Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 29, 1969, Image 7

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    THREE ROWS of 15 eal cah es each are Cody, Provimi Representative, decide the
fed to a prime condition on the Roy Shultz cah es will be ready to market in a few
Farm In the L F. Photo, Roj and Bob weeks
Profit-Tip from Organic Riant Food
application anhydrous
A carefully planned soil
fertility program built
around anhydrous ammo
nia can help you develop
higher yields at tower
costs for a more profitable
growing season.
Versatile nitrogen
Anhydrous ammonia (NH 3 )
is a versatile nitrogen fer
t?frzer. NH 3 is nitrogen in
its most concentrated
form-82% by weight
And it can be used as
a plowdown or pre-plant
fertilizer - knifed-in be
tween the rows immediately after planting-or side
dressed until the plants are about 15 inches high.
Methods of application
Apply NH3 with tillage tools such as moldboard
Plant Food
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
•» , >
How to profit from
P. O. Box 132 • Grofftown Road • Lancaster, Penna 17604
Phone 392-4963
This year, discover the
many benefits direct appli
cation anhydrous ammonia can add to your fertility
program. We'll help you build a total soil fertility pro
gram that includes anhydrous ammonia, bulk-spread
phosphorus and potash plus micronutrients. Call us,
we’ll come to see you.
'*•'* y * < v
Anhydrous Ammonia
Laiifasjni' Fat ming. Sdtin (lav, March 29, ]9fio
• Raising
( ( 1)1 i lull. I 1 ' 111! 1’ U r ' 1 )
fpi.ililv V* ,il til 1 i< I.ini' ils pill!,
me ’I coloulion The cahes aie
kept m <i cknk w.n m h 114 h lilt
miclilv stable in 22 \ 1 wooden
sin 1 Is
Itov .Hid C’hailes have 41
cahes in tlneo lows of 11 The\
stait the 90 to 100 pound call
on 4b pounds ol feed solution
pci day concentiated at a 1 to 9
lalio and giaduallv inciease the
feeding to 1.1 pounds ol solu
tion concentiated at 1 to 4 latio
when the calf is icady to be
sold at 300 pounds
The inciease of the intake ol
these foi ce fed calv es is so
giadual Ilov said, that they
ne\ei develop then second sto
mach This koeiis the meat fiom
having sticaks in it and satis
fies the demand foi pi line veal
The stable is washed down
each da> and the iun oil is
collected into a \7 lound
cistern Ihia cistein must be
emptied about c\ei\ two weeks
The tcmpeiatiuc is kept up
to at least 60 cleg! ees on young
ei calves and the humidity is
best kept at about 65 peicent
The humichU factoi helps de
teimme feed conveision
Actually feed comeision on
plows, chisel plows, or
field cultivators that can
be easily converted to ap
ply it. Or we will provide
custom application.
Excellent in
most soils
Anhydrous ammonia is
recommended for applica
tion in most soils—includ
ing dry soil and sandy
soils. Check with us on
proper amounts to apply
in your particular soil.
Discover benefits of NH 3
I P ■" p imp- icd (ah es is rpnte
,Hi -in It lal < 1 about I 1
p mini ol lei d loi one pound ol
in In ■di es'i'd c .it i ass wai ht
e ui/'MI 1 . ol the 1 1\ c wm■ ht oi
about (if'.
The 1111111/ calves aie sent to
Pb/alj th \.l wheie tht v aie
kill'd and the meat pad er
theie finds huveis in \ew 1 oi k
Cilv (oi these line cuts ol veal.
Theie is no actual (onliact
between the giovvei and the
company but the company
agiees to find a maikel loi the
cahes at the aveiage in ice of
47 to 48 cents a pound The
kept lied in ele\ ated wooden
stalls that measiue 22 inches
b\ 5U> feet The stalls are
aboai lull when the cah es
are finished at 300 pounds
cal\es aie sold on the quality
and weight
j The cahes leach then pi nne
finish and weight in about 13
weeks making possible about
3*2 groups of calves pei veai.
One advantage ol finishing
calves to a heaviei weight is
the ieduced times pel yeai Ihe
giowei must stait a new gioup
ot calves The first 10 davs is
the most critical time foi moi
talitv and bv keeping the calves
longer tins critical tune comes
up less oiten
How do Rov and Charles like
laismg calves 9 'We are quite
pleased with the results Rov
said It is a wav to increase a
ianneis income without a gieat
deal ol added investment An
other indication ol how the
Shultzs like raising veal cahes
loi a pnme maiket is shown
the tact that thev would like
to increase their opeiation to
100 head Thev think thev will!
Which all goes to piove that
raising laige-fi aimed Holstein
bull calves into pi nne pink
meated veal for anstociatic
lestauiants in New Yoik Citv is
not just a hobby foi the
Shultz's but a piotitable busi
ness and they like it
Prepare Spi.neis Now
\ iain\ spung day is a good
time to piepaie spiayeis tor
use. icaiind extension agucul
tuial engmeeis at The Pennsvl State Uniyeisdy Replace
worn nozzles bioken or
damaged hoses and make other
needed lepans Calibiate spiay
eis foi accmaci on a waim day.
V god manv college piotesleis
would benefit fiom a kick in
the pants before the\ med to
occupy a seat of learning
\sk most an> husband —home-
nude pmkles aie the easiest
L F Photo