(i Lancaster Farming. Saturday. March 29. IM9 THE NEW OFFICERS of the Lancas tei Count\ 4-H Holstein Club are (lelt to light) seated. Joe Wivell. President, Caiol Giotf. Vice President. Sue Kautlman. Seci etan and Burnell Buchen, Treasurer Standing. Ed Hess and Nanette Stautter. Game Leaders; John Kurtz, News Report er, Robert Hess and Jojce Groff, Song Merchandising Drive Set For Turkeys Witn tuikevs among the most economical and abundant foods RED JACKET TOWN 'N COUNTRY SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS Water service troubles needn’t begin where the v/ater mains end. You can enjoy on - the - main pressure no matter where you live with a Red Jack et Town ’n Country sub mersible pump. Don’t put up with water service troubles . . bring them to us. PRICED AS LOW AS $135.00 BLCK Wajne J B\eis R D =1 Quan>ville Rawlmsville 284-4468 EAST PETERSBURG J & J Plumbing & Heatina 898-7174 oi 393 5305 Lancaster Landis Bios Inc 1305 Manheim Pike Lancastei 393 3906 STRASBLRG C Robeit Lone Real 103 West .Main St Lancastei 687 7231 INTERCOURSE Noah X Mai tin Intel com so 768 3531 >EU HOLLAND A C Plank Co 129 F Main Nc’ Holl ind 354-8822 WILLOW STREET L'onbach Biothe'- L incasid 393 7658 P. W. STRICKLAND (Di'U ibftoi i 31 S. Oaecn St., A oi k Pa. Phone 848-2819 Leaders. Donna Hess, Assistant Secretary was not present for the picture The Northern and Southern Holstein Clubs combined into one club this year and over 100 members attended the reorganization meeting Thursday night at the Farm and Home Center. L I Photo on the maiket this spung, the cultiue Richaid E Lyng lauded US Department ot kgncultuie the tin key industry foi “aggres and iepiesentati\es of the tui sively piomcting its pioduct” key industu ha\e mapped plans thiough the Fedeiation and the foi moie intensive mdustiy Gov- Poultiy and Egg National emment meichandising effoits Boaid thiough Apnl Meeting with lepresentalives USD\ is coopeiating with a of the National Tuikev Fedeia s P ecial A P nl ( P lentlf "! f , oods , , , ' ~r , campaign foi tinkers The chive tion Ihuisdav atteinoon (Maich Wl jj 9 p e aiheaded bv the Con ' 20) As^is t Secietm\ of Agii sumei and Maiketing Seivice TAKE A CAB! ride in comfort Buy a new Gleaner combine before April 1, 1969, and we'll give you the cab Free l Buy a Gleaner F or G with a cab, and we’ll give you the air conditioner free! Great combine, great price, great comfort... we’re out to make you feel good all over. ■* If thecsb is in your For G deal, we'Hgive you the air conditioner free 1 ■ % L. H. Brubaker , - , m Lancaster, Pa. ALUS CHALMERS N. G. Myers & Son Grumelli Farm Service Rheems, Pa. Quart y\ tile, Pa L. H. Brubaker Nissley Farm Service Lititz Pa Washington Boto Pa Allen H. Matz Farm Equipment Xev. Holland The Assistant Secietaiv said ITS FREE WHEN YOU BUY A NEW GLEANER COMBINE Roy H. Buck, Inc. Ephrata, R D 2 Economical Bulb Wattage It's moic economical to use parable size Aqua tints redui one to two high wattage bulbs the amount of light by at lea than several low-wattage ones. 25 percent and pink and yelh says Helen E Bell. Penn Stale tints b y ‘ ,boul 10 peicent extension home management specialist One 100 watt bulb Theie is nevei a shoitage will supply about 50 peicenl help when you want to mi moie light than foui 25watt >om own business liavo it AAt rex™ brand of atrazine herbicide. It’s the same stuff. For season-iong control of most annual broadleaf and grassy weeds. AAtrex. We have what you need. ' a.-* '' v.- ' i \ 'V-'T H *£*•«* V - •. KV-* ! A>£