-~Lancasler Farming. Saturday. April 5,1969 4 From Where We THE But, oh. how few behev r e it! Who will listen? To whom will God re\eal His sa\- mg power 9 In God’s eyes He was like a tender green shoot, sprouting from a root in dry and sterile ground But in our eyes there was no attractu eness at all. nothing to make us want Him. We despised Him and rejected Him a man of sorrows, acquainted with bitterest grief. We turned our backs on Him and look ed the other wa\ when He went b\ He was despised and we didn't care Yet it was our gnet He bore, our sor rows that weighted Him down And we thought His troubles were a punishment from God. for His own sms! But He was wounded and bruished for our sins He was chastised that we might have peace: He was lashed and we’re healed! We are the ones who strayed away like sheep! We, who left God's paths to follow our own. Yet God laid on Him the guilt and sins of every one of us! He was oppressed and He was afflicted, yet He never said a word. He was brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before her shearers in dumb, so He stood silent before the ones condemning Him. From prison and trial they led Him away to His death. But who among the people of that day realized it was their sins that He was dying for that he was suff ering their punishment. He was buried like a criminal in a rich man’s grave; but He had done no wrong, and had never spoken an evil word. Isaiah 53:1-9 Living Proverbs Easter Greetings To You! When slender, delicate lilies lift their pearly faces toward the sky . . . when glorious music fills the air . . . when fami lies on their way to church have a special look of joy . when everything is bright and all are happy . . . then, you can be sure, it’s Easter! It’s time to worship and rejoice, time to enjoy all the glad traditions of the season, from Easter treats and Easter outfits to those most precious moments when the sacred story lives anew And Lancaster County area churches have put forth a tre mendous amount of effort in preparation Farm News This Week Holstein Breeders Visit Berks County Neighbors Page 1 Co. 4-H’ers To Attend State 4-H Capital Days Page 1 LANCASTER FARMING Lancaster County’s Own Farm Weekly P. 0 Box 266 - Lititz, Pa 17543 Office 22 E Main St, Lititz, Pa 17543 Phone. Lancaster 394-3047 or Lititz 626-2191 Everett R Newswanger, Editor Robert G Campbell, Advertising Director Subscription price $2 pei yeai in Lancaster County, S 3 elsewhere Established November 4, 1955 Published every Saturday by Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa Second Class Postage paid at Lititz, Pa. 17543 Member of Newspaper Faim Editors Assn. Stand. .. for the Easter week programs as so many realized at the Palm Sunday cantatas and other special programs last Sunday. One prized tradition is the exchange of Easter greetings with our friends and thus, most happily, warmly, we wish for you and jours .... A Bountiful and Joyous Easier! STORY A Man Of History All of us felt we were prepared for the death of Former President Dwight David Eisenhower for he had suffered so many months, had fought off so many repeated heart attacks yet when death did come to this great man of history it still was a sad dening shock. This past week the nation has fittingly paid tribute to his long and dis tinguished career of serving his nation and the American people. In the Lancaster County area churches and schools both paid tribute to his memory and public flags here are flying at half mast A true man of history has passed from our scene. Across The Fence Row After holding out for a generation, candy bars are about to join the ranks of ex nickel-apiece items such as toll telephone calls, soft drinks, newspapers, and cups of coffee. When a leading candy company recent ly dropped its line of nickel chocolate bars, it was surely the beginning of the end of an era. Rising cocoa prices were partly the reason. But costs of processing and delivery also contributed. Just a few years back, when world co coa prices tumbled for a season, candy men were able to put more chocolate for the money into their candy bars. Now, the re verse is beginning to happen. Although 5-cent candy bars (along with packs of chewing gum about the only valu able items still available for a nickel) are not slated to disappear overnight, their share of confectionery consumption is likely to continue to drop. Morals don’t necessarily improve as one ages, but inability to misbehave certainly increases. The man at the weather bureau who predicts light snow obviously cleans his sidewalks with a snow blower. You can always find it in the Yellow Pages, if someone will just clue you to how the darned things are indexed Enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world It beats money and power and in fluence Single-handed the enthusiast con vinces and dominates where the wealth ac cumulated by a small army of workers would scarcely raise any interest. A committee is a group of the unfit, ap pointed by the unwilling, to do the unneces sary. Love for your country is not necessari ly expressed by your hatred for others. Local Weather Forecast (From the U. S. Weather Bureau at the Harrisburg State Airport) The five-day forecast for the period Saturday through next Wednesday calls for temperatures to average near normal with daytime highs in the low to mid 50’s and over-night lows in the low to mid 30’s. Little day to day change Normal high-low for the period is 59-37 Precipitation may total l k to V 2 inch as ram Saturday and showers again at the end of the period. 60! Till! Lesion for April 6,1969 Backgraunrl Senator#* Work 15 42 through 16 7. Dtv*h«mil RtidiAf AclJ I Ml. Have you ever been the bearer of good news? "Dad says I can go!" "You passed the exam!" " I found your wallet!” "We won the championship!” "We found your little boy, ma’am!” "She’s going to be all right!” Search your imagination for the most wel come news you might ever carry to someone else. No matter what you come up Rev. Althouse with, this will al ways be the best news you can bear to anyone: CHRIST IS RISEN! How to say it Many people have proclaimed this message in many different ways. Charles Wesley said it with a hymn: Christ the lord is risen today. Alleluia! Sons of men and angels say. Alleluia! Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia! Sing, ye heavens, and earth, reply, Alleluia! Fierro della Francesco said it with a magnificent painting, "The Resurrection Morn.” The Apostle Peter said it from a cross in Rome. Missionaries the world over say it with quinine, powdered milk, books, tractors, and the sweat of their faces. And you . . . ? How do you and your church say it? Saying it is important, for that’s how Christianity began. On that first Easter morning three sorrowing women went to atomb, their hearts immersed in sorrow. And there, something wonderful happened! Read Lancaster Farming For Full Market Reports To Put It In Writing Many farm leases went into effect April 1 and it is very im portant that all concerned par ties know of all their lesponsi bihties We realize that an agreement is just as good as the persons making the deal, how ever, if the terms are in writing and both paities possess a copy, there will be less chance of mis understandings and unpleasant relations It’s not too late to draw up copies and confirm the lease details To Plan Sewage Systems The problem of sewage con fronts many of us With many new homes and industries be ing built out in the rural areas, the problem of disposal of waste needs additional atten tion. Septic tanks and disposal The empty tomb First of all, they found an empty tomb! Something stranga had happened since they had hut been there. The huge slone that hud covered the entrance wa* found moved to one side. Going within, they found that the body of Jesus was not there! He was not to be found in the tomb, nor is he to be found there today, 'lire graveyard, the burial vault, the tomb—Jesus is not to be found in any of these. Secondly, they received a mes sage of "good news,” He ha* risen! (Mark 16:6). Jesus was not missing from the tomb because his body had been stolen awry, nor had it disappeared into thin air. He was not there now be cause he had been awakened from the sleep of death and had risen from the slab to go forth into the world once again. They had coma expecting to shed tears over a me less corpse and found instead the good news that their Lord wa* alive again! Thirdly, they received a c >re mission: "But go, tell his disci ples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him as he told you.” (Mark 16-7) It was a wonderful moment, perhaps the most thrill ing moment of their lives, to stand within that tomb and discover that Jesus had conquered dearh and was alive. Yet, they were not to stand there and savor the moment for themselves, for they needed to "go, tell” others chat great news. Greatest news story Isn’t that what Easter nust mean for us too? In fact, isn’t this the very basis of whac it means to be a Christian? To discover for ourselves tiiat "He is risen!”? To "go, tell” others that g 1 jri ous news? That is why the Christian mes sage is called the "gospel” (good news). That is why also it is me greatest news story that can ever be taken to anyone. Perhaps as we have studied Mark’s gospel we have regarded Jesus as someone who lived long ago. Yet, let us know that be is also our contemporary. Impor tant though it may be that he once lived, it is even more im portant to know that still he lives! That is what we are called to "go, tell . . . »” *n tuHtn#* <#pyn|M#d by lh« Oivisim •f Chnstfan Education, N#(i#n#i C#unci/ •# Church#* #f Chnit in th# U, S A #y Community Pr#u S«rvic«) NOW IS THE TIME... By Max Smith Lancaster County Agent fields work fine if contractors, builders, and owners under stand the requirements and make plans for the system. Some heavy soils will not per mit sewage systems to woik A special cncular on the subject is available from our Extension Office. To Kill Brush The time for killing blush and trees in the dormant stage is getting shoit and needs at tention befoie all types of ciops are planted The use of 2.4,5-T on stumps and brush will pre vent growth without doing dam age to other crops if done early m the spring Caution should be used in the application of this herbicide because it is very selective; it will injure or kill most any kind of tree or plant.