11 Lhu .Mm Fill min;;, S»itni'tla.v. March 20. MM) At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review March 27. 19119 l' \ 1 I'l.K .<7OO Compaied to l.i't weeks close. Slaughtei Meets ste,| ( |\ to 25 highei with p..il of Mond.u s advance being lost on Wednesday. Cows stiong to 50 highei Hulls lulls steady Feedci Sleeis fulls steads Sup lls .niltided an estimated 65 pi uent Slaughtei Stems, 15 pei tint Cows and Bulls, with the balance maml.s Fcedei Stoeis 'I he 1149 head on offei at the V, edne-dav auction ssas the sec end 'ai-test on tecoid SLUC.HIKR S TREKS P. line 1115 1350 lbs 33 25 34 00 tee lot 1290 ibs 34 33 nvxed Choice and Pi ime 1075 1375 lbs 3.h0 33 25 two loads mixed Choice .aid Pi ime 1300 1525 lbs 291)0 1150 Choice 950 1375 lbs 29 75 12 0(' high Good and low C hoite 28 50 10 00 Good 2b 50 29 00 Standa d and low Good 22 35 26 10 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Feu Good 700 850 lbs 25 00 20 60 COWS Utilitv and high o e-.sing Cuttei 19 75 22 25, feu head 22 35-23 25 Cultei 19 00- 20 50 Cannei and low-Cultei 17 00 19 00 BILLS Choice 26 00 27 00, feu 27 00 28 00 Good 24 50 26 35 Utility and Coinineicial 24 00 26 50. leu head 26 50 27 00 FEEDER STEERS Load Choice 680 lbs 33 00 Choice 950 1060 lbs 28 35 29 10 fout loads nn\ed-Good and Choice 950 lbs 28 50 load Choice 720 lbs Teeclei Heifeis 26 00 CALVES 450 Vealeis 100 3 00 highei VEALERS Choice 49 00- 52 50 few head 53 00-54 00 Good 'Continued on Page 31 QUALITY! Join The lea ill! CORK YIELD EXPLOSION ilia! -\rw IDE VS in Inin ids to the most ol ne\ mien 1 shied coin mowing piactices 1 And hat means PunkS nnu ; ZF V 111 H'.bncK The" out jiekl >1 cl ia\ oi lies stand bettei nnclei thick planting and ' heaw lei tili/at'on battle, pests ml bad ueathc pio clucc < uahU coi n 'mu Hoi I man .Scud Man .oi details on imw hot line’ H>!>nd- Sue A. H. Hoffman Seeds, Inc. LandiMillo, Pa MARKET NEWS REPORT CATTLE 1149 The supply of cattle is the second largest auction, exceeded only by open ing day in 1964 Compaied to Monday, Slaughter Steers weak to 50 losvei Cosvs about steady Bulls steady to sveak SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 1075 1375 lbs 31 60 33 50, one lot 1290 lbs 34 35. tsvo loads Choice and Pi ime 1300-1525 lbs 29 60 31 50. Choice 950 1375 lbs 29 75- 32 00 high-Good and low Choice 28 50 30 00. Good 26 50 29 00 Stanclaid and losv Good 23 35 26 10 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Good 700 850 lbs 25 00 26 60 COWS Utility and high (Continued on Page 3) April May June August October November Decembei Februaiy ’7O 28.05 March April June a asked b-bid n-nominal Tiend Cattle aie lowei Hogs aie lowei and Potatoes aie low ei V/1 VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. X V i .ii AUCTIONS makes Hie difference in marketing livestock! New Holland makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10 30 A M - FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2 30 PM— FAT STEERS, BULLS. COWS & VEAL HORSE SALE MONDAY at 10 00 A M DAIRY SALE - WEDNESDAY at 12 30 P M. FAT STEERS BULLS. COWS & VEAL—THURSDAY at 12 30 P M NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland, Penna Vbiam W Diffenbach, Alanagei Phone (717) 354 2194 8')8-2%l Auction Only Match 26, 1969 FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Thmsday Maich 27 ,1969) Midwestern Live Cattle Live Hogs Main'* Potatoes Chicago Chicago New York 30.35 29.30 29.52 28.80 28.47 28.15 28.05 PARADISE, PENNA, BULLS. STEERS. BUTCHER COWS, HOGS. LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 1:30 P.M. FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 10 A.M. For Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Paiadise, Pa 10 mi East of Lancaster on Rt 30 Box 100 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager Vintage Auction Match 25. 1969 CATTLE 935 Compaied to last Tuesday, Slaughloi Stems steady to 50 highei. Cows 25-75 higher. Bulls uneven. Good and Choice 25 75 highei, Utility and Commeicial fully steady Sup ply included 27 pci cent Cows SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Pi ime 32 25 32 85. aiound 10 head 33 00 33- 85 choice 1000 1350 lbs 29 85 32 25. high Good and low Choice 28 50 30 35. Good 27 00-29 00 few Stand.ud 24 00 26 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Few Choice 800 900 iLs 27 35 29 60 Good 725 900 l><s 23 85 25 50 COWS Utilitx and high diessing Cuttei 19 85 22 00 few 22 10 23 10 Cuttei 18 50 20 50 (Continued on Page 12) 21.80 23.40 23.00 21.40 20.25 CATTLE 1051 Compaied to last Thursday. Slaughtci Stem s 25-75 lowei. Cows opened steady to weak, with later sates fully steady: Bulls fully steady Supply included 30 percent Cows and 10 peicent Bulls SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Pi ime 1075 1430 lbs 31 35 32 35, one lot 32 75. Choice 950 1350 lbs 29 50- 31 85, high Good and low Choice 28 00 30 00 Good 26 35 29 10. Stand.ud and low-Good 24 00 26 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Good 740 1000 lbs 23 00 25 35 few Choice 25 85 26 75 COWS Utility and high diessmg Cuttei 19 75 22 10 few 22 25 22 75 Cuttei 18 50 20 35 Cannei and low'Cuttei 17 00 18 50 BULLS Choice 26 00 27 60 fit e head 28 10 29 10 Good 24 - 00 26 00 Utility and Commei cial 24 00 26 50, few 27 00 27 50 with thi ec head 28 00 29 10 CALVES 365 Vealeis steady to 200 highei, most ad vance on Cull and Utility VEALERS Choice 48 50 53 00 Good 44 00-49 00 Stand ard 40 50 46 00, Utility 35 00- 40 00, Cull 90-120 lbs 30 00-35 - 00, 65 85 lbs 25 00 30 00 SHEEP 189 Supply mainly 30-50 lb Spnng Lambs sold to the Eastei tiade JM 2.82 3.63 AG WAY 2.44 Agway-Provimi , 2.79 prime vealer program with Provikalf based upon a tried and pi oven \ eal-raising plan— that takes a minimum ot space and moderate amount ot time, money, and experience and offers maximum return This is a program with a market that is ready— waiting for your Provikalf-fed calves—and one that will easily tit into youi present farm operation Call Your Agway Salesman New Holland Auction March 27, 1969 An exciting new source ot on-the-farm income SPRING LAMBS Choice 20 40 lbs 58 00 66 00. six head 20 35 lbs 68 00-70 00: Choice 40- (Continued on Fuse 12' Chicago Cattle Weekly Review CATTLE Compared with last weeks close slaughter steers weie uneven. High Choice and Prime steady to strong, Aveiage Choice and Below steady to 50 lower Slaughter heifers stiong to 25 highei Cows stiong to 50 highei Local leceipts 75 pci cent slaughtei steei s, 21 peicent heifers and the balance mainly cows, oceiall finish of slaughter steei s not much diifeienl than last week with 11 pel cent Piime and 75 peicent Choice This compaies with 9 peicent Pnme and 76 peicent Choice a year ago Aveiage cost and weight of slaughtei steei s. estimated at 30 85 highest since November, 1962, and 1145 lbs compared with 30 36 and 1148 lbs last week, and 27 59 and 1152 lbs a year ago Heifei supply mostly High Good to Low Pnme weigh ing 825-1050 lbs SLAUGHTER STEERS On Wednesday, Prime 1225-1325 lbs Yield Grade 3 and 4 34 00 35 00, load 1325 lbs 35 25, high (Contmued on Page 3)
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