20—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. March 29.1969 DHIA MONTHLY REPORT Breed Owner • Name WcuiltM Biotlicis S.mdfc Em 1 L Ilcishcy 50 Gi H W P k .1 B Buchei Jeny RH C Witmcr Sherer Cookie Hairv G Ki eider Mooie John J Lapp Count RH Clarence S Hilsher R 1 12 GrH Bethania Farm Molly GrH Lavid D Zimmerman Nettie GrH Nelson H. Hershey Spot RH Reid & Holloway 91 GrH Mel\ in R Stoltzfus Dons GrH Haney W. Stoltzfus Janet RH Claience Stauffer Ruth Men in Sander Almeda lia D Welk Stella Biuce H Heishey •p essa Elmei S Stoltzfus Edith Joseph Delong I o Amos H Rutt Dollv J C Pownall Est, Loia HIGH DAILY AVERAGE OFJJUTTERFAT Days On Test Name Breed S R Shellenberger R&GiH Baud L Landis R&GiH Ralph Mjer R&GiH J Flo\d Kreider R&GiH J Z Nolt RH Willis S Molt RH Robeit C Gioff RH Dale E Hiestand RH Edwin J Landis R&GrH Amos B Lapp R&GiH Samuel F Long R&GiH John Omai Stoltzfus R&GiH (Continued fiom Page 17) Age Da>s 305 RH 305 8-10 305 305 GrH 305 RH 305 10 0 6-11 305 10-5 305 5-10 305 305 305 305 305 RH 305 RH 305 114 RH 305 RH 303 RH 305 RH 305 GrH 10-10 305 RG No. Cow Days Milk Cows In Milk Lbs. 90.7 60 2 963 27 0 91.1 51 9 89 6 49 0 85 2 36 8 99 3 39 2 96 2 34 2 84 9 29 0 92 5 36 4 85 7 36 0 97 0 43 0 97 2 35 8 rat Milk Test 019 17,345 619 16,149 617 17,527 617 16,759 616 17,646 615 18,051 615 39 15,896 614 15,590 613 15,401 612 16,802 610 18,476 610 16,749 608 17,466 607 16,099 606 15 326 604 15 222 604 13 975 602 18,399 600 16,511 600 14,517 600 10,876 Fal Lbs. % Test 2 03 53 8 1 99 54 4 1 97 52 1 197 48 9 195 50 5 195 519 1 94 512 194 49 4 1 92 52 1 1 91 50 4 191 50 9 1 90 50 3 Is The Egg Outlook Improving? ■'The outlook for egg piodu- pci iod has boon up 10 to 15%> cus m 1969-70 mav be impiov- each month for several >eais mg 'lightly." cautioned Maurice e The caution pointed out by Stem. United Egg Producers Stem is well advised, pi evident “It all hinges on the The hatch for Januaiy and duck hatch for Maich and Apnl Febiuary has shown an inciease —and how egg producers react of 10% —or 8 million more to the possible storm warnings chicks than last year However, that have been laised The eggs March and April contribute from set March 1 down 3% looks 18-22% of all chicks hatched for hopeful” the entire year. Even a 10% The Poultry Survey Commit- hatch dumig this a tee recently revised its opinions period \ y of the chick hatch for the first hon moie chicks foi 1969. 6 months of 1969 from “up United Egg Producers and 15 %” to “up 10-12%.” They their 5 regional members are still believe that the last-half actively pointing out to their hatch will be up 3-5% above members the dangers involved year earlier levels. The hatch in an expanded hatch and are during the July-December also advocating “having a mar- Owner Breed Curtis E. Akers R&GrH Lloyd Wolf R&GrH Henry E. Kettering RH Agway 1027 Diliervifle Road, Lancaster Ph. 397-4761 GIGANTIC WIRE SALE! BARBED WIRE 4 pt. 12% ga. Imported, galv. .. $ 9.58 4 pt. 13% ga. Domestic, alum. 13.04 Barbless Barbed Wire 10.47 Welded Wire, Smooth Wire, Poultry Fence, Hardw are Cloth Also On Sale While Supply Lasts CLOSE-OUT ON 50' - 48" Regular Price 512.07 SNOW FENCE SALE Pei RoU Aluminum Clapboard Siding Now you con beautify your home with "top-quality" alu minum siding. Needs only an occasional hosing to keep it looking new. BIG SAVINGS EASY TERMS FREE ESTIMATES CHOICE OF COLORS Application Service Available By Highly Trained Personnel Save an Extra 5% on all orders received by March 31 In Milk Lbs. Cows Test 90.0 48 0 4.0 1 90 35.7 * 86.3 40 3 903 54 0 BEE-LINE SUPPLY CENTER NOW THRU MARCH 3 Steel Fence POSTS Studded ‘T’ with clips 5 foot $1.12 6 foot - 1.30 6 1 2 foot 1.44 7 foot . .. 1.53 Lugged ‘U’ Posts 5 foot $l.OO 6 foot 1.17 6% foot . .. 1.26 7 foot 8 foot WHILE SUPPLY LASTS Ask For Harold Kinsey, Our Commodity Specialist ALL PRICES F. 0.8. LANCASTER Sale! Nearly 2,000 handicapped youngsters and adults in Lan caster County are helped by con tributions to the Easter Seal Campaign, which is cunently bcng conducted enthely by local volunteers March 1 - April 190 6 - Fat Lbs, 190 468 47.4 1.30 1.48 Safeguard & Beautify Your Home . .. with a stronger, longer-lasting Protection for your • CHILDREN • PETS • PROPERTY This galvanized steel link fence fabnc is guaranteed to piovide you with yeais and yeais of maintenance free service. Save an Extra 5% off our already low low price on all orders given before March 31 Guaranteed Erection Service Oui fence must meet with your approval before we consider the job complete. Ask for a FREE ESTIMATE Beautiful Colored Fence resin-clad galvanized steel in peimanent green O Coi i osion Proof % Blends with Landscape • Full line of Posts & Accessories Stop’ Shop and Save today l kot nailed down in advance for c\ cry egg you produce ” The big question mark in the minds of all agg pioduceis