THE PLACE TOGO THIS EASTER SEASON IS STAUFFER'S OF KISSEL HILL Because they are blooming with SAVINGS JUST FOR YOU. The friendly people at Stauffer's ore bubbling over with SAVINGS JUST FOR YOU and welcome your visit often because they have the greatest selection ever and are eager to sell. YOU ALL PLEASE COME- WON'T YOU? 2. Permanent Arrangements. Meet the designers at Lititz and Lan caster. 3. Fruit ond Vegetables. Fresh from Florida. A. Meot Dept, at Lititz. Prime quality fiesh and delicious. 5. Meat Dept. at Lancaster. Operated Thm sday thru Sat by ' Richard Heagy. Please call or visit us soon . . . because Stauffer's is the place to go to meet the friendly people who care about you. -GARDEN CENTER SUGAR MAPLE TREES now * 14.95 PIN OAKS “ ’23.95 Smaller Sizes 2 for $25.00 FLOWERING SHRUBS 99 ® 5 ft. balled StAU F F E FI'S of Kissel Hill « LITITZ - RD f-H dUI \2 Mile South of Lititz on Kissel Hill PHONE 626-2028 1. Greotest Selection Ever. Easter Flowers Reasonable prices Surplus growers sale Sat.! It’s a riot! You are welcome! SPECIALS Reg. $25.00 $12.95 selection we have. [«!& 7. Shode Trees. Our trees are arriving daily. Special Prices! 8. Mulching items. Yes, we have a great selection I may as well stop ... I will run out of space. EVERGREEN SPECIALS Reg. $2.95 Pyramid QQ __ Arborvitae Upright Yew 3 (of $5.00 GLOBE ARBORVITAE Spreading Yew Spreading Juniper Reg. $3.95 Now $ 2-79 2 for $5.00 • LANCASTER-1850 OREGON PK 1 Mi North of Lane Shopping Center PHONE 569-2688 4'Sp' Lancaster farming. S.itm d.iv. Apt il.). 1 'Hi') I 1 i Annual Net Worth Statement Indicates Financial Progress O’l ' o. 'I, ih ' ,oi ( ' Ullll i 111 i I ll Vi 0 'l li ,1 I, i v i h i im in .iii dm 1 o Helen K Hl' e\!eii' on horn ■> n in.i emen. spe.. i! M of 'I he Penusvlvan a S'a’.e I n unl\ j lo f.iid vom net uoi Hi odd up ion own ..nd ' \on owe The lesulls mav -,i\e \on the sdislad.on nl me some pioeiess c indie.tie \on m.i\ need lo lighten vom pm se sii inps Miss Hell siumesli v, hen add me up >ou oun vou include cadi on h.imi .nicl in checkin” .md savings .mounts P’esenl value ot >ou home and olhei estate \alue ot eai oi cats it sold toclav loi cash and maiket value ol teueliv antiques and hen looms \!so add the cash value ol vom lite innnance maiket value o' slocks and piesent value ol bonds casli value ol annuities and letnement plans monev othei people owe vou and ccu lenl value of lui mime apph ances. and miscellaneous items Phe ne\l step is to total the monev vou owe, savs Miss Bell Include moi leases and kens on vom house, cai oi olhei pi op eily installment debts on house hold equipment and hou=e furnish nes, peisonal debts and othei b’lls outstanding Sub tiacl >oui total debts horn the total ol what >ou oun The le suit will be youi net w oi th Some ol >oin li cures may be Increase Spring Prof its 1 . i Ful-O-Pep Pig Feeds start little pigs fast with low cost gains Match your little pigs' growth potential with the nutritional efficiency of Ful-O-Pep Pig Feeds . . . the efficiency that regularly gives these conver sions at the Ful-O-Pep Research Farm; Baby Pig Diet 1.14 lbs. feed/lb. gain (As an early weaning feed to 5 weeks) Pig Starter (From 5 days to 6 weeks, or following Baby Pig Diet) Pig Grower With good management, you can match these con versions, and profit from low cost, fast early gams. Now--2 special,extra efficient Pul-0 Pep Pig Feeds. Ful-O-Pep Pig Bracer—for stress conditions, with Aureo S.P. 250. Ful-O-Pep Pig Grower— to feed with your grain Supplement to young, growing pigs. Give your pigs high-performance Ful-O-Pep. j Ful-O-Pep Pig Feeds Harold H. Good Stevens Feed Mill, Inc. Terre Hill Leola | Stevens Feed Mill, Inc. S. H. Hiestand & Co. ) Stevens Salunga c '.nn. t. - \ e \on ,m Mill) \ (an o\ > i .ill Ini ~1 >' , ii I ton > om 11.sle tmu pi o i. i 1: om one I U) l'l.' ll.’X \! ' l) ,, ll pamN oul II appeals that iho -.c.foii loi snow tues is about otei lot tins nintei eten thoueh th e \ weienl badlt needed at ant r time in this pait ol the slate V hould be mat keel lell oi iiithl so then can be lemount ecl in the same position studs weai at a shehl amjle and if mounted on the opposite side some ot the studs mat come oul next wintei Tues that aie peimanertlv n minted on extia urns should hate the an pies sme icducei to 15 pounds .md stoiecl similai to othei tues These piactices will lengthen the hie ol the snow tn es It is not known when King Solomon came to the thione o' ancient Isieal but the Bible u c es the lound nuinbei 40 ceais when speakmg ol the length o£ hi: ieign 1.4-1.6 2.03 (From 6 weeks to 10 weeks) Mm ( v. Snow Tnes Solomon’s Reign lbs. feed/lb. gatn lbs. feed/lb, gain tt ill