J 8 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. April 5. 1969 y LEXINGTON SEWING The Lexington 4-H Sewing Club met recentlj at the Brun nenille Fire Hall to reorganize and elect officers The following girls were elect ed Cindy Eberly. president: Celeste Sei veiling vice presi-| dent: Amj Spangler, secretary: alternate secretary. Laura Leeti Martha Showalter treasurer:' Connie Eberly. alternate treasui er; game leaders—Donna Wal ton and Carol Martin; song lead- 1 ers. .lane Hensel and Jean Mil ler: news reporter. Andrea Smith and Candance Snivelling, council representative Mother* were entertained with gi mes. under the direction of pi eject lender. .Mrs. Lee -\ brief explanation ol club require ments and a demonstration on the pin chasing and prepaiation cl labile was gnen b\ club leader, Mrs Smith Reficslunents weie served and the meeting was adjourned The next meeting will be held on A pul 10 in the Fno Hall from 3 30 p in to 3 30 P M SADDLE CINCHES The Saddle Cinchos 4-H Itor-e Club o) the Milton Grove area held iin organizational meeting a the tnrm ol Mrs, II Kenneth Boiry. Ml Joj. R 2 Karen Horn was elected presi dent and Judy Sheet?.. vice pres idem ol the club Other ollicers elected include Linda Walts, secrelarj: Cindy Wendlcr trea surer. Kendace Borry. news re poiler. Pat Dougherlv. sone leader, and Vicki See. mi nit liadei Countv Council members ait Karen lloin and Lind; Walts FREE ■nalj sis of j our borne OK> heating equipment. Our Specially trained men will tell you if it needs cleaning, adjustment, or minor pari replacement. Tbcj'U show you lion to improve your burner with Tcvaco’s new Jet Flume lioohlcr that can increase burner eiliciency up to 42%. Gi\c us actdL No obligation. ifuelChiefl wi; t:i\ k s n 111! KI: NST MI’S Garber Oil Co. Texaco I'iicl (Tticl lim net Suit's A. Set \ ice 10a Kan Mew St. MOUNT .JOY. PA I’h. «53-1S?l The next meeting of the club will be on Apiil 18 7'30 p.m. at Ihe home ol Lori Cerphey. Alt Joy R 2 Interested persons arc welcome Leaders tor the coming yeai arc Mrs. Tyrus Keeney. Mrs Kenneth Bony and Mrs Charles Cherphy NORTHERN SOIL & WATER Ry Curtis Horst Karen Marlin presented a demonstration about “Capillary Water" to the Northern Lancas ter Co. 4-H Soil and Water Con servation Club at its meeting on March 20. The meeting was held in the basement of the Hinkletown Church at 8:00 Paul Marlin. Club leader, taught the lesson lor the night He reminded the members to timsh their proiects lor the club round-up on April 9 The next meeting will be held on April 3, at 7 15 with an economy of plenty but a lack ol physical activity, sets the stage in many cases ol over weight. At each stage of the life cycle persons need to learn and practice a way ol life that wul keep them within their ideal nutntion specialist Oui society weight range Hazards Of Overweight Overweight is the nation’s number one health pioblein, points out Airs Ruth J Buck Penn Stale extension loods and NURS-ETTE AUTOMATIC CALF FEEDERS NURS-ETTE FEED ALSO NURS-ETTE PARTS & SERVICE YOUNG BROS. Ray M. Young, Mgr. R. D. #l. Peach Bottom Ph. 717-548-2462 □ □□□□ CONTROL WEEDS IN: ALFALFA With EPTAM SELECTIVK HERBICIDE Nut si- ci ops ate a thing ul the past lor alfalla growers who uso F.plam m spring-seeded stands. H\ controlling weeds and grasses early growers report yields ol 15 to 5 ton ol pure hay per acre the very first season Call Your Agway Salesman Today i » . -t* j . Correspondence Courses mL 2S STUDY TREES FOR HOME LANDSCAPES A single tree on your home grounds may do more than a dozen shrubs. Whether your need is lor shade from summer sun, the balance provided by small trees at the front entrance of yom home, or a flowering tree at your back door, a plant can be found suitable to your wants According to a Pennsylvania State University correspondence course on lor your home grounds, over 50 species of trees are useful for home landscapes. Within each species there may be half a dozen or more varie ties carried by nurseijmen The selection and care of or namental trees for home land scapes is the subject of the course. It’s newly written (re vised in late 1968) and gives detailed instruction on planting, fertilizing, pruning, control of insects and diseases, with sug gestions on how to use each kind to best advantage in land scaping. Send your name and address with $3 85 to Trees. Box 5000, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802. There are no other charges and a complete course cop> comes to you by mail F R O 1 2-ROW-4-ROW-6-ROW - i > REAR-MOUNTED i Drill or Hill Drop-ond-Drill Units ' Corn or Corn-ond*Cotton Hoppsrt 5 PLANTERS Check Our Parts & Service Monthly Specials ALLEN H. MATZ, Inc. 505 E. Main St., New Holland Wild Pets Every lime I read about a person with some unusual pet such as a skunk, a monkey', snake, or lizard I wonder if that particular family realizes the possible danger present with this wild pet. Many of these creatures are carriers of disease and dangerous infections. Mon keys may be carriers of tuber culosis or fungus diseases; skunks can carry large amounts of rabies virus in their saliva for long periods of time; bites of wild cats, racoons, lizards, and snakes can produce danger ous infections, Our present ad vice it to keep domestic animals as pets: they may not attract as much attention but they are much sater Ph: 354-2214