say, b;| ck in your lap.” take cent foi apples cold foi pioccss 'What do you want’”’ An hom or more discussion the NE in K "If you ically desiie a lab as followed Bickslei’s report Both City thi m ieul Poultry and livestock Producers WE SERVE MORE THAN A /V-' r ) & s lIW FOR PERSONAL ATTENTION LEADING TO MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE AND MINIMUM COSTS • Poultry (Continued from Page 1) THOUSAND 4 . 't FARMERS.. \~ ONE AT ■‘'X x . MILLER & BUSH Rohrerstown, _ .J-.-L -1 • FINEST SERVICE. ANYWHERE • K.' V. \ I V '\-v A TIME Call us collect at 392-2145 /■ r? - C's { V Pa. w< 'bi