JO—-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 12,1969 : • ’1 • »' v • §J’X . J 's3sM ),'i .4. ,*«ap s ft J r'.‘ ~ '-“ -tn 4, :# ‘ 1 4 v -v§'*f **' i* W ll v' Wv*»*•/ U* 0" ">•! £’ ,V '*''’ > >A I'. , s v i >{ >‘K> ?i& &V--T > x ' » s ‘- V ■ r **£( 'V - * *#* * Wi > >1 N s. '•' >, * -tV^wCT*! j-J.AV,. *• / < > «■ , J yh ,l>*v. S „r,,* 41 * P;V J*- l&trf t<, Jj >/ *">“* .y , \ „',, -h /Jh ; l fI, Kt, - isP* CONSERVATION SPEECH WINNERS man, Soil Conservation District Vic are Lee Resslor, (center) East Earl Rl, Chairman makes the presentation. T 1 first place and Roger Campbell, (right) contest was held Thursday night at tl Kirkwood Rl, second place. Henry Hack- Farm and Home Center. L. F. Phoi '© C©rjsepva3e®ja (Continued fiom Page 1) son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Campbell, Kirkwood Rl. Roger, a student at Solan eo High School had the topic, “Water, a De clining Rssourse.” Clark 'Stauffer, Ephrata Rl, Our office colleague is a man of promise, but we'd rather have our $5. • * * * An old-timer is a fellow who can recall when a budget was balanced., rather than juggled. • »<\? I f CHICKS I HOGS '"J| I CATTLE i m Grow Better m\ \4< $ raw* Local Farmers Know a Good Feed When They Try It! Since 1870 ELMER M. smis Trading as Good’. 1 Feed Mill RS*FF|ALS^» r JO "N DAIRY AND EOG FEEDS New Providence, Pa. i Phone 756-2 MO was third; Ron Zimmerman, anon, though the date has not Narvon Rl, was fourth and Mark been announced. Wagner, Washington Boro Rl, was fifth. Kessler Is scheduled to con- District and Orval Bass Conser iend in an area meet in Leb- vation Service, served as judges. ELI F. KING Pond Road, RonKs R. 1). I Phone 768-3670 (2 Miles Northwest of Intercourse) m t? ran - r S’iufebiJt9 g ukh y JQy ua? 183 E. Main St., Leola, Pa. Phoue G5B-3171 > i ''V , j* • S" Henry Hackman and Ken Bepoe from the Conservation uni 111 iitt——l m* m\ FEED CATTLE FASTER ATO TORE EH-iCIEiIIY TUAN EVER BEFORE! ■ v''v \ v i - '7;^ j ? V,; >’ '~'.y V * ® fe| -| . w/t c*V *> -!, <&* Ht ':■<,. 7.5& t<'r; ' ‘ I •<* - *< IX'A ,- /’' ! ■ 4?~ 1 * W , : .;f%f v *ssBs •.< 7 s “ ; #1 4’, |,-SI 4j IL 3 *74 *wfib v * 47, 4|' 7: liismj; ~ 'SIW« '■*■#*,■. A*£ i !v?'v3 -i. •■ l|i|4 '. J'iSprS'' l ' . &7’7 .7 'k4;p it.; diiu'iiTfJlfn WOW I Feed up to 200' of bunk pur drive . . . Feed multiple lots . . . Blend complete rations with . . . VAN DALE'S NEW AUTOPMTIC MULTI-FEEDERS From the pioneer in silo unloading, come two low power, mammoth capacity, bunk feeders for in-the barn or feedlot feeding. You can feed from mote than one silo (at the same time). Feed out to from one to four-or-more lots. Feed any material with big 9" or 12" true, bearing-suspended augers, (no me‘£a!-to-metal contact) Feed entire bunk at one time; eliminate ciowding. High capacity and dependability .,. can us and we’ll coma out to see you, at your convenience, CALEB M. WENGER R. ». 1, Drumore Center 548-2116 QUARRYVILLE, PA. 00C3M NEW THIS YEAR! GRASS GETTER” Get both grasses and broadleof weedis with a per-plant application of SUTAN/ATRAZINE combination i Call Today For Aa Agway Salesman